Chapter 604

Mu Wan smiled and said, "Leaving aside all grievances and grievances, you and I are brothers and sisters. As the saying goes, blood is thicker than water. Although we are of the same father and mother, but the father's maternal grandfather is also the Zheng family, so I believe that the seventh brother is not Would you be so cruel to your own sister? Besides, I hand over the throne and the country to you, and you also refused? Brother Qi Wang has found what he really wants, right? "

Even my ambitions, ideals, and aspirations for many years can be given up without hesitation, which shows that there are things more worthy of my pursuit.

Hearing the last sentence, and looking into the girl's smiling eyes, Prince Li's heart tightened, his face flushed, and he couldn't help but think of that person. He wanted to settle accounts with him more than King's Landing...

Prince Li felt that he didn't want to talk to her anymore, he was afraid that if he continued talking, his thoughts would be taken away layer by layer.

"Since Xiao Jiu believes in this king, then this king will reluctantly take over the affairs of supervising the country."

Mu Wan squinted at him, her brows trembling, how arrogant is this?

Still reluctantly, it's really duplicity, a typical arrogant person who wants to save face and suffer.

She solemnly apologized and bowed, "Well, then I thank Brother Seventh Prince first."

Prince Li: "..."

"The emperor's words are serious, eating the king's salary, and being loyal to the king, this king is also the king's family."

He should have said thank you.

Without her pointing out, I am afraid that I will never wake up and find the answer.


It was already evening when the Empress came out of Prince Li's Mansion, and she returned to the palace after having dinner at Prince Li's Mansion.

When they heard this, everyone was almost shocked. They couldn't believe it. Did the Empress and Prince Li shake hands and make peace?

No one knew exactly what happened, they only thought that the Empress was really powerful, she subdued Prince Li in a few words, and they didn't know how she did it.

King Qi was furious when he heard about this, but he didn't expect that the Empress would let Lao Qi supervise the country and win him over.

Did she intend to pass on to Lao Qi?
The royal conquest, the emperor went to the front line to fight, if there is an emergency, it is for the sake of the overall situation.A new emperor will definitely be established.

Now that the empress has let Prince Li and the old prince Chu supervise the country, the meaning is already obvious.

Once the monarchy is defeated and the empress dies in battle, the four major families will immediately support Prince Li as emperor.

Maybe, she used this as a condition to persuade Prince Li to supervise the country obediently.

Now that Prince Li has joined the empress' camp, he will definitely turn his head and deal with the Palace of Qi Wang.

Prince Qi's face was ugly, and he said, "With Lao Qi watching, it will be very difficult for us to accomplish anything."

He thought that taking advantage of the chaos of the four kingdoms, with the support of Xiqi Guoshifu, he could raise his troops to rebel and take the opportunity to attack the palace and seize the throne.

I don't want the Empress to be on guard, why is she such a thief! !
King Ling's eyes were gloomy and he said, "Brother Wang, don't worry, send a message to Brother Si Wang first, and then make plans at that time. If Lao Qi dares to hinder our good deeds, I believe Mo Li will be the first to spare him."

A Prince Li is nothing to be afraid of. Today is different from the past. Although he has taken refuge in the Empress, they also have Mo Li's support.

It is not certain who will win the deer.

Mo Li wants to capture the Empress alive this time, and it is certain that she will win, and no one is allowed to disturb the situation.

They sent a message to Xi Qi, believing that Mo Li would send someone to directly kill Prince Li to avoid future troubles.

Qi Wang said, "Well, quickly pass the letter to Ling Wang Feige."


Harem, Shoukang Palace.

After hearing the report from the hidden guards of Prince Li's Mansion, the old lady staggered her jaw in surprise, finally sighed secretly, and said, "Mu'er really decided to give up?"

She didn't expect that Mu'er would burn the imperial decree for the Zen throne personally drawn up by the empress.

Why is he so stupid, such a good opportunity, why would he give up?

She and the Zheng family have cultivated him meticulously and worked so hard for so many years. If he says he will give up, he will give up. Has he ever thought about how to deal with those who supported him all the way?
Is he worthy of her grandmother?
Thinking of the old lady's eyes were red.

She has struggled in the heap of imperial power all her life, scheming and ruthless.

As a queen when she was young, she worked hard to help her son ascend to the throne.

When I am old, I have to continue to toil and work hard to support my grandson.

As a result, her son disobeyed her to the end.

Now, the grandson failed her hard work again.

What crime did she do!
The old lady beat her chest and stamped her feet in disregard of her image.

The dark guard knelt on the main hall, with cold eyes, clasped his fists, and said firmly, "Old ancestor, the prince said, please let him choose this time."

That look and tone, as if Prince Li himself said this in front of his eyes.

The dark guard grew up with his master and knows him best.

The prince has never made his own choice in this life.

Ambition, aspirations, and the throne were all instilled in him by the old lady and the Zheng family since he was a child, and the path he chose was given to him.

They think this is the best way, the best life.

The king is in the world, the ninety-five is the supreme, the supreme, the glory and the wealth.

They are in the royal family, and there is nothing wrong with pursuing these supreme rights.

But now the prince has what he really wants.

He has made a choice, and if the Empress Dowager really loves him, he should respect his choice.

After hearing the words of the dark guard, the old lady was startled, lowered her eyes, and sighed after a long time, "Forget it, forget it, young people, Aijia doesn't care about it, and it can't do anything about it."

Both the emperor and Mu'er have grown up, have their own opinions, and their wings are hardened. With her old bones, how can she manage these young people who are full of vigor and vigor?

After the old lady figured it out, she waved her hand to make the hidden guard retreat.


The next day, people in the capital began to get married one after another, and almost every day was a happy event.

Some sons of aristocratic families want to go to the battlefield, but their elders can't stop them, so they have to get married before going to the battlefield.

Just in case, at least I will save myself a queen.

The sword has no eyes on the battlefield, it is no child's play.

The other aristocratic sons are obedient, in order not to fall behind and keep up with the pace of the large army, they can't wait to get married right away and complete major events in life.

But there are also individual rebellious weirdos.

For example, the young master of the Lu family, the third and sixth sons of the Chu family, and the eldest son of the Xiao family.

Chu Lan, Lu Fei, Chu Yan, and Xiao Heng were all unwilling to get married.

The relationship between Chu Yan and Xiao Heng is justifiable, because you can't steal your brother's wife, right?
It is normal for Chu Lan to have a sweetheart who does not want to marry.

But Maota Lu Fei refused to get married?

Doesn't he like to bully his little fiancee?
It is said that if you like someone, you will bully her severely.

Since he likes it, why is he running away from marriage?

It's a typical weirdo.

His wife, Mrs. Situ, ran into the palace to complain about him.

Mrs. Situ is the mother of Situ Fangfang and the second aunt of Concubine Shu.

She felt sorry for her daughter, and felt that the kid from the Lu family was too deceitful. How did her daughter feel sorry for him?Where is he not worthy of him?
He actually ran away from marriage?

Second Madam Situ was furious.

The prime minister and Master Situ would not let her enter the palace, and now there is a war at the border.

The empress was upset by many things, she was not allowed to enter the palace to quarrel with the empress.

But Mrs. Situ was so angry that she tossed and turned at night and couldn't sleep. The next day she secretly hid from her husband and the prime minister, and brought her daughter to the palace to sue the imperial court.

(End of this chapter)

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