Chapter 585

Zhou Yunting felt a little uneasy.

But Mu Wan didn't care so much, she was still sleepy, and tomorrow was New Year's Eve, so she didn't want to make things worse, so that was all she could do.

Back to Xuanwu Hall, got into bed and continued to sleep.

By the second day.

It was during breakfast that she asked Chu Bei, "Who does the queen think will kill Zhou Yunting?"

During this special period, King Ling was taken into captivity, and his life and death were unknown. Then Princess Ling died in a fire, and then Zhou Yunting was poisoned.

I don't know if this has anything to do with it?
Chu Bei ate his meal gracefully with a knife and fork, and said slowly, "I sent people to investigate. The National Teacher's Office captured King Ling and was assassinated when he arrived at the Xiqi border. The government still brought people back, those people assassinated King Ling just to provoke war between the two countries, and those assassins were the killers of Ghost Youtang."

Mu Wan frowned slightly, her eyes flickered, and she could quickly think of who it was, "So Bei Mingzhao sent someone to kill Princess Ling? I wonder why he did so much? Kill King Ling, and then kill Princess Ling." Concubine Ling, what's the point? It's a bit strange!"

Chu Bei raised his eyes, listened to a series of questions, and answered her, saying, "Those two corpses are fake. Fu Si's autopsy is not Princess Ling's."

Mu Wan was slightly startled, blinked her eyes, and was a little surprised, "You mean, Princess Ling faked her death? Then why did she do that?"

Even if King Ling is dead, she is still an incomparably noble Princess Ling.

And that day when she knelt in the snow and begged her to save King Ling, she was sincere and sincere, probably because she had a deep love for King Ling.

How could he feign death and escape at this time?
Chu Bei put down the knife and fork, picked up the handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, raised his long eyelashes slightly, and said with a smile, "Who told you that Princess Ling is sincere and devoted to King Ling?"

Mu Wan: "..."

Is not it?
Chu Bei looked calm and said with a smile, "She has long been interested in someone, but she was forced to marry Ling Wang, and she was very reluctant in her heart. But the empress dowager persecuted her domineeringly, and she could not do anything. On the wedding night, she frankly told Ling Wang Wang, you are willing to fulfill him and Zhou Ruolan, but Ling Wang is blindly angry, unwilling, disregarding her feelings, and forcibly possessing her, will you be sincere and devoted to this kind of man?"

Zheng Qi hated Ling Wang so much that he even wanted to kill him in his dreams.

Entering the palace to beg for mercy is just acting, for others to see, to numb everyone.

In fact, she had already arranged everything in secret, waiting for her beloved to kill Ling Wang, come to pick her up, and fly away with him.

Mu Wan was shocked for a while. She never thought that a traditional lady like Princess Ling would have a private life with a man and cheat after marriage.

More importantly, her boldness and freedom are inexplicably awe-inspiring.

An ordinary lady would never have the guts to do so.

Her character of daring to love and to hate, for the sake of the one she loves, she gave up everything and was reckless and free and easy, which made Mu Wan admire her from the bottom of her heart.

"Well, in the final analysis, King Ling really deserves to die. I thought he was sincere to Zhou Ruolan. Who knows, he is just a scumbag."

Chu Bei remained silent, not wanting to comment on a man like Ling Wang.

Then Mu Wan asked curiously, "Who is the man who took away Princess Ling?"

"Feng Xun, Shaozhuang, Feng Xun, the second in command of Gui Youtang, Bei Mingzhao's first cousin."

Mu Wan's eyes widened in surprise, "Isn't Bei Mingzhao's concubine the eldest lady of Bei Mingyuan's family?"

"No, her biological father is the deceased owner of Fengming Villa, and the only eldest lady of Fengming Villa."

Mu Wan's head is full of black lines, her life experience is so complicated.

"So, the ghost hall was built by the old owner of Fengming Mountain Villa, and now it is handed over to Beiming Zhaohe Fengxun to take care of it?"


