Chapter 569
The three sons of the Rong family raised their eyes and quickly looked at the extravagant and noble girl on the dragon chair. She has handsome eyebrows and sculpted eyes, looks forward to the sky, is heroic and feminine, has a brilliant literary talent, and speaks well. It is suspected that she is a fairy who came down to earth. Looking back and smiling is better than the stars.

It's not like the rumors say, a dude who is ignorant and illiterate.

Someone said she was a tyrant?
That's even more nonsense, nonsense.

The three teenagers just raised their eyes to look at the empress, and they felt like seeing the empress for a lifetime.

He couldn't bear to move his eyes away, and stared directly at the Empress.

Chu Bei in the hall, and Zhou Yunting in the concubine's seat suddenly had gloomy faces, and were extremely wary of the three men.

Especially Zhou Yunting's stern and murderous eyes seemed to want to shoot and kill the three sons of the Rong family.

Not for anything else, because he knew that these three men would all enter the queen's harem in the near future.

They fell in love with Jiu'er at first sight, willing to enter the palace as concubines, and even willing to be only personal bodyguards.

The three of them are all good looking. They are seventeen or eighteen years old, and they are all imposing, with delicate features, handsome and unrestrained, hearty and clean, and elegant.

In the previous life, at the cleansing banquet, Jiu'er watched the three lose their minds for a long time, and took them into the palace within two days.

Because the three were willing, it was useless for King Rong to object.

Zhou Yunting felt a little remorseful in his heart. He should have sent someone to kill them on the way to avoid future troubles.

Looking at the expressions of the three guys, you can tell that they fell in love with Jiuer at first sight just like in the previous life! !


At this time, Mu Wan's eyes were mostly on Rong Qin, and she only felt that this girl was very attractive, with a good temperament and a straightforward disposition, maybe she could become a friend.

After carefully looking at Yan Rongqin, his eyes fell on her third brother.

As soon as the long eyelashes were raised, he met the three of them with fiery gazes.

The moment she cast her gaze away, the three teenagers felt their hearts pounding, and their eyes shone with a bright spring light.

Mu Wan had seen too many beautiful young men, and when she saw these three, she thought they were pretty good. She glanced lightly, but her eyes didn't turn away, and said, "Get up, King Zhenxi is so lucky, the three little generals and the little princess are all good friends." The pillars of the country, both talented and beautiful, are rare talents, I wonder if there is a marriage?"

Rong Wang and the others were startled for a while, they probably didn't expect the Empress to bring up the idea so quickly.

The purpose of the Rong family's return to Beijing this time is for the lifelong affairs of their children.

Rong Che is the son of King Rong. This year, the second son, Rong She, is seventeen this year. The third son, Rong Xiao, is 16 years old. The little princess, Rong Qin, is 15 years old.

have reached the age of marriage.

It's not that no one came to propose marriage in the Northwest, it's just that the Rong family has always had family rules, and the marriage must be from a native of the capital.

It is a rule set by the Rong family and the Emperor Taizu of the monarchy that they cannot be married to any family in the northwest.

For more than 300 years, the Rong family has never dared to disobey, otherwise they would not be able to sit firmly in the position of Northwest Generalissimo.

When this matter was mentioned, not only the Wang family was surprised for a while, but everyone was also the same.

King Rong thought for a while and wanted to answer, but at this moment, there was a loud coughing sound from the hall.

Only someone shouted, "Concubine Yun..."

The empress frowned slightly, got up from the dragon chair and walked to Concubine Yun's place, "Is Concubine Ai okay?"

Suddenly coughing and vomiting blood startled everyone, and Mu Wan was also terribly frightened.

She knelt down to see him, and ordered someone to send him back to Guangling Palace, and then let Fu Si go for a diagnosis and treatment.

But Zhou Yunting grabbed her dragon robe and refused to let go, and then fainted.

Mu Wan frowned, looked back at Chu Bei, and said, "The queen presides over the banquet, and I will send Concubine Yun back to the palace first."

