The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 616 Past life, present life

Chapter 616 Past life, present life

The God of War of the Kingdom of the Kingdom is forced to death here, can he still retreat unscathed?
And the purpose of His Royal Highness is not like this.

The corners of Mingxue's lips curled up, looked at Chu Bei, and sneered in his heart, he wanted to make him die in peace.

Let him watch his woman become another man's concubine.

Bei Mingzhao likes the empress, and he wants to get her, so let him fulfill him.

It's not in vain for master and servant, haha!

"Prepare a carriage, and you will follow alone at a distance."

Mingxue kidnapped the empress, and they had no choice but to do so.

After the carriage was ready, a group of black clothes came to meet him.

Mingxue took the empress into the carriage and quickly left the Junguo military camp.

Chu Bei rode a horse and followed him all the way.

Xiao Ci, Xia Houjin, and Rong Che followed secretly with their secret guards.

This matter should not be made public, for fear of alarming the Three Kingdoms, they will take the opportunity to attack the monarchy.

Therefore, Rong Wang and others ordered to block the news, and did not dare to make a big move to send soldiers.

Xiao Wang and others stayed in the barracks, vigilant and ready to fight at any time.

Since he was sent by Prince Beiming, I believe that the Three Kingdoms will know the news soon, and then take the opportunity to attack the monarchy, so they have to guard against it.


Chu Bei rode his horse and followed all the way, farther and farther away from the military camp. After walking for one night, he found that this road was somewhat familiar. In his previous life, Zhou Yunting designed to lure him here. This place is called Tianyinya.

The carriage in front stopped at the cliff, he reined in his horse, flashed in his mind the scene where he was besieged by Zhao Rui, Bei Mingzhao, Li Jinyan, Zhou Yunting and hundreds of dark guards in his previous life, and he was seriously injured in the end. Stabbed by Zhou Yunting and pushed off the cliff...

Chu Bei was restless and very restless. This was different from his previous life. The same place, but a different person.

He dismounted and got off the horse calmly. There were hidden guards arranged by him in the dark, just in case.

If he was alone, he would have escaped the danger, but now Mu Wan is in Mingxue's hands.

In his previous life, he didn't send anyone to seal up Tingyu Tower, so he and Mingxue had no grievances.

Everything in the previous life was planned and designed by Zhou Yunting.

Mo Li, Bei Mingzhao and the others are behind the plot.

Chu Bei's heart was heavy, and he had a premonition that there might be a bloody storm today, which would be even faster and more terrifying than in the previous life.

The sky was gray and was about to light up, the carriage stopped, and Mingxue took the empress to get out of the carriage.

Chu Bei clenched his fists, seeing the girl feeling tense and painful, he held back his worries, kept calm, raised his eyes coldly, and looked at Mingxue coldly, "Do as you said, let her go quickly , The sealing up of Tingyulou is an order from this king, and it has nothing to do with the empress, if you want revenge, kill or cut, you come to this king."

At this time, Rong Che and others also followed to the vicinity of Tianyinya, and landed on a century-old tree in the forest.

When Rong Che saw the empress, he couldn't help rushing out.

Xia Houjin and Xiao Ci hurriedly grabbed him, "You are crazy, rushing out like this will only add to the chaos."

At this time, it should be handed over to Chu Bei, making him very bloody Zhou Xuan.

They just need to be vigilant and secretly take the opportunity to save people.

Rushing out now will only irritate Mingxue, it's not the time at all.

Rong Che struggled a bit, and said, "The emperor is injured, if the bleeding doesn't stop, he will die."

Seeing Mu Wan's neck bleeding, his heart ached like a knife.

Self-blame, uncomfortable, obviously he was right in front of her eyes, but still hurt her, secretly hating herself for being useless.

This conspiracy has been planned for a long time, but it suddenly broke out, and no one expected it.

Xia Houjin and Xiao Ci were not in the mood to comfort him, they just said, "Don't rush out, we can only wait for the opportunity."

