Chapter 551
"I don't know, my servant. The emperor asked Mr. Black Eagle in the National Teacher's Mansion, but he didn't say anything."

Empress Mo looked flustered, tightly clutching Mammy's hand, and said, "Jing Mama, quickly send someone to send a letter to Father, asking him to go to the National Teacher's Mansion to intercede."

Xiqi seemed to be shrouded in dark clouds, whether it was the palace or the capital, people were in panic.

She is the only son of the prince, if something happens to the prince, she will not live anymore.

Mother Jing supported her, and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, the Imperial Teacher has always loved the Crown Prince and will not really do anything to him. This old slave will go back to the Mo Mansion to seek help from the Master and Missy."

Empress Mo was still afraid, "That's find Xing Wu, the national teacher loves her the most, and her pleading will definitely be useful."


At this time, the capital of the monarchy.

A group of people entered Beijing quietly, led by three teenagers riding tall horses, wearing fox masks and black cloaks, looking up at the streets covered in silver, they felt relieved secretly, and finally arrived home.

When they arrived in the capital, the old valley owner went back to Fu's mansion in a carriage.

Fu Si, Fu Yu, and Nan Sheng entered the palace together.

The palace, the imperial study.

Mu Wan was very happy to learn that Fu Si and the others had returned to Beijing, and hurriedly asked someone to greet them.

The three of them stepped up together, with a dignified look and a cold brow. They looked more mature and stable, with a lot of snow and ice on their bodies. They must have rushed back all the way.

It has been snowing heavily in the capital for the past few days.

If it weren't for the preparations made in advance, the common people would not be able to survive the winter.

"I have seen the emperor before."

"Pingshen, there is no need to be too polite."

Give a seat and serve hot tea.

The three of them sat down, took a sip of hot tea to warm up their bodies, and then reported the matter to her.

Knowing that they were chased and killed by Gu King Zong's people all the way from Xiqi and fled to the border of Nanliang, they were able to get rid of Gu Wang Zong's people with the help of Zhao Shisan and Zhao Huang.

Gu poison, Gu worms, and murderous corpses all came out.

After hearing this, Mu Wan wiped her sweat secretly, as if she was in the scene, with lingering fears in her heart. She felt that this Gu Wangzong was a scourge. If it was her, she would definitely find a way to get rid of it to be at ease. I don't know why Nanliang kept this scourge.

It would be understandable if the purpose of raising Gu was to save people, but the Southern Border Gu King Zong raised Gu to kill people and harm the common people, so he couldn't keep it.

However, I heard that the Gu King Sect in Southern Border is very powerful. If most of them hadn't been massacred by Yaowang Valley in the early years, and they were forced to dare not go out of the mountain, the Nanliang court might not be able to do anything to them at all.

After the Gu King Sect's power weakened, its status in Jianghu was gradually replaced by Nanliang Yipintang.

In recent years, the new emperor ascended the throne, and Zhao Shisan was regent, and he secretly researched the method of fighting against the evil Gu.

Gu Wangzong no longer has any chance for Xianyu to stand up.

Therefore, King Gu hated Medicine King Valley, and vowed to slaughter their disciples to the death.

The old valley owner, Fu Si is the number one person being targeted.

This time I secretly learned that Fu Si appeared in Xiqi.

They wanted to plot secretly to take his life.

This is the grievance between Medicine King Valley and Gu King Zong.

It's not easy for Mu Wan to intervene, I just hope they won't try to move Ning Xinyao.

"I am very pleased that you were able to come back safely this time, especially the two concubines who have contributed a lot. I will reward you a lot. You go back and rest first. In the evening, I will hold a banquet in Ziyang Palace to welcome you all."

Fuyu and Nansheng were very happy, stood up and cupped their hands, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The two left the royal study and went back to their respective bedrooms to have a rest and prepare for the banquet at night.

And Fu Si hadn't left yet.

There is something that needs to be explained to her.

