Chapter 555
He wanted to say enough, but the Empress didn't give the chance to speak, "Well, let's take the order."

After speaking, he stood up from the dragon chair.

The empress never likes to procrastinate, she only stipulates one hour in the early court, and she will not stay longer than a moment, and announces her withdrawal when the time is up.

At this time, whoever called her would not respond.

And when she was eating or taking a nap, no one was allowed to come to the imperial study to look for her.

If you have to come, you can only wait.

Waiting and waiting often won't see you.

So it was impossible for Shangguan Jun to buy more time from her.

In the end, I can only take orders.

Set off today.


In the dining hall of Xuanwu Hall, Ning Xinyao dined with her.

Mu Wan couldn't help complaining, "It's freezing cold, thanks to them thinking of sending troops to suppress the bandits, heh, freezing them to death."

Hearing that the imperial court sent troops to Qinglong Mountain to suppress bandits, Ning Xinyao was a little worried, "Cousin, you don't really want to attack Qinglong Mountain, do you?"

Mu Wan paused slightly, and said with a smile, "It's okay, they won't be able to capture Qinglong Mountain, I know that, but I just let some people suffer."

The two princes were both grounded but still so restless, thinking about fighting for military power, she also had a headache.

To Zhao'an Qinglongzhai, which is justifiable in name and name, always have to put on a show and lay the groundwork first.

Let Shangguan Jun and the others suffer. After the defeat, the civil and military officials will have nothing to say, and there is no reason to object to her recruitment.

As a little girl, she naturally doesn't understand these court affairs, but she is relieved when she hears that there is nothing wrong.

Picking up the bowl and chopsticks, he served her a bowl of crystal dumplings and said, "Cousin, I made dumplings. This time, I boiled them according to your instructions, without adding leeks. Try it."

When Mu Wan smelled the fragrance, she couldn't help but whet her appetite, and said happily, "Okay, let's have a bowl."

At this time, his eyes fell on the purple gold jade bracelet on her wrist, his brows moved, and his eyes narrowed for a moment, "Who gave you this bracelet, Yaoyao? Uncle? Grandfather? Or two cousins?"

Ning Xinyao was taken aback when she heard the words, she hurriedly withdrew her hands a little nervously, her eyes dodged in a panic, and there was a trace of suspicious girlish shyness on her cheeks, she shook her head and said, "I... I bought it myself."

Her jewelry and clothes are all gifts from the empress.

Madam Tan of Xuanwu Hall prepared it for her according to the princess.

She also lived in Xuanwu Hall, and sometimes when Mu Wan disliked Chu Bei, she would go to the side hall to share a bed with her, so she knew everything about her from head to toe.

She had never seen this bracelet before.

And Mu Wan knows that the little girl doesn't like to buy luxury accessories. Shops like convenience stores and jewelry stores seldom go shopping. Sometimes she goes with Ning Xintong just to have a look, because she doesn't lack these things. More in medical research.

When she said she bought it herself, Mu Wan didn't believe it at all.

Seeing that she rarely showed her shy girlish appearance, she knew it was a gift from a man.

Um, is it Chu Liu? !

No, Yaoyao won't take other people's things casually, especially if she knows that Chu Liu likes her, she won't ask him for anything!

That's Fu Si? !

Mu Wan narrowed her eyebrows slightly, feeling a little annoyed in her heart, this man is really cunning, when he heard that he was going to give Yaoyao a marriage, did he impatiently do it? !
Ning Xinyao looked down at the dumplings in the bowl, her heart beating violently, she didn't want her cousin to ask such a question.

The bracelet was given by the master, and she was not allowed to take it off.

She didn't pick it up.

Now it's all right, if my cousin finds out, will you punish the master?
After all, my cousin doesn't like Master, and she intends to give her and Chu Liu a marriage.

Although she didn't agree, the marriage was given up.

However, neither my cousin nor my father approve of me being with my master...

Because she and the master are in a master-student relationship, if they are together, it will be a disorder of generations, and if they are known, they will definitely be cast aside and opposed.

The more she thought about it, the more flustered she became. Now that she knew what she wanted, she liked Master and didn't want to be separated from him.


Both of them ate silently dumplings with their heads down, each having their own concerns.

Mu Wan was furious, staring at Dumplings and biting hard on the head of Dumpling, who regarded it as Fu Si's head. This dog man actually dared to attack Yaoyao secretly. Two days ago, the little girl looked normal, and she didn't know why, but now Well, it's the beginning of love.

He dared to tease the little apprentice two days after he came back?Treacherous and shameless, I cannot forgive him!


After breakfast, Mu Wan went to the Imperial Study Room, and Ning Xinyao went to the Pharmacy.

The little girl said obediently, "Cousin, I'm leaving."

Mu Wan pinched her cute and soft cheeks, and said with a smile, "Well, go, walk slowly, and worry about the slippery road."

The little girl has grown taller and fatter. When pinched, this little face is soft, pink and tender, and it is really cute. Looking at her leaving happily, Mu Wan's face gradually darkened, and she was sincere. Feeling sad and annoyed that my cabbage was being pushed by a pig.


Before Ning Xinyao reached the pharmacy, she saw Fu Si approaching her.

He was dressed in an icy blue brocade robe, embroidered with elegant cloud patterns and trimmed in white, which complemented the mutton fat jade hairpin on his head.

A head of black and thick hair, black and vertical, slanting heroic sword eyebrows, sharp black eyes, red lips, sharp outlines, slender and tall figure, cold and arrogant temperament, the expression looking at her is Such tenderness.

Ning Xinyao's heart was pounding, she really couldn't stand this kind of look, her former master would not show such a gentle expression, after leaving for a while, she completely changed after returning, she even doubted whether the master was fake.

Look carefully, the brocade robe on his body is actually the same style as the one on hers.

The same ice blue, recently sold in private custom couple suits.

Generally, only those who are engaged, or couples dare to go out in couple suits like this.

Will the master be too high-profile like this, what if someone finds out?
Ning Xinyao was very worried.

But she didn't know that the man specially asked someone to have a suit customized according to her custom style, and he wore it out today.

He just wanted to make a high profile, and immediately wished everyone knew that they were a match made in heaven.

It is said that apart from Chu Liu, there are quite a few princes from aristocratic families who admire Ning Xinyao and intend to propose marriage.

When she found out, she asked someone to cut this suit in a fit of anger, but let's see if that reckless person dares to make up her mind.

This was designed by the Empress herself, and I told her to know later, for fear that she would be mad at her to death.

"Yaoyao, let your hands be cold, give your hands to me as a teacher."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and held her little hand domineeringly.

The two walked towards the pharmacy together.

At this time, a dark blue figure came out from under the plum blossom tree, and I saw Sixth Master Chu coming over with a snack box. Seeing this scene, I couldn't help being impatient, and immediately rushed over, squeezed between the two of them on purpose. Suddenly, a certain shameless genius doctor was squeezed away.

Holding the food box, he smiled brightly and said, "Yaoyao, I bought finger cakes."

Ning Xinyao looked at the young man in front of her with cold sweat, then at the master behind him with a gloomy face, and hurriedly shook her head, "Thank you Sixth Brother Chu, I had breakfast with my cousin in Xuanwu Hall, you Let's eat."

Chu Liu was a little disappointed, but he didn't give up, and said with a smile, "It's okay, I'll warm it up on a small stove for you, and eat when you're hungry."

(End of this chapter)

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