The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 513: Encountering Beauty in the Snow, Scene 1, Scene 2

Chapter 513 The Beautiful Scene in the Snow 2
The girl's slender eyebrows drooped, and she said in a stubborn tone, "No, that's not me."

Chu Bei's heart tightened. In fact, he had already vaguely noticed that she was not the same person as the former Jun Muwan.

But she is obviously her.

He couldn't tell what was wrong, but he cared more about her now.

"This king won't mention the past anymore, don't be angry."

Seeing him flustered and faintly uneasy.

Mu Wan raised her hand to smooth his slightly frowned brows, and said with a smile, "I'm not angry..."

She is not the kind of stingy person. She is the one who owns him now, and she will be the one who will accompany him in the future. This is enough.

Chu Bei looked at her for a moment, dropped the oil umbrella, held her hand, suddenly clasped her waist tightly, lowered his head and approached her, and suddenly kissed her with his lips...

Mu Wan was startled for a moment, then slowly closed her eyes.


At this time, a few teenagers who came to enjoy the snow together came to the gate of the plum garden, standing in the snow, just bumped into this beautiful and romantic scene in the snow, and everyone couldn't help being stunned.

Unspeakable envy, jealousy...

Sour water bubbling.

Why should they see it?
Do you want someone to enjoy the snow?

A few teenagers in the distance stared at this scene, feeling a little frustrated.

One of the teenagers touched his lips subconsciously, his eyes darkened, and he was a little sad. He remembered that night, when the empress was drunk, she mistook herself for the queen, and he kissed her so deeply. But... that feeling, he feared that he would never forget it in his life.


Chu Bei hugged the woman and kissed, and noticed that someone was frowning slightly. He didn't stop, raised his eyes, looked sharply and coldly at the few teenagers in the distance, and fixed his eyes on Nan Sheng, and his expression fell into his eyes. Here, looking at his expression, you can tell what he did that night.

Thinking of this, his eyes darkened, and he took a bite angrily...

Mu Wan was in pain for a while, and quickly woke up and pushed him away, her brows twitched, "Uh...Queen, what are you doing biting me!!"

It was so tender and affectionate at the beginning, a kiss can make people's bones crisp.

I didn't expect that kissing and kissing him would suddenly bite her, woohoo (┯_┯), it hurt her to death.

TM, he must be crazy! !

Mu Wan was so angry that she wanted to bite back.

Chu Bei said a little arrogantly, "The emperor has done something wrong, of course he will be punished."

Mu Wan's eyes darkened, "What did I do? Tell me clearly!!"

Chu Huhu turned away his handsome face, snorted coldly, and didn't speak.


What kind of trouble is this? ?

She didn't provoke him, did she! !
I was annoyed, and then, a few teenagers saluted behind me, "I wait to join the emperor, empress..."

Mu Wan frowned, looked back, caught a glimpse of Concubine Sheng, and immediately understood, subconsciously guilty.

She stroked her forehead secretly, and stared coldly at a certain fox, was she feeling jealous again?

"My concubines, get up."

The teenagers were a little nervous, they were afraid of offending the empress like last time.

Looking up, I saw that his face was a little cold, but there was no anger, and he was secretly relieved.

"The minister waits to leave..."

A few teenagers did not dare to enter the Plum Garden to disturb the Empress, so they got up and resigned tactfully.

Mu Wan smiled, "No, you can use the plum garden, and eat the hot pot we prepared together. The queen and I are going back."

Several teenagers: "..."


Xiqi State Teacher's Mansion.

The two captured young masters of the Ning family were imprisoned in a chic attic in the lake.

After they were untied, the hidden guard withdrew.

Mo Li raised his eyes to look at Xue Hua, and said with a smile, "It's getting cold, send some beauties to the two young masters, so that they can serve you."

The dark guard took the order, so he went to find a few beauties and sent them to the Shuiyue Mirror Tower.

In Prince Xiqi's mansion, Prince Xiqi was recuperating in the mansion. When he heard that the national teacher was back, he didn't go to see him. Anyway, he was annoyed.

Xiao Shizi and Fifth Young Master were a little worried, "Brother Prince, let's not go to the National Teacher's Mansion, and plead guilty, what should I do if Mo Li blames me later?"

Mo Li asked them to stay in Junguo to monitor the Junguo Empress, but she didn't want to be "escorted" back to Xiqi by the Junguo Queen's people.

