Chapter 520 Barracks Training
Caiwei didn't know what she was thinking, "Is there any princess who doesn't choose a son-in-law? Now that the princess is sixteen, you also know that the Empress Dowager and General Nangong intend to marry you into the general's mansion... If you don't choose a son-in-law, would you marry Young Master Nangong?" General?"

Princess Ninth of Nanliang's face changed when she heard that, her eyes flashed coldly, "Nangonghong, the person this princess hates the most, marrying him is better than dying."

She doesn't like the empress dowager, and even less the ambitious Nangong family.

There is nothing good in their family.

This time, he secretly followed the envoy to the kingdom to avoid marrying Nangong Hong.

But the Nangong family is very powerful in Nanliang, holding the military power in their hands, sometimes even Uncle Wang is ignored.

If they want to force her to marry, they are afraid that Uncle Wang will not be able to protect her in the end...

Thinking of this, Princess Ninth of Nanliang felt restless and didn't want to go back.


After seeing off the Nanliang envoys, Situ Mo and Xia Houjin rode their horses to go to the military camp.

The two rode together and walked side by side. Situ Mo glanced at him and said, "What's going on with you and Princess Nine of Nanliang?"

Based on his understanding of Shi Ziye, he would not save an insignificant woman many times, and even wanted to lock her in a private yard to tease her intentionally or unintentionally.

With so many noble ladies in the capital, he may not have looked at her twice, could it be that he has taken a fancy to that unruly princess?
Xia Houjin's expression was cold, she pursed her lips lightly, disapprovingly, "You think too much, how could this prince like Zhao Wuyue, she is unruly and willful, and so stupid, what is there for this prince to like?"

Zhao Wuyue?
Is it the boudoir name of the Ninth Princess of Nanliang?
You even know her boudoir's name, so why don't you like her?
Situ Mo's eyes widened, and he looked at him in horror. This guy is probably a love idiot!
Well, he didn't care, he was afraid that he would be another person chasing his wife's crematorium.

First it was Chu Bei, then Fu Si, and after that it would be Shi Ziye.

Well, he and Xiao Ci were playing together.

Xia Houjin didn't think much about it, she pinched her stomach and didn't bother to gossip with him.

take care of themselves...

Whether the two daughters-in-law can get it is another matter.

Xiao Xuan'er is engaged to Chu Yan, and Chu Xin is engaged to Xiao Heng. If the empress does not abolish the harem for a long time, then his sweetheart will become the third young lady of Chu, young lady Chu.

This marriage was chosen by them personally. If something goes wrong and the situation is out of control, then don't cry with him, hum...

Situ Mo was heartbroken for a while, his heart gradually became heavy, and he suddenly felt that he was miserable too.

Now, his sweetheart is so close, he can't even take a second look...

He lost the handkerchief that Xuan'er embroidered for him again, and there was nothing left to look at.

Thinking of the lost handkerchief, I feel uneasy again.

I'm just worried that it will fall into the wrong hands.

I was upset all the way.


When the two arrived at the barracks, they saw the empress leading the imperial army out of the palace to the training ground of the barracks.

She was wearing a narrow-sleeved and simple purple dragon robe, matched with a small silver-gray armor, black official boots, a small soaring bun on her head, embellished with purple jade dragon and phoenix flower hairpins, and she was firmly tied in a horse stance , looks handsome and valiant, with black eyes staring at the incense burner, turning around, and glancing at the queen next to him from time to time, looking a little cute.

There are also a group of soldiers training with her.

Mu Wan wiped her sweat secretly, staring at the incense burner in front of her, thinking that she was only halfway there, and she had to wait halfway before she could rest.

I haven't practiced for a long time, and I can't hold it anymore. My small body trembles slightly.

All the soldiers looked at the empress with a drop of cold sweat on their foreheads, and were a little worried, would they be exhausted? !
Mu Wan looked at them, showing a row of bright teeth and said with a smile, "I'm here to experience life, all officers and men, please go your own way and ignore me."