"Mingxue is a lunatic who kills without blinking an eye. If you provoke him, the emperor will definitely die."

Mingxue came here for revenge, completely blinded by hatred, lost reason and humanity, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a murderous lunatic, even if Bei Mingzhao came, he might not necessarily listen to what he said.

After hearing this, Rong Che had no choice but to bear it, just like this, the three eyes fixed on Mingxue and the Empress.

The whole body was tense, and there was an abyss behind them. If one of them didn't fall too deep, they would definitely be smashed to pieces.

The young men's faces were pale, with a terrifying murderous look all over their bodies, and cold sweat dripped down their foreheads uncontrollably.

Take all precautions, keep an eye on everything, and still something went wrong. I didn't expect that a ghost would suddenly appear. He obeyed Bei Mingzhao's order a long time ago to lurk in the Northwest Military Camp. The father-in-law laid a poisonous hand.

Thinking of Xiao Lizi's miserable and humiliating death, the eyes of the teenagers were scarlet, they gritted their teeth secretly, and clenched their fists tightly. In the silent deep forest, there was a creaking sound.

Whether it is for Mingxue or Bei Mingzhao, they all hate it to the bone.


Before Tianyinya, Chubei and Mingxue were in Zhou Xuan.

"As long as you let the emperor go, you can hold me hostage, and I guarantee that you will leave safely."

Mingxue looked at the livid-faced young man, and couldn't help but curl his lips, "I want you to abolish martial arts first."

The king of Chu has high martial arts skills and unfathomable internal strength.

Abolish his martial arts first, and then torture him slowly.

It was too cheap to cut him down with a knife.

Can't let him die that cheap.

There were more than a dozen hidden guards around the carriage, holding long swords and guarding.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered darkly, and he said, "Okay."

As he said that, he was about to do what Mingxue said.

However, at this moment, a hidden weapon suddenly flew over, directly hitting Ming Xue's forehead, and shot him dead.

Immediately afterwards, a group of women in white clothes descended from the sky, and the sky was full of flower petals.

Ice blades fell one after another, quickly finishing off the men in black around the carriage.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered, and he took the opportunity to flash to Mu Wan's side. As soon as he untied her acupoints, long swords attacked him before he could leave.

At this time, Rong Che and the others no longer hid, and immediately showed up to help save people.

Chu Bei pushed the woman in his arms to Xiao Ci, and said, "Take the emperor first."

Then he turned around and wrestled with those white-clothed women, restraining them.

Xia Houjin and Rong Che stayed to help Chu Bei.

Xiao Ci took Mu Wan away decisively without hesitation.

Mu Wan looked at the women in white and said, "They're from Beiming Shenggong."

Xiao Ci helped her get on the horse, and he didn't care about so many people getting on the horse. The two of them rode a horse together, and a horse with a few hidden guards escorted her away, saying, "Let's leave first, wait until we go back." Send someone to help."

Mu Wan's heart was flustered, and her brows twitched, "I feel restless. I'm afraid things are not that simple. How many people did you bring?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry..."

Before Xiao Ci could speak, several white-clothed women suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the way. The first woman was wrapped in white, wearing a veil, with a bright red lotus flower makeup on her forehead, and holding a guqin, falling from the sky , Immortal aura flutters, the aura is huge, looking back, the eyes are as sharp as knives, and the slender hands are twitching and plucking at the strings, suddenly emitting a strong aura, directly attacking the young girl on the horseback.

Seeing this, Xiao Ci reacted quickly and jumped off the horse with the empress in his arms. Because the aura was too fast and too strong, he couldn't hide, so he could only turn around while jumping to protect the girl in his arms.

He volleyed and was hit on the back, and the two were sent flying together.

Mu Wan grabbed him with her hands, and used her dagger to tie the soil tightly to the ground, so that she didn't hit the tree stump.

She dropped the dagger, glanced at the injured boy, and said, "Xiao Ci!!"

(End of this chapter)

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