Chapter 553 Hangover Pills

Seeing the blood shadow guard being so cold, Zhuiying didn't ask any further questions, and shifted his gaze to Biyue who was sitting obediently, winking at Xiao Lizi secretly, "Eunuch Li, let's switch places."

Eunuch Li: "..."

This kid actually dares to seduce the people of Xuanwu Hall?
As expected of the secret guard of the King of Chu...

Xiao Lizi looked at the cold guard beside him, and shook his head violently, I'm sorry, Master Ying, our family is afraid of the one next to you, so murderous!
Chaying paused, looked at the woman beside Biyue, and said with a smile, "Sister Qingge..."

Qing Ge is cold-tempered, a glamorous beauty, and Zhui Ying and the others are the secret guards of the Chu family, and they trained together since childhood, so they are considered a family.

This favor is of course helping him.

So he got up silently.

Chaying happily, Ma Liu ran over, picked up something better and said, "Biyue, I heard that you like cream cakes, but I don't. I don't have any for you."

Bi Yue raised her eyes to look at the man who suddenly landed in the air, her face turned red, "Thank you, Big Brother Chasing Shadow..."

Here, the leader of the Blood Shadow Guard glanced at the woman who suddenly airborne.

He knew this person and was a colleague, but she was too weak, so he moved his seat silently, continued to drink and eat meat coldly, thinking that he should leave the table, he wanted to go to the training room.

Recently, the training room has been occupied by King Chu and the others, and he has no chance to go in for training.

There will be opportunities, so I don't want to miss training.

The few Blood Shadow Guard brothers who were squeezed behind silently wiped their sweat, staring at the boss and the woman next to him together.

Suddenly a big beauty came.

What is the situation (゜ロ゜)!

The small actions of the man next to him fell into Qingge's clear eyes, she frowned slightly, what do you mean, how dare you despise her?

"I heard that the Blood Shadow Guard has high martial arts skills, do you dare to compete with me?"

Her tone was cold, her brows were sharp and cold, and she was secretly unhappy.

The leader of the Blood Shadow Guard didn't want to talk to her at first, but he was also secretly displeased with the provocation between her brows. He pursed his lips and said, "Let's talk about it when you are qualified to enter the secret room for training."

For those who are not even qualified to enter the secret room of the mecha, no matter how high their martial arts are, they will always be limited.

No kidding, I didn't mean to look down on her. To be honest, at her level, he could crush her to death with one finger.

After finishing speaking, he cherished words like gold, and when he got up, he was about to bid farewell to the empress.

He got up together, and the seven blood shadow guards behind him got up together.

"Your Majesty, the subordinates and others will leave first."

Mu Wan was drunk, "The banquet just started, why did you leave, you are not allowed to leave, just keep drinking..."

This is a state of insanity and inability to communicate well.

He had no choice but to look at the king of Chu.

Chu Bei hugged the dancing woman and nodded, "Well, you guys go down first."

It's almost midnight, and he said that just at the beginning, this woman is really drunk and always disobedient, which is a headache.

Everyone else drank a lot, but they were not drunk.

Ning Xinyao got up and handed him a hangover pill, "Empress, this is a hangover pill I made myself, I can give it to my cousin, it will be better."

The old valley owner said happily when he heard it, "Yaoyao is really good, she can make her own pills, and she will give one to Master soon."

As he spoke, he took one and threw it in his mouth.

"Well, not bad, not bad... instantly refreshed."

Then Mr. Ning and the others took one out of fear.

When Chu Bei hesitated, the pill was gone.

He was full of black lines, wishing he could throw them all out.

Everyone can drink so well, why are they so scared? ?
Fu Si smiled, "Let's make her hangover soup, let Yaoyao make another bottle for her tomorrow, and take it with you."

He also didn't expect Ning Xinyao to improve so fast during the time he was away. He could refine poisons, antidote, incense pills, and even refine perfume, which would not be a problem for her.

Acupuncture, healing, and prescribing medicine are all fine, and her talent is even better than Zhou Ruolan.

He was very happy that his little apprentice was so smart.

At this time, a young man stood up and silently took out a bottle of pills, "I have sober pills here."

The hangover pill in his hand is a formula that was only available more than ten years later in his previous life.

Developed by the Imperial Palace Hospital, the effect is very good.

Everyone looked at Concubine Yun, who was a little weak, with slightly surprised expressions, and the old Guzhu smiled, "Do you know medical skills?"

"No, this is my family's unique secret recipe."

After a pause, he continued, "This is the formula developed by Lan'er. The pharmacy she opened is now under my management."

Speaking of Zhou Ruolan, the faces of the old Guzhu and the others changed slightly, and they panicked for a while.

If it is said that she developed the pill, they all believe it. After all, she was once the apprentice of the old valley master, and her medical talent is also extremely high.

Chu Bei looked at Zhou Yunting coldly, he didn't want to use his pills, and he didn't believe in the medicine that Zhou Ruolan concocted.

Does anyone know if it was poisoned? !
Zhou Yunting narrowed his eyes slightly, knew what he was thinking, didn't say much, took one and swallowed it directly, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, queen, I won't harm the emperor."

Zhou Ruolan can't be trusted, but she didn't concoct the medicine.

He secretly prepared it himself.

He took refuge in Moli in his previous life, and studied medical skills with a pharmacist who Moli used in the State Teacher's Mansion for seven or eight years.

That pharmacist is known as the Poison King, and he developed the repair ointment.

He dare not talk about curing diseases and saving people, but he is best at refining poisons, various pills, colorless and odorless poisons.

Even the Medicine King Valley couldn't detoxify the poison he refined.

Now that he has resurrected his life, he resumes his old business, cultivates power secretly, and is secretly developing a poison that can poison Mo Li to death.

Mu Wan was in a daze and didn't know what they were talking about. Anyway, she heard some pills. She felt uncomfortable, so she grabbed Chu Bei's brocade clothes and yelled, "Queen, I want to take pills..."

I just saw that they all ate, and they were all refreshed.

She wants to eat too.

Headache, stomach upset, it sucks.

Chu Bei was dizzy from being shaken by her, so he motioned for someone to take one from Zhou Yunting's hand and give it to her.

Who knew that not long after swallowing it, Mu Wan vomited violently.


I vomited out everything I ate.

Chu Bei glared at Zhou Yunting and said angrily, "What are you??"


Zhou Yunting's face was ugly, and he came over nervously and just about to touch the empress with his hand, when he was blown away by a strong wind.

Chu Bei's eyes were extremely cold, and his voice was cold, "Don't touch her."

The corners of Zhou Yunting's lips trembled slightly, he almost forgot that he "doesn't know medical skills", he was so nervous just now that he almost forgot, he was so anxious to get Jiu'er's pulse... Fortunately, Chu Bei shot him away with internal force in time, so he concealed the past .

He backed away silently, and Fu Si stepped forward to feel the empress's pulse, and said, "It's all right, it's just that this hangover pill has the same effect, so if you spit it out, you'll be fine."

Sure enough, Mu Wan woke up after throwing up for a while, but she was uncomfortable. She raised her eyes and looked at Zhou Yunting with tears in her eyes, "Aifei, what kind of sober pills are you, you need to improve."

See how gentle it is prepared by Yaoyao?

Zhou Yunting was embarrassed for a while, and could only say that the pill was not suitable for her.

(End of this chapter)

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