Chapter 608

The power of the Monarch's cannon left the Three Kingdoms at a loss what to do, and the morale of the army was in turmoil. They needed time to reorganize the army and come up with countermeasures.

That's why they didn't care about damaging the army's prestige and morale, so they hung the flag of avoiding war.

Mu Wan sat down on the tiger skin, threw down her armor, and said, "What's the deal, I took the opportunity to bombard their main camp. I want to end this war as soon as possible, so I said I don't accept the truce, and I will completely defeat them tomorrow. "

End early, go home early, and reduce innocent casualties.

Rong Wang said, "Reporting to the emperor, I think this is probably inappropriate. The military strength of the Three Kingdoms is far more than this. If you send troops rashly, you may backfire."

Xiqi, Nanliang, and Beiming have only dispatched more than 30 troops, which is far from the real strength of their countries.

The four countries are already evenly matched, with almost the same military strength.

If the pressure is too tight, the Three Kingdoms will jump over the wall in a hurry and dispatch all the troops of the whole country to attack the monarchy together, then the situation will be bad.

Although the monarchy has excellent weapons and equipment, plus the power of cannons and bombs, it is not enough to worry about, but the production of cannons and bombs takes time, and resources are limited. If these resources are cut off, the monarchy will not be the Three Kingdoms opponent.

Chu Bei thought for a while, and said, "Sooner or later, the Three Kingdoms will dispatch the whole country's troops, but the soldiers also need to rest, let's rest for a day first."

King Xiao, Marquis Dingbei, Chu Bei and others explained to her one by one the analysis of the battle situation, the pros and cons, and they are all experts in leading troops to fight. , "Okay, then, according to what the love ministers said, give them a chance to breathe."

King Xiao said, "Your Majesty, there don't seem to be many cannons and bombs. I wonder if the imperial court will send reinforcements?"

Mu Wan smiled and said, "Well, the queen is responsible for this matter, don't worry, these supplies will not be broken."

Cannons and bombs are very important, and they are inconvenient to transport for fear of being robbed midway, so she discussed with Chu Bei and decided to build a military workshop at the border, which was specially built secretly and used directly.

After hearing the meaning of the empress, Xiao Wang nodded in appreciation, admiring the young couple from the bottom of his heart.

As expected of a husband and wife who are of the same heart, their profits cut through gold, and they cooperate very tacitly.

After the discussion, Mu Wan came to rest in a purple dragon pattern tent.

When she arrived in the tent, there was no one there, so she no longer had the image of an empress. She kicked off her boots and armor, and went to the soft couch, jumping her legs straight, "Ah...I'm exhausted!" gone."

Behind him, Chu Bei, Rong Che, Zhou Yunting, Xiao Ci, and Xia Houjin looked at her all breaking out in cold sweat.

Mu Wan buried her face in the bed and said, "The queen stays here, you all step back."

Their tents were all next to her.

Chu Bei just lived with her and had nothing else to do.

When the empress spoke, the young men dared not disobey, glanced at Chu Bei, and retreated with their hands clapped.

Chu Bei walked to the side of the bed, massaged her shoulders and legs, and said with a smile, "This king will give the emperor a massage."


Mu Wan closed her eyes and enjoyed it, "I want to take a bath, but I don't have the strength and I'm so tired, can the queen carry me?"

Looking at her, Chu Bei suddenly felt distressed. She had come all the way on horseback by herself. She rode fast and slept in the open, so she didn't have time to rest.

After a few days, the whole person lost weight.


He bowed his head and kissed her on the forehead, then picked her up and walked behind the screen.

The two of them took off their clothes one after another, got into the water together, and soaked in the mandarin duck tub.

Chu Bei didn't dare to touch her, so he tormented her, wiped her back, wiped her hands, and helped her take a bath.

And Mu Wan was lying on the edge of the tub, and fell asleep without knowing it.


At this moment, in the Triple Alliance barracks.

Mo Li, as the commander-in-chief of the Three Kingdoms, sat on the first chair of the grand master, looked at everyone present with gloomy eyes, and said, "Everyone, tell me, what is the best strategy?"

He has lived in this world for more than 300 years, and has never seen the so-called cannons and bombs.

That weapon can rival the power of magic weapons in the demon world and the fairy world.

The lethality is stronger than that of the black snake.

If things go on like this, the combined forces of the Three Kingdoms may not be able to take down the monarchy, let alone capture that stinking girl alive!

Unexpectedly, she still has this ability.

Could it be that she also came from another world?
Mo Li's eyes flickered darkly, and suddenly this thought flashed through, and he couldn't help but frown slightly, if this is true, maybe that stinky girl knows how to leave here and return to her original world.

The Regent of Nanliang looked up at him, and said, "Don't worry about the national teacher. Even though the cannons and bombs are powerful, the resources are limited. I believe they don't have many such magical weapons. I'm afraid that this battle will be fought by the Queen of the Kingdom. It is used to frighten the armed forces, boost morale, and save money."

Mo Li glanced coldly, and said with a smile, "What the regent said is very true, so according to your opinion, what should be done next?"

The Regent of Nanliang's eyes were sharp, and his lips curled up slightly, "I don't have any good ideas. First, the Three Kingdoms dispatched the whole country's troops. Second, find a way to destroy their magical weapons, or snatch them and use them for me. A tooth for a tooth."

Prince Beiming raised his eyes and smiled, "I agree with the regent's opinion."

Mo Li looked at these two young men, one was the ruthless Prince Regent, the other was the cruel and ruthless Prince Beiming, the king who would control the power of Nanliang and Beiming in the future, he was decisive, ruthless, and cunning , has a strategy, has experienced people, and indeed has a bit of ability, which makes people have to look at him with admiration.

Although their goals are the same, except for the territory of the Junguo, the ultimate prey is the Junguo Empress, but that woman can only be his, and no one can snatch it from him.

Their strength is needed now, so Mo Li is still very polite to the two of them on the surface, it can be said to be amiable.


It was night, and the Junguo military camp was holding a celebration banquet.

Mu Wan fell asleep and felt refreshed. After getting dressed, she went outside to host the banquet.

Compared with the lifeless atmosphere of the Three Kingdoms military camp, this place is lively and festive, which forms a stark contrast.

The empress was sitting at the banquet, accompanied by the empress and imperial concubines, concubines Xian, Concubine De, and Concubine Yun.

Mu Wan looked at this man with a headache, probably because Rong Wang, Xiao Wang and others arranged it specially.

The banquet seats are arranged to accommodate three people, that is to say, the queen is on her left and the imperial concubine is on the right.

She understood what King Rong meant, and she didn't want her to favor the queen and neglect his son.

What King Xiao and the others meant was that they hoped that she would put the overall situation first and be patient. The imperial concubine is no worse than the empress. She is the emperor, and it is normal to hug her left and right. No one dares to point her finger at her.

Mu Wan was a little depressed, she smiled and went to sit down, and then both Chu Bei and Rong Che sat down beside her.

What hug left and right?
If they weren't in this position, they wouldn't be able to appreciate her deep water.

Male concubine, can it be compared with female concubine?

What's more, these two teenagers are not ordinary concubines.

Rong Che raised his wine glass to Mu Wan, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, I would like to offer you a glass."

Mu Wan smiled and said, "Okay."

Chu Bei glanced coldly, "Your Majesty, it's better to drink a cup of warm milk to warm up your body, drinking will hurt your body."

As he spoke, he took the wine glass from her hand and asked her to pay Rong Che back with milk instead of wine.

(End of this chapter)

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