The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 575 Shaking hands and making peace

Chapter 575 Shaking hands and making peace

In the previous life, after the death of Jiu'er and Chu Bei, the monarchy was defeated, Prince Li took the opportunity to ascend the throne as emperor, stabilized the situation, and the four kingdoms temporarily ceased fighting.

But he didn't even find Jiu'er's body on the battlefield, so he was disheartened, full of anger, regret, and despair, and returned to Xiqi Guoshi Mansion, intending to kill Mo Li to avenge Jiu'er.

But it didn't work, and he died in Mo Li's hands in the end.

Mu Wan smiled and said, "Mo Li is not from this world, he may not be human, and the power of a single person can't kill him at all, so I hope you can shake hands with the queen to make peace and protect me together."

Hearing this, Zhou Yunting raised his eyes to stare at her, immediately looked disgusted, and said, "I don't want to shake hands with him to make peace."

Mu Wan looked at his expression and blinked her eyes. It wasn't disgust, but disgust? !
She made a bold guess and asked, "Were you and Chu Bei good brothers in your previous life?"


Almost seconds back.

Mu Wan frowned, and smiled lightly, "I understand."

Seeing her meaningful smile, Zhou Yunting was impatient and explained, "He and I are enemies, and we cannot live together."

The great hatred of taking away his wife.

"Yeah, I understand, Aifei doesn't need to explain."

The emperors and empresses are too smart, they can guess any signs of them at random.

Zhou Yunting's eyes were dark and his heart was panicked, he didn't want Chu Bei and Mu Wan to know about this at all.

That bastard Chu Bei refused to give Jiu'er to him even if he asked him to, but instead wanted to snatch him and fight against him, he didn't have this kind of brother.

Moreover, he personally killed Chu Bei in his previous life, and they must have hated him to death if they knew about this incident.

So they are destined to be enemies.

"Jiu'er, don't worry, I will protect you and never let Mo Li hurt you."

Mu Wan looked at him and said with a smile, "Now that you are so weak, what do you use to protect me? Even if your martial arts are high and you can predict the future, but your body is broken, maybe I have to protect you."

Zhou Yunting's face froze, and he paused, "I just risked my life..."

Mu Wan looked cold and serious, and said sternly, "Don't talk about life and death lightly. I spent so many rare medicinal materials to save your life, but I don't want you to die. Don't you understand?"

Zhou Yunting was shocked suddenly, looking at her, his heart was thumping, "Jiu'er..."

Mu Wan stood up, took a deep breath, and said, "I don't care what happened in my previous life, I hope that everyone in this life will have a happy ending, I hope you can live well, and for the rest of your life, you can find a woman who only loves you sincerely. You have to try to let go of the past, otherwise I won't be able to help you, understand?"


Zhou Yunting's eyes fell silent, and he smiled, "I don't have the rest of my life, I only have six years left."

Even if there is such a person in his life, he will never be happy.

Seeing him so pessimistic, Mu Wan showed a row of bright teeth, and encouraged, "I won't let you die, just try to let go of the past, open your heart, cooperate with the treatment, Master Fu can save your life, so don't give up easily, I I will always accompany you to find your destined girl."

Zhou Yunting's head was full of black lines, his ears felt hot, and he said unhappily, "How can there be an emperor like you who is eagerly looking forward to his concubine Hongxing's affair, so it is possible that you still want to marry me?"

It felt like she was not at all like the Jiu'er I knew.

Jiu'er is not like her, that woman will get angry if she dares to look at him more.

How could she encourage herself to find another woman?

Zhou Yunting was angry and annoyed.

Mu Wan blushed silently, and said with a sneer, "I told you that the harem would be abolished. When that time comes, you can marry freely without interfering with each other. If you want a girl you like, I will definitely help you."

The young man raised his long eyelashes, his eyes were firm, and he said firmly, "I only have you in my heart."

Mu Wan said with a half-smile, "You can't say something so deadly, there are no absolutes."

The boy's face was slightly red, and he said with a little anger, "You don't believe me? I will prove it to you."

"Okay, okay, I believe you, you can take this Purple Golden Pill, the imperial physician has seen it, it can not only treat internal injuries, but also strengthen your body and strengthen your energy, but it is a good thing, Princess Qin specially asked me to send it to you. "

Mu Wan shook her head secretly, not wanting to argue with him about this issue, she smiled lightly, picked up the bottle of pill and stuffed it in his hand.

Mentioning Rong Qin, Zhou Yunting's face immediately turned dark, with a hint of disgust in his eyes, unexpectedly, that woman dared to go to Jiu'er?

Did she want to inform?

Seeing his displeasure, Mu Wan frowned slightly, "You're not bullying Princess Qin, are you?"

Zhou Yunting was dissatisfied immediately, "She was the one who broke into the harem with ulterior motives."

Is that what she told Jiu'er?

Dare to say that he bullied her?

Oh, then don't ask him to meet him next time, he must be bullied severely.

"She didn't do it on purpose. They apologized to you and gave you Jingui's pills as a present. Don't be as knowledgeable as a little girl, you are a big man, do you hear me?"

Mu Wan understood his character to some extent. He was sick and delicate. If he offended him, he would definitely take revenge.

Seeing his expression, he disliked Rong Qin very much, and made up his mind to take revenge back.

Hearing the empress's rather stern warning, Zhou Yunting nodded obediently on the surface, "Oh", but sneered in his heart, because he was determined to teach Rong Qin a lesson.

Silently remembering this account in her heart, she raised her eyes to look at the Empress, and begged, "Would Jiu'er stay and play chess with me?"

Looking at him, Mu Wan seemed to look a lot better, because he was in a good mood?It seems that this guy really needs the company of "Jiu'er".

After thinking for a while, he nodded, poured out a purple pill, told him to take it, and said, "Okay, you take a purple golden pill first."

Zhou Yunting frowned, obviously not happy. He didn't care for the woman's gift. He wanted to throw it away when Mu Wan left, but he didn't expect that she would force him to take medicine.

The young man opened his mouth with a look of lovelessness, swallowed the pill, and said, "Then you play chess with me, and then have dinner with me."

And bargain with her.

This temper is really speechless, it's not the first time, Mu Wan is used to it.

"But I have something to do later, so I can't accompany you for dinner."

She really has something to do, the drawing of the snowboard has not been completed yet, she wants to finish it as soon as possible, and hold a skiing competition in two days to make the palace lively.

She told him the truth.

"A ski race?"


"Then can I participate?"

"Yes, but you have to take medicine and maintain a good mood, otherwise your body won't be able to bear it."

Zhou Yunting wiped his sweat secretly, a little guilty, how did she know that she didn't take the medicine properly?

He has to take medicine every day, and Wuhen brings it to him every day, which makes him feel like throwing up, wishing to throw Wuhen out, so he often secretly pours out the medicine behind his back.

No one knows about this.

Mu Wan stared coldly at his guilty little sample, couldn't help curling her lips, and said, "Did you hear that?"

The boy squeezed out a depressed smile and said, "Well, I see."


The two played a game of chess, and it wasn't long before Fu Si came in with a medicine box.

Seeing the scene of the Empress and Concubine Yun playing chess, she couldn't help but frowned.

Isn't this good, full of energy, bright smile, how can you look a little sick?
(End of this chapter)

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