When the old valley owner of Xiqi didn't come, he sneaked into the National Teacher's Mansion alone, and got Miss Mo's help to get out of trouble.

But when he left the National Teacher's Mansion, when he was about to leave, a group of strangely dressed people suddenly appeared. He was chased and killed by Gu Wangzong's people, and almost died.

At the critical moment, Mo Xingwu saved him.

She was seriously injured, and now she lost her memory and was poisoned by Gu poison. She refused to leave when she woke up. Take them with you and flee.

He also followed back to the kingdom.

Now I live in Fu's mansion.

She is from the Mo family, and the empress doesn't like Mo Li, let alone the Mo family.

This Mo Xingwu has the grace of saving his life, so he wants to ask her to forgive her, let Mo Xingwu stay in the capital, and send her back to Xiqi after he cures her amnesia and Gu poison.

I just hope this makes both possible.

After hearing this, Mu Wan's face was a little ugly, her eyes were displeased, she looked at him coldly, and said angrily, "You just pick up a woman into the house, or the Mo family, what if she hurts Yaoyao?"

Although she hadn't seen Mo Xingwu yet, her intuition told her that this woman might not be that simple.

She has saved Fu Si many times, so she must like this man.

What about Yaoyao?
Um, no, Yaoyao didn't say she likes Fu Si either.

Fu Si's face was a little pale. He knew that Mo Xingwu was interested in him, but he didn't want to owe her a favor, and he couldn't kill her with one blow.

He didn't know what to do for a while, he thought about sending someone back to Yaowang Valley, but the old valley owner disagreed, and the old valley owner also hated the Mo family extremely.

The grievances between the Mo family and Yaowanggu, if they knew her identity, they would definitely poison her to death with a pack of poison.

Fu Si's face became more and more ugly, and he only said, "I won't let anyone hurt Yaoyao."

Mu Wan didn't want to listen to his nonsense, "Come on, you're wishful thinking, and Yaoyao doesn't like you, so I decided to give Yaoyao and Chu Liu a marriage, and let them get married as soon as possible, lest some women misunderstand and hurt her."

Fu Si was startled when he heard that, the corners of his lips trembled slightly, his fists were clenched tightly, and he stared at the Empress coldly, "I disagree."

"Huh? You don't agree? Why do you want you to agree? Grandpa is here, father is here, and the cousin who is the king of the country is here. Do you need to worry about Yaoyao's life? Go away, you!"

Mu Wan stared at him coldly, feeling annoyed in her heart, remembering how straightforwardly he refused to give the marriage at the beginning without any hesitation, and now he looked like a lover again, she wanted to kick him away.

Fu Si's pupils trembled slightly, and the corners of his lips trembled slightly. He quickly knelt down and said, "Yaoyao doesn't like Chu Liu, please think twice, Your Majesty. If you really love her, you shouldn't disregard her feelings and just marry someone else."

"Hmph, how do you know that she doesn't like Chu Liu? They get along very well now. If it wasn't for your obstruction, they would have become a young couple long ago."

The more Mu Wan thought about it, the angrier he became. He actually dared to lure others outside and bring the woman home. No matter what happened, she would get angry when she saw her.

Knowing that Mo Xingwu had plans for him, how dare he bring him home?

That woman should have two brushes, maybe it's a black and white lotus flower.

Is Yaoyao her opponent?


No matter what Fu Si said, the Empress decided to marry Ning Xinyao and Chu Lan.

She had already discussed this matter with Mr. Ning and the others, and they also unanimously approved Chu Liu.

That child Chu Liu was clever and sweet, and when he learned that Ning Xinyao's father was in Qinglongzhai, he went to check his favor every day.

Old Ning and the others were in a bad mood because of the arrest of the two brothers Ning Jue. They survived this time thanks to his company.

The three elders gradually fell in love with this quick-witted young man, and they approved of his pursuit of Ning Xinyao, and also agreed with the emperor's decree to bestow a marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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