The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 606 Kill the enemy and defend the mountains and rivers

Chapter 606 Kill the enemy and defend the mountains and rivers

Seeing that her tone softened, the young man struck while the iron was hot, and said, "I am in good health, I beg the emperor, please take me there, okay..."

He also boldly grabbed her arm and shook it, even acting coquettish and cute, so exaggerated that he almost rolled on the ground.

Mu Wan's head was covered with cold sweat, she really convinced him, "No way".

Seeing the empress was unmoved.

Zhou Yunting's eyes flickered slightly, he looked at Chu Bei beside him, pursed his lips, and said, "Queen, brother Chu, I beg you, please persuade the emperor to take me to the expedition together, I promise not to hinder you."

Chu Bei: "..."

Chu Bei looked like he was being struck by lightning, and looked at a certain shameless man coldly, as much as he hated him.

Fuyu and Nansheng stared dumbfounded, secretly said, Concubine Yun is really flexible and clever!
The two looked at each other, got up one after another, and followed Zhou Yunting to besiege Chubei.

"Brother Chu, please do me a favor, help us beg the emperor, we promise not to cause trouble for you."

Mu Wan was pushed aside, seeing Chu Bei surrounded by several teenagers begging, with a dark face, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

Unexpectedly, they were smart enough to know that she would definitely listen to Chu Bei.

So they all said "Brother Chu" sweetly.

Don't you usually see them being so enthusiastic, well-behaved and sensible?

In order to follow to the border, to achieve this level, Mu Wan couldn't laugh or cry.

Chu Bei's head was full of black lines, looking at the young men, he said in a deep voice, "Presumptuous!"

With a reprimand, she had the air of a royal empress.

The three teenagers immediately took a few steps back, not daring to do it again.

Seeing their discouraged and disappointed expressions, Mu Wan frowned slightly, and said, "Concubine Yun, let's go together, as for... you two may have to avoid suspicion."

Zhou Yunting will definitely not be obedient, and it will be more troublesome to follow him secretly. It is better to follow his wish.

This time Zhou Yunting was happy, Fuyu and the others were unhappy, but there was nothing they could do, they really couldn't follow, the empress agreed, and all the civil and military officials also disagreed, if they insisted on following, it would cause trouble for her.

In the end, the two obediently obeyed and went back.

Zhou Yunting smiled smugly, "The emperor, let's go, the time is coming."

He packed his bags early on, and made up his mind that if Mu Wan didn't take him there, he would follow him secretly.

Anyway, Situ Mo couldn't stop him.

Now that Mu Wan nodded, everyone was naturally happy.

Mu Wan stared at him coldly, and said, "You can follow, but you have to be obedient, you know?"

The young man was happy and in a good mood. He nodded in agreement with what she said, and said, "Well, I will definitely listen to the emperor and the queen. Don't worry, I will never make trouble for you."

He wanted to protect her, and he wanted to find a way to assassinate Mo Li and poison him to death.

He doesn't intervene in the war, but Mo Li will help keep an eye on it.

He didn't believe that Chu Bei could protect her well.

Chu Bei looked at him, narrowed his eyes slightly, smiled, and said, "Then you are not allowed to get close to the emperor now."

Didn't you say you would listen to him?Won't you block him?
Let's see if he listens or not!
Hearing this, Zhou Yunting paused, looking at Chu Bei, he had the urge to bite him to death, but he finally held back, showing a bright smile, "Okay, then I will wait for the emperor in the main army."

After saying that, he left without a trace.

Chu Bei: "..."

While watching him being rejected, Rong Che couldn't help smiling, "Your Majesty, let's go."

If there is any further delay, the time will pass. All the civil and military officials and all the soldiers are waiting.

Mu Wan nodded, and took Chu Bei, Rong Che, Xia Houjin, Xiao Ci, and Fu Si out of the palace to the gate of the capital, on the high platform.

Everyone saw the girl standing tall on the stage. She was dressed in a war robe, she was majestic and domineering, majestic, and her aura was not lost to the young generals such as the King of War God.

After the Empress stepped forward to speak boldly, the audience responded with thunderous momentum,

"Slay the enemy, defend the mountains and rivers, defend the homeland, long live the emperor!"

"Slay the enemy, defend the mountains and rivers, defend the homeland, long live the emperor!"

"Slay the enemy, defend the mountains and rivers, defend the homeland, long live the emperor!"

Deafening shouts resounded throughout the capital, making one's blood boil.

Both sides of the gate of the capital were crowded with ordinary people seeing off.

It is also followed by shouts, and the emotions are high.


In the end, the empress raised her hand, and the audience immediately fell silent, only to see him, with serious eyes, and a firm and majestic tone, "Pass my order and set off immediately."

With an order, the horn sounded through the sky.

Mu Wan handsomely got on his horse and led the generals and ministers, as well as 30 troops and various military supplies from the capital of the kingdom to the border.

Along the way, three hundred elite soldiers led the way, holding high the battle flag of the monarchy.

The empress was in the middle, and on the left and right were Chu Bei and Rong Che who were two or three steps behind, closely following behind, followed by escorts.

After leaving the capital, there was no pause, all the way at full speed, eating and sleeping on the road.


After receiving the news, Xiao Wang and others at the border gate, Junguo military camp, and others breathed a sigh of relief that the reinforcements had finally arrived.

To be honest, the Three Kingdoms Alliance now has millions of troops.

The monarchy now has only 50 soldiers, and it is too much to fight for several days.

If it weren't for the monarchy's weapons, most of the armor is made of refined black iron, I'm afraid it won't be able to carry it.

This time I heard that the Empress led a personal expedition with 30 troops and excellent equipment. In addition, she borrowed a group of highly skilled doctors from Yaowang Valley to accompany her, and brought sufficient military supplies to the border for support.

These are the second, and the most important thing is that just hearing about the female emperor's personal conquest, the soldiers of the monarchy can't help but feel excited, and their morale is greatly increased.

For hundreds of years, there has never been a scene of a female emperor's royal conquest. Now that the kingdom is making an exception, everyone is looking forward to what kind of surprise this girl can give them.


Xiqi Barracks, Beimingjun Barracks, and Nanliang Barracks are discussing the battle situation in the big tent of the Alliance Barracks.

On Xiqi's side, King Jin is in command, and the deputy commander is Prince Xiqi, Li Jinyan.

The commander of Beiming is General Beiming Xie, and the deputy commander is the newly appointed Prince Beiming, Bei Mingzhao.

On Nanliang's side, the Prince Regent is in command, and General Nangong is the deputy commander.

Several people were sitting in a luxurious and spacious tent, and they couldn't help being surprised when they received the news.

The Prince Regent of Nanliang said, with the corners of his lips curled, "I didn't expect the Emperor to arrive at the border so soon. It is estimated that he will arrive at the border in three days."

Prince Xiqi leaned on the grand teacher's chair in a shapeless manner, narrowed his phoenix eyes, and said lazily and arrogantly, "Hmph, I've been impatient for a long time. She's here just in time. When the time comes, I will lead the troops to You Zhoucheng rubs her energy first."

Prince Beiming raised his eyes and glanced, and said with a sneer, "Dong Qinghou is stationed in Youzhou City, and there are at least 35 elite soldiers. Don't wait for you to break through the city. The [-]th army of the Kingdom of the Kingdom will trample you into a pulp as soon as it arrives." .”

Mash! !
Prince Xiqi looked at him with black lines all over his head, "Brother Beiming, can you stop being so honest and show me some face?"

Although what Bei Mingzhao said was the truth, he didn't really intend to send troops to Youzhou, he was just talking, look at him serious!

(End of this chapter)

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