All the soldiers looked at the King of Chu, wondering, how dare the prince treat the emperor like this?

Aren't you afraid of angering the emperor and punishing him for disrespect?

Chu Bei stared at the woman coldly, and the corners of his lips curled up unconsciously, "If the emperor can't hold on, tell me, don't be brave."

Mu Wan wiped off her sweat, straightened her waist, and said with a smile, "I can persevere."

With so many soldiers watching, if she admits defeat, where will the face of the dignified empress be?
But with a glance, there is still a third of the incense.

She couldn't help but want to cry, this time is too difficult, who will save her.


At this time Xia Houjin and Situ Mo came over, and seeing them, Mu Wan greeted them with a smile, "You don't have to be polite, concubine."


The incense burned off as they stepped up so she could stop too.

Xiao Lizi came over and handed her a handkerchief to wipe off her sweat, "Your Majesty, please rest first."

Chu Bei took the cloak and put it on her, held her hand, and led her to the tent, "The emperor will come here today, you continue."

The generals who were about to straighten up stiffened, their heads covered in cold sweat, and they dared not move.

Then I heard King Chu say, "Your majesty can stick a stick of incense, so why don't you a group of elders stick a stick of incense more?"

The faces of all the soldiers changed, thinking about it, oh, a delicate girl like the emperor can hold a stick of incense steadily, they are old men, they can lose to women! !

Thinking that everyone is still tied up, they must stick one more stick of incense than the empress.


In the tent, Mu Wan collapsed on a chair, looked at the man coldly, and said with a smile, "I did well today."

Chu Bei squatted down and rubbed his calf, and smiled lightly, "Your Majesty, you have worked hard, but we will continue in the afternoon, we are going to climb the rock wall at the back mountain."


Mu Wan smiled bitterly, "Queen, I have to go back and review the papers." Please let me go...

Chu Fox smiled and said, "Don't worry, after the rock climbing training is over, I will go back and watch for you."


Mu Wan collapsed on the rocking chair, screaming in her heart~

In the afternoon, at the back mountain, Chu Bei did what he said, and really took her to climb the rock wall.

Mu Wan looked up at the bare cliff with only a few black iron nails on it, and her hair was covered with black lines, "The empress's high-risk sport is not suitable for me."

Chu Beihu raised a sly look, "Your Majesty, don't be afraid, this king will follow you, if you fall, this king will catch you, come on."

As he spoke, he picked her up and lifted her by the collar lightly.

The empress screamed.

All the soldiers looked at their heads covered in cold sweat, and thought to themselves: They are simply devils! !

It's okay for the king of Chu to abuse them normally, but if he dares to abuse the emperor today, isn't he afraid of falling out of favor?

Situ Mo, Xia Houjin, and Xiao Ci didn't care about the couple, they gave a group of soldiers a cold look and said, "Please, generals, the emperor has already started."

Everyone looked at the bare cliffs and felt ashamed for a while, as if there were two less black iron nails stepped on than yesterday.

If you accidentally drop it, you will fall into the cold pool.

Only the king of Chu could think of such a terrifying training.

Everyone's complexion was gloomy for a while, they gritted their teeth, forced their heads to go up, and then fell down with a plop.

They are not just simply climbing rocky cliffs, but are divided into two pairs, fighting on the cliffs, and the side that accidentally falls into the cold pool will have to train ten times harder.


Mu Wan stood in the middle, looked back at the situation below, couldn't help being startled, and looked at Chu Bei, "Your training method won't kill you, right?"

Chu Bei smiled and said, "They are all elite soldiers of the Dragon and Tiger Army. If they can't even pass this training, what kind of elite soldiers are they?"

Behind Situ Mo, Xiahou, and Xiao Ci followed, and the three of them drew their soft swords and attacked Chu Bei as soon as they came up.

(End of this chapter)

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