"It's no wonder that Bei Mingzhao, a down-and-out prince, was able to rise quickly. Recently, I heard that he will soon be established as the prince of Beiming."

This speed is astonishing. I believe that in a few years, he will return to Beiming Xindi.

"Beiming, Nanliang, and Xiqi are all inseparable from the struggle for imperial power. Beimingzhao is a smart, deep-minded, cunning, and ruthless man. He is backed by Yuanfu, Fengming Villa, the third prince of Beiming and Liangwangfu. He is not his opponent at all, he must be the crown prince, I think next year he should be the crown prince of Beiming."

Chu Bei snorted coldly, knowing all about the power struggles in various countries.

It's just that this is someone else's business, as long as you don't provoke him, he doesn't bother to care.

But now that he is trying to provoke a war between the two countries, it will be detrimental to the monarchy, so he cannot sit still on this matter.

Mu Wan's eyes were calm, and she smiled, "I don't think it's necessary to make enemies with Beiming and Nanliang. If possible, I should choose to join forces with them to fight against Xiqi."

Don't you just want the three kingdoms to join forces and carve up the monarchy?

Mo Li can give this pie.

Why didn't she also draw a big cake and persuade Nanliang Beiming to attack Xiqi and carve up his Xiqi?
What Mo Li had done had made her intolerable, so she decided to act first.

Win over Zhao Shisan and Bei Mingzhao, and destroy Xiqi together.

Chu Bei's face darkened slightly, it's not that he didn't know what she was thinking, it's just that he always had a misunderstanding in his heart, he didn't want to become allies with Zhao Shisan and Bei Mingzhao, and he didn't want to see her fight with them in order to get rid of Mo Li and Xi Qi. There is nothing to do.

Two men are harboring ill intentions towards her, and she's only giving them a chance to get close to her.

It's just that she is an empress, an unusual woman, and it's impossible to call her a husband and a child like an ordinary woman.

As an emperor, it was impossible to avoid dealing with men from Beiming, Nanliang, and Xiqi who stood at the top of power.

Chu Bei thought for a while and could only accept this reality by himself. Looking at her, he felt that she didn't understand the internal court affairs of the two countries, so he analyzed with her, "You don't know, Mo Li and the Holy Master of Beiming Sacred Palace There is a certain amount of friendship, the real ruler of Beiming is Shenggong, she will definitely cooperate with Moli, and Nanliang has a warlike and ambitious General Nangong, and an ambitious Empress Dowager, Xiao Zhao. The emperor Zhao Shisan and the Nangong family have been fighting for many years, evenly matched, and the situation is not stable, so many decisions are not made by Bei Mingzhao and Zhao Shisan alone."

Mu Wan chuckled, and said disapprovingly, "I know, so everyone joins hands to eliminate internal enemies, stabilize the imperial power, and become allies. You are strong, I am strong, so what is there to fear about the enemy?"

Nanliang needs help to get rid of the ambitious Nangong family, and Bei Ming also needs help to get rid of the holy palace, and in the kingdom of Jun, there are two princes who are dormant in the dark, ready to move, and have ulterior motives. She is not incapable of getting rid of the two princes. , but worried that they would take refuge in Moli and be tempted and used by Moli, so that they would be difficult to deal with.

So what she most wanted to get rid of first was Mo Li.

He took King Ling away, fearing that he wanted to raise a falcon that could be used by him.

Become the "Zhou Yunting" of this life.

After hearing this, Chu Bei frowned, thinking of Zhou Yunting's defection to Mo Li in his previous life, which caused countless tragedies, became the knife in Mo Li's hand, and killed many people for him.

Ling Wang and Zhou Yunting are the same kind of people.

Mo Li is good at taking advantage of human weaknesses. Mu Wan had his leg chopped off, and Bei Mingzhao wanted to kill him, but Mo Li not only saved him, but also helped him repair his broken leg, and promised to help him deal with the Queen of the Kingdom and seize the throne , to give glory and wealth.

If King Ling couldn't resist Mo Li's temptation, he would definitely use him, cooperate with him, and deal with them together.

(End of this chapter)

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