The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 531 I'm Going to Find Her

Chapter 531 I'm Going to Find Her

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly and he smiled, "I don't believe it either, it's just that someone deliberately leaked the news, but the pursuit is true, but the eldest prince Beiming doesn't know Su Li's identity, listen to the master behind Yulou It is the Great Prince of Beiming."

Bei Mingzhao is the Underworld Master of Ghost Youtang, and he was only found out recently, so it is unexpected that he hides so deeply.

Knowing that Bei Mingzhao runs the Assassin's Pavilion, which is a business of killing and extorting goods, Mu Wan was surprised for a while. She didn't expect it, let alone knew about it, "Then the people from Guiyoutang discovered Su Li's identity and took her away." of?"

Chu Bei gave a faint "hmm", and his eyes flashed coldly, "They saved Su Li, but they didn't care about Su Ran's life or death."

If it weren't for Su Ran's fate, he would have frozen to death in the snow and ice when he met the Jingbei waiting carriage that happened to pass by.

Mu Wan sighed secretly, "They are killers, is it possible to expect them to show mercy?"

What's more, Su Li is the princess of Beiming, so Su Ran's status has dropped several levels.

Maybe Bei Ming looked down on this son-in-law, so he deliberately threw it in the ice and snow, regardless of his life or death.

These Chu Bei knew it well, so he couldn't help worrying about his brother, and looked at her and said, "Su Li is still the empress and concubine of the monarchy, so it is natural for them to make friends with Bei Ming."

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and looked at him with a half-smile, "The queen wants me to help Su Ran get his wife back?"

Chu Beidao, "Su Ran has liked Su Li since she was a child. It is not easy for them to come to this day. Su Ran cannot live without her, just like this king cannot live without you..."


In order to ask her for help, he actually talked to her?

Mu Wan was both happy and a bit apprehensive, and just rightly aggrieved, "You are really not so kind to my brother, I'm even jealous."

Chu Bei paused, stretched out his arms to hug her, and said with a smile on his face, "Is this king treating you well enough?"

Mu Wan raised her face and pouted slightly, "Hmph...what do you think?"


Qingfeng Palace.

Su Ran was in a coma for a day and a night, and was rescued back to the palace. After the fever subsided, she gradually woke up.

The first sentence is, "Where is Li'er..."

Chu Bei looked at it and said truthfully, "I was taken back to the Beiming Palace by the Prince Beiming."

Su Ran didn't understand, "She took Li'er away? Why?"

Situ Mo looked at each other, "Because Su Li may be Beiming's lost Princess Anyu for many years, the daughter of Beiming's former empress, and Beimingzhao's biological sister."

"Impossible, how could Li'er be..."

Su Ran couldn't believe it, he shook his head, but suddenly thought of Su Li saying that she grew up in Beiming, so he couldn't help but believe it.

Could it be that the people who chased them were sent by Bei Mingzhao, and they wanted to take Li'er back?
"I'm going to find her..."

Speaking of which, Su Ran lifted the quilt and got out of bed regardless of her weakness.

Situ Mo and Xia Houjin hurriedly supported him, "Calm down, you are weak now, even if you are going to Beiming, you must take care of your body first."

Su Ran's eyes were a little sour, and he felt a little uneasy. If she was really Princess Beiming, would he still be able to see her?
"Heal your wounds with peace of mind, even though she is really Princess Beiming, she was still the Empress and Concubine of the Kingdom before."

Hearing this, Su Ran suddenly raised her head and looked at Chu Bei, "Your Majesty...knows...the Su family..."

Situ Mo helped him sit down, "This is Qingfeng Palace, if she is really angry, can she let you enter the palace?"

Xia Houjin said, "I heard that you and Su Li had an accident, the emperor is still very worried."

Xiao Ci said, "The Su family is under house arrest, but it didn't hurt your family. You eloped without saying a word. She must make a statement. You can't blame the emperor."

