The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 548 Experience in the Water Moon Mirror Tower

Chapter 548 Experience in the Water Moon Mirror Tower
Mu Wan explained her doubts to them, "It's not difficult to guess, the purpose of Mo Li arresting you back is to continue the blood of the phoenix."

And that man Mo Li never likes to be procrastinating in his work, and when he returned to Xiqi, he would order someone to give him medicine and send a woman to carry out his "sowing" plan.

But he did so in a hurry.

It can be seen that the blood of the phoenix is ​​urgently needed to treat heart disease.

Everyone's expressions changed in unison, they all knew what Ning Jue and the others had experienced in the National Teacher's Mansion.

They are all sunny, cheerful, positive and handsome young men, who are suddenly forced to be "flirty".

Being forced to sleep with different women every day, sleeping with women except for eating and drinking, that scene should be unacceptable to normal people! !
I don't know if there will be some misogyny in the future.

Ning Jue and Ning Yue's faces were very ugly, maybe they didn't know, they only knew that they were subconsciously afraid of a woman approaching now.

The psychological shadow is huge.

Because the women that Mo Li sent were all taken love potions, and it was terrifying when they became crazy, and they were the ones who were tortured.

Mu Wan smiled, "Do you hate women very much now? Do you hate even Yaoyao and Tongtong?"

The two looked at Ning Xinyao and the others, and immediately shook their heads, "That's a relative..." It's different.

"Then you don't really hate women, but you can't accept other people's strange eyes, and you are worried that the girl you like will find out about this in the future, and you will be rejected."

Ning Jue and Ning Yue lowered their eyes and remained silent.

The women that Mo Li sent were all innocent girls, and they were ladies from all over the world. In the beginning, one of them was Princess Xiqi and the other was Princess Xiqi, such noble women.

Afterwards, they cried heartbreakingly, were heartbroken, and were full of hatred for them.

Ning Jue and the others were helpless. On the first day, they realized what incompetence is. Even if they wanted to be responsible, they couldn't marry them. After two days, they were forced to sleep with a few girls... This cycle continued, and gradually became numb, with a big heart There are burdens and pressures.

One sentence expresses the true feelings of the two.

It is true that they are afraid of being ridiculed. After all, they are still young, unmarried, and unemployed.

If this matter is known by everyone, their reputation will be ruined. Even if they are the cousins ​​of the empress and the young masters of Qinglongzhai, they don't have to worry about their future prospects.

But they are all gentle and pure, the Ning family has a good family style, and the relationship between the elders and their husbands is good, so they have developed good relationship values.

I also hope that I can marry my favorite wife in the future and be happy and loving.

This is something that is easy to achieve for people of their status.

But now that something like this has happened, if you meet a girl you really like in the future and let her know, you will definitely be disgusted and even unwilling to be with them.

To put it bluntly, they are still young, well protected, have not experienced many ups and downs in life, have great ups and downs, always have fantasies about the future, their ideas are relatively naive, a little cornered, and they can't turn around.

"I don't understand some big truths, but I don't think it's necessary to go into a dead end. We are still young and we should live in the present, cherish the present, work hard to create the future, and cherish those who really care about you, instead of thinking about those who have not yet appeared in your life. people."

"People should live out their lives, be frank and confident, and don't need to care about other people's eyes."

"If you stumble for a while, don't feel that you are useless and worthless. Who hasn't made mistakes? Who is born a genius? Who is born a king? Who hasn't fallen? Who hasn't had one or two stains in their lives?"

"I have done a lot of stupid things. I was called a waste, calculated by others, and murdered by others. At first, the people I liked hated me very much. Up to now, the national treasury has not been filled up, and I still owe a huge amount of money, but I I have not been defeated, have not given up, have not escaped, I have faced up to my own shortcomings, worked hard to improve, faced difficulties, and stood up again, don’t you think you are inferior to me?”

Everyone: "..."

The teenagers looked at it a little bit wrong, this long speech, still saying that it is not a great truth? ?
Chu Bei blushed silently. What she said at the end was the truth and a reflection of her life.

She wanted to say that even the king of a country does not have a smooth life.

She was able to accept the past and face the reality, didn't care about other people's eyes, stood up again, and challenged difficulties. In the end, she managed to make everyone look at her with admiration and be convinced.

She will climb to the pinnacle of imperial power step by step and dominate the country.

Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books.

At this moment, they seemed to suddenly realize it.

Chu Bei and the others were stunned when they heard this, but Ning Jue and Ning Yue gradually opened up their knots and voluntarily confide in their experience at the National Teacher's Mansion.

"And the princess and princess?"

Several people were stunned, this Mo Li was really insane and powerful.

Do the daughters of Lord Xiqi and Emperor Xiqi dare to give it up to others to spoil them so openly?
Mu Wan looked at the two of them, thought for a while and said, "If you like it, I can propose marriage for you."

The faces of Ning Jue and the other two changed, their ears turned red, and they said in a panic: "They hate us so much, they definitely won't agree, and Mo Li won't agree either."

What if she was pregnant with the flesh and blood of the Ning family, the princess and the princess were sent the most times with the potion of love...

Isn't Mo Li's purpose just to continue their Ning family's bloodline?

Thinking of the fact that the girl wanted to strangle their eyes every time afterwards, the two turned pale and shook their heads.

Mu Wan and the others, "..."

Let's not mention it for now.

After saying it, the knot between Ning Jue and the two seemed to be untied, and the rest was the guilt towards Princess Xiqi and the princess, but there was no way to do this, they could only follow the fate.

Ning Jue and Ning Yue looked at each other, suddenly their mood brightened, the haze dissipated, and a sunny smile appeared on the corners of their lips.

Now, thinking about what happened in the National Teacher's Mansion, it's actually not a big deal.

They are still alive.

There are also a bunch of relatives and friends who care about themselves, which are more important than anything else.

Although Mo Li was too strong to be defeated, they were not fighting alone.

Then what is there to be afraid of...

The two stood up and cupped their hands together, "Thank you Jiu'er."

If she hadn't woken them up with a punch, and she didn't hesitate to enlighten them with her own experience, they might never be able to get out of this dark abyss.

It is not easy for an emperor to admit his mistakes.

She was able to do this for them because she truly regarded them as relatives.

The two teenagers were very moved.

Seeing the two of them laughing, Mu Wan secretly wiped her sweat. Finally, the sky and the sea have passed, and the sky has cleared up after the rain. The truth she spoke so earnestly was for nothing, "It's good if you can figure it out, even the heinous devil likes it. You don’t have to worry about being rejected by others in the future.”

Speaking of this, Ning Jue and the two immediately blushed, "Mmm..."

Chu Bei and the others said, "The Great Demon King you're talking about doesn't mean Mo Li."

(End of this chapter)

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