Chu Bei's brows were cold, Mo Mou glanced at the comatose young man, and said with a faint smile, "This king should send him back."

As he spoke, he tapped secretly on his arm, and the hand that was holding on to the long-robed slender jade suddenly loosened.

Then I saw two hidden guards come over and take the man away.

The empress of the Northern Chu Dynasty bowed slightly and followed Concubine Yun to Guangling Palace.

Everyone watched the queen's simple and rude operation with a dazed look the whole time, and secretly wiped away their sweat.

Seeing this scene, the three sons of the Rong family were even more terrified.

Just now when the King of Chu turned his head back for a moment, his cold stare stared at him inexplicably flustered.

Huh!Why? ?

It made them inexplicably guilty and flustered.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Mu Wan's forehead, and she was a little worried, would these two men fight?

I wanted to follow him to have a look, but I couldn't leave this time, so I had to go back to the dragon chair and said with a smile, "Concubine Yun is not feeling well, the queen sent him back to the palace, everyone sit down, and the banquet will continue."

Only Chu Bei and Fu Si went to Guangling Palace together.

No one knew what Chu Bei was going to do.


Guangling Palace.

Wuhen was set aside.

He watched helplessly as King Chu's men threw the young master onto the bed.

Master Fu gave Zhou Yunting pills and needles to stabilize his condition.

At this time, the dark guard brought the grand teacher's chair, and the king of Chu sat on it, glanced coldly, and said, "There is no need to pretend, your little tricks will only deceive the emperor, and it is useless in front of this king."

He is not an empress, and will not show any kindness to him.

There are some things that he insisted on asking clearly today.

The air in the entire hall was once cold and low pressure, as if filled with layers of vicious killing atmosphere, like Shura hell.

At this time, the boy on the bed opened his eyes suddenly, and his long and narrow eyes stared darkly at the boy sitting on the grand teacher's chair.

Zhou Yunting clutched his chest and stood up with some difficulty. His complexion was pale, his face was like a finely crafted jade, the brocade clothes embroidered with snow-white gold threads, the long black hair, and the hair tied with a golden crown, he was so handsome.

And Chu Bei, dressed in a purple phoenix robe with a unique collar, looks very noble and elegant. His brows and eyes are as sharp as knives, exuding an awe-inspiring and heroic aura, like a black pool, extremely deep, so that people can't see that he is what to think.

The face is also amazing, in the soft light, the beauty is like a flash, handsome without waves, rich and handsome.

The two of them are equal in appearance, and they are diametrically opposite teenagers in every respect.

One is scorching like fire, the other is gloomy and weak, but they are both rare and beautiful men, with outstanding demeanor, each with its own merits.

The eyes of the two men were cold and fierce, and they faced each other for a long time, just like a fateful confrontation, both sides remained calm and calm, standing on the top of the snow mountain, confronting each other with swords in hand.

Snowflakes were falling outside the window, the weather was very cold, and the air felt cold and thin, making it difficult to breathe.

At this time, Zhou Yunting looked at Chu Bei and remembered his previous life. Ironically, because their mothers were good friends in the boudoir, the two had known each other since childhood, and they were as close as brothers. They studied together and practiced martial arts together. It wasn't until Chu Bei entered the military camp that the two separated, but their relationship remained the same. They kept in touch and got together frequently, which was no worse than the relationship between him and Situ Mo now.

It can be said that the previous life is completely opposite to the present life.

He has an average relationship with Situ Mo, Xia Houjin, and Xiao Ci, but he is a life-and-death good brother.

Later he became famous in one battle, the young general became famous all over the world.

And he won the championship in one fell swoop, the first emperor hand-picked the champion of Jinke, and his reputation was not lost to him.

One from the general and the other from the text, they went out of the court together, and entered the palace together, and fell in love with a woman at the same time.

One is the queen, and the other is the imperial concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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