Su Ran lowered her eyes and smiled wryly, "I don't blame the emperor, it's my fault... Take me to see the emperor, I'll go and plead guilty to her."

Seeing that he was weak, he knew he was wrong. The teenagers were going to scold him severely, but now they couldn't hold back a single word.

Losing Su Li would definitely make him feel bad.

After finally being together, Su Li turned into Princess Beiming. From the attitude of the eldest prince Beiming, he knew that it was not so easy to marry his sister.

Bei Minghuang might not agree.

Thinking about it, I felt that he was miserable, so I couldn't bear to scold him bitterly.

Chu Bei looked at him and said, "She'll come over later, tell me what's going on first, who threatened you?"

Su Ran was wearing a snow-white coat, her face was pale, she leaned on the bed weakly and coughed lightly, "It's Concubine Yun..."

The eyes of the teenagers darkened, and they clenched their fists. They had already guessed that it would be him.

Xia Houjin said angrily, "That Zhou Yunting is really a disaster, why not kill him?"

Situ Mo squinted at Chu Bei, pulled the corners of his lips slightly, and said, "Don't you think the empress is protecting him on purpose?"

She was afraid that she would have known that Zhou Yunting did everything behind his back. Today, she ran out of Guangling Palace in a rage to question Xingshi, but she didn't allow them to follow. Afterwards, she didn't see her punish him.

If you don't come to Suzaku Hall, you will avoid talking about it.

Xiao Ci's eyes flickered slightly, and he coughed lightly, "I think so too."

Xia Houjin pursed her lips and remained silent. In fact, he also felt this way, but he was afraid that if he said it, he would embarrass Chu Bei.

Chu Bei's eyes darkened, and he felt panicked. He had already seen that that woman was extremely partial to Zhou Yunting, even though he violated her bottom line many times, she still tolerated it.

I've never seen her be so tolerant to anyone.

The more he thinks about it, the more irritable he becomes. She doesn't like Zhou Yunting, does she?

The air suddenly dropped to freezing point, colder than the cold outside.

The teenagers couldn't help shivering, and swallowed sharply.

But at this time, the sound of "The emperor is coming" came.

I saw the empress stepping in, wearing a purple dragon robe, a purple fur-collared cloak with gold silk dragon pattern, and dragon pattern brocade boots.

Chu Bei looked at her in a daze, subconsciously clenched his five fingers, this woman is sometimes loved and hated, what on earth is she thinking?
"The ministers are waiting to see the emperor."

When Mu Wan came in, she found that the atmosphere was not right. She thought it was something wrong with Su Ran. She walked over to take a look and found that she was awake. She breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "There's no need to be polite, everyone get up."

Su Ran looked at the Empress with shame and said, "Your Majesty, it is Su Ran who is sorry for you."

Mu Wan sat down and took the warm soup handed over by the palace man, warmed her cold hands, and said, "Well, since you know you made a mistake, you will be punished, and when you recover, you will be punished to be my big brother." Steward, manage my property outside, would you like to?"

Since he left, the shops in the capital have been a little chaotic.

Uncle Lin was obsessed with training armored guards and had no intention of taking care of business.

She was worried about the others, after much deliberation, only Su Ran could help her.

Before coming here, she had already made up her mind that as long as he agreed to stay in the capital to help him, she would help rob his wife.

It would be her loss if she was recruited by Bei Ming to be her son-in-law.

Su Ran lowered her eyes, "Your Majesty, I can't agree to you for the time being, because Li'er..." He can't live without Su Li, there is no place for her, there is no point for him to stay, he will go to Beiming to find her.

"As long as you agree, I will help you propose marriage to Emperor Beiming, and let Princess Beiming marry."

She has always considered opening the door to do business with Beiming through marriage.

There just aren't the right candidates.

Well, now that there is a ready-made one, it is still a loving couple, and they hit it off immediately, I believe Su Li is also very willing.

She grew up in Junguo, and when she got married, it was like coming home.

(End of this chapter)

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