They failed in missions many times, and were drugged with hallucinogens, revealing the secrets of the national teacher.

If he were told to know, Mo Li might break their necks in anger.

Thinking of Mo Li's cold eyes, the two of them, Xiao Shizi, couldn't help rubbing their necks and feeling chilly.

Prince Xiqi leaned lazily on the imperial concubine's couch, confidently said, "Don't worry about him, kill him if you want."

Anyway, he was sent back to Xiqi by Chu Bei, but he didn't get the beauty, and he came back with a serious injury. At this moment, he was in a terrible mood, and he didn't have time to talk to that old monster.

Pei Han guessed, and said, "I heard that the national teacher arrested the two sons of the Ning family, so the empress should send the Queen of the Kingdom to save them."

The prince's ears perked up when he heard it, and he immediately became interested. He got up and said with unusually bright eyes, "Really? Chu Bei came back to Xiqi?"

That relationship is good, he threw himself into a trap, and when he got to his base, let's see how he escaped from his grasp.

The two of them looked at him secretly rubbing his wretched face, with black lines all over his head, and wondered if he was fooled by Mo Li?

I don't understand why he is so attached to Chu Bei.

It's not someone else's opponent, they have all been thrown out of the kingdom, and they still don't give up.

There are so many beauties in the world, and he is not bad, so why hang him on a tree!

Prince Xiqi didn't bother to pay attention to them, "I'm not from the same world as you, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and find out where is Mr. Ning's Guan, I'll go back to my palace and wait for the rabbit."

As long as you stay in the National Teacher's Mansion, you will be right.

But he didn't want to go to the National Teacher's Mansion.

So first find out where he is being held, and when Chu Bei arrives, he will arrest him.

"Shuiyue mirror tower."

"Live so well?"

Prince Xiqi was surprised, the monarchy imprisoned them in water prisons, and Mo Li actually put the two Ning family sons under house arrest in the water building.

Are you sure it's in custody?

Isn't that the place where Miss Mo family usually lives in the National Teacher's Mansion?

And didn't Mo Li hate the Ning family?
Could it be that he waited until he was fattened up before making a blood sacrifice?
If you can't catch the daughter of the Ning family, will you change to the young master of the Ning family? !
Pei Han and the two shook their heads, how could they know what Mo Li was thinking, the prince knew Mo Li best among the three of them.

If he couldn't figure out what Mo Li was thinking, they couldn't figure it out even more.

Mo Li never said much to them, but the matter of arresting the Ning family girl for a blood sacrifice was discovered by the crown prince when he sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​the Mo family when he was a child, otherwise who knew what he was doing to arrest a little girl.

Just as he was wondering, at this moment, there was a sound of saluting from outside, "I have seen the princess."

Hearing the woman's voice, Prince Xiqi narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled, "Hurry up, don't hinder the love between Bengong and Aifei."

Two people: "..."

The princess came in, and the two hurriedly saluted, and then quickly left the prince's mansion.

"Your Highness, the injury has not healed, how can you get up, lie down quickly."

The woman's voice is as gentle as water, her body is soft, beautiful and gentle.

Prince Xiqi narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, immediately hugged the woman, and said with a smile, "I'm fine now, my concubine should stay with me."

As he spoke, he went up with his arms around the woman.


The monarchy, the queen's bedroom.

Echoed with long, intense gasps.

The atmosphere is beautiful, and the spring breeze is endless all night.


At this time, there was a sudden commotion outside, and some people clamored to see the empress.

On the dragon couch, Mu Wangang fell into a drowsy sleep. Hearing the noise, his eyes went dark for a moment, and he jumped into a rage. He lifted the dragon pattern palace gauze and said angrily, "Presumptuous, whoever is making noise outside, give me Just gag and throw it out!!"

Xiao Lizi came in hastily and said, "My Majesty, it is the tenth princess who is clamoring to see you."

Jun Murong?She returned to Beijing?

Mu Wan frowned slightly when she heard this, "Let her wait a while."


Xiao Lizi wiped off his cold sweat and ran out in a hurry.

These ten princesses are killing people, they said that the empress is going to bed, and she wants to make a fuss.

Can't be stunned and thrown out.

With a dark face, Chu Bei got up and picked up the clothes for her to put on, and said, "Who brought her back?"

"She must have come back by herself."

Hearing that Prince Li was imprisoned, her own sister will naturally come back to intercede for Brother Wang.


(End of this chapter)

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