Chapter 578
Others didn't know, but the three of them knew very well that it was Mo Li who first arrested the two young masters of Junguo Ning's family, and the empress of Junguo sent someone to save them.

But they didn't know why Mo Li wanted to kidnap so many ladies and give them to the two young masters of the Ning family to humiliate. Want a famous lady? ?

They didn't know what Mo Li wanted to do at all.

Now, throwing the scapegoat to the Empress Junguo, is his purpose to make the two countries go to war?

Apart from this reason, Emperor Xiqi and the others couldn't think of any other reason.

All the ministers in the hall cursed angrily.

At this moment, Master Mo stepped forward and said angrily, "Your Majesty, the Empress of the Junguo sent someone to arrest the little girl. I implore the emperor to seek justice for the little girl, the princess, and all the girls!!"

He knelt down and kowtowed heavily, and then a wave of ministers followed with an angry request to send troops to crusade against the Queen of the Kingdom, otherwise he vowed not to give up.


At this time, the monarchy.

Mu Wan didn't know that Mo Li dumped such a big pot on her.

She is holding a skiing competition in the Palace of Hehuan in the palace.

Invited quite a few princes from aristocratic families, ladies from all over the world, and concubines from the harem to play together.

Not only did people rush to make skis, but they also made special ski suits.

Mu Wan was wearing an ancient style purple ski suit, which was simple yet refined and gorgeous. She was wearing a scarf, and her hair was tied with a golden crown. She was very heroic. She stepped on a ski and demonstrated it to everyone in the snow.

That handsome, tugging and cool pose, the movements are simple.

Everyone was dumbfounded, their eyes were excited, joyful, and curious. For some reason, there was an uncontrollable scream, clapping, and shouting from their throats.

Mu Wan turned her head and touched the tip of her nose, then slid back into the field, looked at Chu Bei and the others, and said with a smile, "How about it, it's fun, have you learned it yet?"

Chu Bei Mo raised her eyebrows slightly, stepped on the skateboard, and immediately walked around in a more handsome and gorgeous way with those fancy moves.

Looking back at her, he smiled and said, "What's so difficult about it?"

Immediately after, Situ Mo, Xia Houjin, Xiao Ci, Fuyu, Nan Sheng, Lu Fei, Fu Si and other aristocratic princes also entered the arena and began to play.

The ladies don't dare to play, especially the girls who don't know martial arts, so they can only watch them show off.

Among the girls, apart from the Empress, Princess Qin played best.

After this event, Mu Wan and Rong Qin gradually became familiar with each other. After getting to know each other to a certain extent, after getting along, they both had the feeling of seeing each other and hating each other later.

Rong Qin's personality can be said to be very similar to that of the original owner, and Mu Wan has an inexplicable like-mindedness with her.

The two were resting in the gazebo, Rong Qin said with a smile, "I didn't expect the capital to be so fun, there is no such skateboard in the northwest, can the emperor give me one?"

Mu Wan picked up the teacup and took a sip, then said with a smile, "If the princess likes it, take it. This suit suits you quite well, so I'll give it to you as well."

Rong Qin immediately expressed joy and quickly thanked him, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward."

At this time, the three sons of the Rong family came out of the ski resort and saw their younger sister chatting with the Empress, their eyes flashed and they couldn't help stepping forward.

"I have seen the emperor before."

Hearing the sound, Mu Wan raised her eyes to see the three brothers of the Rong family, subconsciously narrowed those clear and sparkling eyes, and said, "You don't need to be too polite, come here and give me a seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty..."

The eyes of the three teenagers flickered, secretly delighted.

The three brothers look very similar. They wear brocade clothes of the same color and style. They are about the same height and look the same. If you don't look carefully, you may think they are triplets.

Various pastries, snacks, fruits, and various drinks are placed on the table.

Mu Wan didn't bother them much, picked up a cup of cream cake and ate it by herself.

The three teenagers sat down and stared at her.

Seeing her eating, I thought she was really cute, and the more I looked at her, the more obsessed I became.

Sitting there to eat, Mu Wan felt uncomfortable being stared at by three fiery eyes.

Don't want to talk to them.

But it wouldn't be easy to drive them away.

The air was once so quiet that it made people feel awkward.

Rong Qin looked at her brothers wiping off their cold sweat secretly, and she found that it seemed that after her brother came, the empress became very indifferent.

After all, she wasn't angry or unhappy.

It's just that the aura suddenly cooled down, making people a little scared and at a loss.

The two had a good chat just now. She felt that the empress was very kind, approachable, and very easy to get along with. Compared with those ladies, she felt that the empress was more sincere, and she preferred to be with her.

Now suddenly he doesn't speak, just eats silently, this imperial aura makes people dare not interrupt easily for a while.

Rong Qin's back was inexplicably wet.

Seeing the three elder brothers staring at the empress all the time, their gazes were burning and presumptuous, her heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the three elder brothers are all in love with the empress? ?

She was panicked for a while, and was just about to signal her brothers to restrain themselves, when a young man walked in.

"Nine children..."

Rong Qin raised his eyes, stared blankly, is it him?

Zhou Yunting.

Seeing Concubine Yun, Mu Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She was waiting for Chu Bei and the others to rescue her.

After waiting for a long time, they all came out, probably having fun.

"The concubine is here."

Because of Zhou Yunting's health, he arrived later than others, wearing the brocade clothes sent by the empress, he looked much more energetic and his complexion improved a lot.

Mu Wan smiled, seeing him as if seeing a savior, got up happily, and helped him sit down, "Concubine Ai is weak, please pay attention to your body."

Zhou Yunting saw that she had some enthusiasm for him, so he couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and slightly hooked his lips and said, "My health is much better. Jiu'er said that she would teach me how to ski, so it's okay now."

He didn't even look at Rong Qin and the three brothers of the Rong family, he only had the empress in his eyes.

It seems that except for the girl in front of me, everything is a dispensable landscape wall.

Mu Wan glanced at the brothers and sisters of the Rong family, smiled and said, "Okay, princess, the three young masters, I will excuse you first."

After speaking, he entered the ski resort with Concubine Yun.

The four brothers and sisters got up and cupped their hands, and then watched a pair of young girls who looked like Bi people leave.

The scene of them standing in the snow, talking and laughing, seemed very glaring to the four of them for some reason.

Rong Qin felt sour, and thought he was an unfavored concubine, and didn't want him to have such a close relationship with the empress, "Jiu'er...", can he call the empress by her nickname so intimately?
Does the Empress allow it?
It seems that he is very favored.

That's right, being favored is a matter of course. There are very few women who are not attracted to a man like him.

What's more, the empress is romantic by nature, and she likes handsome boys the most.

Her gaze had been fixed on the young man, her chest felt very uncomfortable. It turned out that he could smile so nicely and be so gentle, which was completely opposite to the gloomy, ruthless and ruthless appearance Merlin saw that day.


Looking at this scene, the three teenagers felt panicked in their hearts.

They are all men. They think that they are not inferior to the concubines in the empress's harem. How can such a sick man be favored by the empress?

(End of this chapter)

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