The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 518 I will keep it a secret for you

Chapter 518 I will keep it a secret for you
Seeing these things, Mu Wan couldn't help laughing, "Aifei, do you like pink?"

Fuyu was serving soup, when he heard this, he looked at the things in his dining hall, his ears turned red, and he said softly, "Mmm..."

As a man, if he likes these things, will she feel like a mother?

He has liked these pink, tender, delicate and lovely things since he was a child.

In addition, his appearance is too gorgeous, like a woman, and he is often teased by others.

Even his father disliked him very much, and he would correct him when he saw him, and often beat him severely.

Childhood memories are not good.

Gradually, he didn't like to interact with people, he was rebellious, and had a violent temper. Except for his sister who loved him, no one wanted to be with him.

As the son of a great general, he has a noble status and rich clothes, but he has always been very unhappy.

Later, he was thrown into the Secret Detective Pavilion by his father and left to fend for himself.

What I hate the most is that after my sister was forced to give up her beloved to enter the palace as successor, he was unable to protect her.

Now, in the harem of the monarchy, falling in love with the empress... Facing the person she likes for the first time, she is afraid, apprehensive, uneasy, will she hate herself because of it?

"Does the emperor think the minister is disgusting?"


Mu Wan looked at her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes slightly, "Why do you feel disgusted? I think these things are very cute. Aifei's dining hall and bedroom are all very warm. People like Aifei should be very caring. "

Fuyu was praised so lightly, but when he heard the last sentence, he couldn't help showing embarrassment, his eyes flickered, he was really ashamed, he didn't have any love at all, on the contrary, his hands were covered with blood, and he killed without blinking an eye.

She likes a loving man.

But he is not...

But so is Chu Bei! !

But she just likes Chu Bei.

Seeing that his expression was not very good, Mu Wan knew that what she said was exaggerating too much.

One of the must-have skills is assassination.

Both he and Nan Sheng are top-notch killers.

For them, love is probably only possessed when children are born with it.

"Aifei eats vegetables."

This was embarrassing, so she changed the subject, had something to eat first, and then talked about business slowly.

Fuyu secretly heaved a sigh of relief, looked at the food that the Empress made for her, so she also made it for her, and said with a smile, "Okay, thank you, Your Majesty..."

Throughout the whole process, the four Chasing Shadows stood by and guarded.

Fuyu never had a chance to touch a hair of the Empress.


After eating, return to the main hall.

Changfeng boy brought people up to serve tea.

Seeing his dodging gaze, Mu Wanfeng narrowed her eyes slightly, "Is Changfeng afraid of me?"

Chang Feng's back tightened, and he quickly knelt down, "I dare not..."

That day the empress changed her appearance into a son, and he was always uneasy when he said that in front of her.

Today the Empress suddenly came to Yufu Palace, he was afraid that the Empress would punish her, and she was also afraid that she would tell the Young Master, now he doesn't have the courage to tell the Young Master his feelings, he is really terrified.

Mu Wan took the teacup, her red lips slightly raised, "Don't be nervous, I won't eat you, get up, if you feel uncomfortable, you can go back to rest, don't need to wait on you."

Changfeng raised his eyes, met the girl's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and couldn't help but blush, she knew her secret, what if she told the young master?
But she is an empress, not an ordinary woman, and she cannot be silenced.

Assassinating the empress is a capital crime, and it will implicate the son, he can't do that.

Fuyu frowned slightly, and found that there was something wrong with Changfeng today, but she was usually smart, what happened today?You are not really afraid of the empress, are you? !
The empress is so cute, what is there to be afraid of?

"You go down first."

Changfeng's face was very ugly, Fuyu couldn't stand it anymore, so he could only let him back down.

Mu Wan showed a row of bright teeth at the young man Changfeng, her sly eyes flickered, she walked over, helped him up, whispered to his ear, and said, "Don't worry, I will keep it secret for you for the time being."

Changfeng: "..."

He looked up at the girl in astonishment, seemingly incredulous.

She... She is not angry, and is willing to keep it a secret for him? !

Why?Will this woman be so easy to say? ?

Mu Wan smiled, "Go..."

Chang Feng nodded gratefully, "Thank you, Your Majesty..."

Seeing the empress winking at Changfeng, Fuyu was a little puzzled, could it be that the empress has taken a fancy to Changfeng?


Mu Wan came back and sat down, looking at him, "What is Aifei thinking?"

Fuyu paused, his eyes flickered slightly, and said, "I am thinking, why did the emperor come to Yufu Palace to accompany the minister to have dinner suddenly, does the emperor have anything to order the minister to do?"

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes. She just likes dealing with smart people.

"Well, since my concubine asked, I will tell you. I do need to ask my concubine for help, but I don't know if my concubine is willing to help me."

Fuyu sat up straight, cupped his hands and said, "The emperor has an order, but I dare not refuse to do so. If the emperor has anything that needs to be done by the minister, just order it. It is my honor."

Mu Wan smiled and said, "I don't like to force others, and I don't want to embarrass you. I know that both you and Nan Sheng are sent by the Regent to monitor me. You have your difficulties, and I know them all."

Hearing this, Fuyu's pupils tightened, she was a little frightened, flustered, uneasy, she knew it all, so they were still alive?

This... why on earth is this.

His expression succeeded in pleasing the empress, and she was sitting on the arhat table, with her chin resting on her hands, leaning on the tea table, her eyebrows and eyes curved like crescent moons, she was really cute, and she smiled, "Don't be nervous, I know it all. You have been poisoned and forced to obey the regent's orders, in fact, you don't want to kill people, you don't want to do bad things, you can't help yourself, if my concubine wants to get rid of the regent's control, I can help you."

Fuyu's heart gradually changed from shock to heaviness, her slender eyebrows were stained with a touch of sadness, and said, "Then what does the emperor want us to do for you?"

It is impossible for her to help them for no reason.

After escaping from the Prince Regent's control, he turned back and fell into her hands.

In this way, their whole life is being held in the hands of others.

But she was better than the Regent.

If it was her, he would be willing to do anything for her.

"I said I won't force you. You are my beloved concubine. If anyone dares to hurt you, I will protect you. If you want to get rid of the regent, I will help you. But if you want to be controlled by others, I can't do it." explain."

Fuyu looked at her bright smiling face, her eyes flickered slightly, and said, "The emperor knows that we are spies sent by the regent, and it may be against you, why don't you get rid of us?" Still want to help them?This is a bit unreal, and he doesn't believe that there are people in this world who will think of him without asking for anything in return.

Mu Wan looked at him, picked up the teacup and said softly, "You say it's possible, which means that you have conflicts in your heart, and you don't really want to hurt me, and I believe that you will not do me any harm."

Fuyu was startled when he heard the words, his heart was beating fast, and he pursed his lips unconsciously, "Is the emperor so confident? Maybe it's just our disguise. As spies, what we are best at is hiding our nature."

Mu Wan raised her eyes and looked at him in surprise, "Then you like me, and you're also pretending?"


As soon as these words came out, Fuyu only felt an arrow of love piercing her heart, staring at her, couldn't help but quickly raised her hand and grabbed her wrist, and threw her on the Arhat Pond in the next second, bullying her , the beautiful peach blossom eyes were dyed with deep affection, "Your Majesty, that day in the imperial garden, Fuyu saw you..."


Before he could finish speaking, he was grabbed by someone.

(End of this chapter)

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