Chapter 618 Breaking
At this time, Bei Mingzhao came over, grabbed her wrist, and said, "Xiao Jiu, come with me."

Mu Wan immediately slapped her and said angrily, "I haven't settled with you yet, Bei Mingzhao, all of this was planned! Little Lizi is dead, and I want you to pay with blood!!"

As he spoke, he stabbed with a sword.

The young man hurriedly dodged and wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain it. All of this was indeed planned by him. It was he who arranged for Mingxue to lurk in the Junguo military camp, and it was he who ordered Mingxue to act last night to arrest her and come to Tianyinya. Bring Chu Bei over and arrest their husband and wife.

But he never wanted to hurt her.

The appearance of the Lord Beiming was an accident.

The young man was dressed in black brocade clothes, his complexion was a little pale, standing on the edge of the cliff and confronting the girl holding a long sword.

Over there, Chu Bei, Zhao Rui, and Li Jinyan deal with Xue Qinghuan together.

Xia Houjin and Rong Che dealt with the Eight Guardians of the Holy Palace.

It wasn't until the Twelve Knights of the Northern Darkness joined that they were able to vacate.

Seeing that this man was going to take Mu Wan away, Rong Che slashed at him without saying a word, and together with Xia Houjin, they protected her behind him

Bei Mingzhao was restless, watching the two young men's eyes flicker with ruthlessness, and said, "Come here, let me arrest them."

These two men are too much of an eyesore.

He and Xiaojiu were talking and didn't want to be disturbed.

After the words fell, Feng Xun brought people to support him.

Xia Houjin and the others were dragged back, so Mu Wan went up by herself, gritted her teeth secretly, and decided to kill Bei Mingzhao to avenge Xiao Lizi.

Bei Mingzhao looked at her eyes full of hatred, his heart tightened, and he suddenly regretted it, but she cared so much about the death of a slave, if Chu Bei died because of this, wouldn't she hate herself to the bone?
He had thought about this situation a long time ago, thought that she would hate him, but when he really faced it, he realized that he couldn't bear her hatred at all. The young man's bright red lips gradually turned white, trembling slightly, and said, "Xiao Jiu ,you listen to me…"

The fault is that the little plum is not an ordinary slave?
Bei Mingzhao was a little flustered, he still didn't know her well enough.

Mu Wan didn't want to listen to his explanation at all, the mistake had already been made, it was irreversible, and there was no point in explaining it! !
"Stop talking nonsense, I am at odds with you."

At this moment, she was blinded by hatred in her heart, and she only wanted to vent her anger. She suppressed her anger for a long time, and when she saw him, she couldn't control her outburst. Thinking of such a kind person as Xiao Lizi, he had never harmed anyone and had nothing to do with him. He was murdered without a grudge, if he hadn't sent Mingxue to lurk in the barracks, if he hadn't ordered it, if he hadn't... it would have been his fault.

Mu Wan's eyes were scarlet, like a irascible little wild cat, showing off its minions and attacking the boy crazily.

Afraid of hurting her, the young man had been patient, and finally gave up resisting altogether. At this moment, he just wanted to eliminate the hatred in her heart.

He stopped suddenly, and Mu Wan stabbed him in the chest with a sword.

At this time, Mu Wan woke up suddenly, stopped, her hand holding the sword trembled slightly, her face turned pale, "You..."

The young man stood proudly on the edge of the cliff, his black hair flying, behind him was the gorgeous rising sun, streaks of dazzling golden light shrouded his slender figure.

The cold sword pierced his chest, but the young man didn't fall down. He raised his hand to hold her hand, his slender eyebrows gradually softened, and said, "I'm sorry, Xiao Jiu, I was wrong, I caused all this , if you want revenge, kill me and stab me hard."

give him one final blow...

He grabbed her hand hard.

Looking at his repentant expression, Mu Wan blinked a tear from her cold and sharp eyes, grabbed the hilt of her sword and pulled it out fiercely, saying, "I'm not some Xiaojiu, I'm not the Xiaojiu you like, you The person you are looking for is no longer in this world, and I have never had any relationship with you."

The boy didn't understand and still shouted, "Xiao Jiu, I know you're angry with me..."

Mu Wan pointed her sword at him, and said in a sharp and cold tone, "I said no, you are not allowed to shout like that."

Bei Mingzhao paused, and then heard her say:

"I thought you were different from others. I thought you would be a generation of emperors with great talents. We are both emperors. I thought we could become friends who understand each other, but I was wrong. I misread you. Bei Ming Zhao."

"Your vision, your structure, your ability, do you only use such indecent means?"

"Do you think that if you annex the kingdom and kill Chu Bei, Zhen will be with you?"

"You are wrong, I will live and die with the monarchy."

The girl raised her eyes and looked at him with a cold and sad expression. She was tall and straight, standing proudly, wearing a purple dragon robe with wide sleeves, her black hair was tied high with a dragon and phoenix golden crown, and her hair tail fluttered in the wind, swaying gracefully, like that There is only coldness and ruthlessness in the clear eyes, "I will not kill you, I want you to live with regret for the rest of my life, you will never understand me, we can't be friends, let alone lovers..."

The words of this complete break made the young man's heart feel like a knife, and his vision was a little blurry unconsciously. Looking at her resolutely turned and left figure, a girl with a warm and bright smile appeared in front of him under the cherry blossom tree that year...

Now, they can't be friends, let alone lovers... Is that so?
When Mu Wan turned around, Xue Qinghuan's eyes froze over there, she was very impatient, and immediately used all her skills, knocking out all the men with one palm.

Then he picked up a sword and attacked Mu Wan.

"Xiao Jiu—"

When Bei Mingzhao saw her, he quickly pushed her away. He wanted to take the sword, but Xue Qinghuan flicked him away with a powerful internal force on his sleeve.

Mu Wan panicked and quickly got up and ran.

The corners of the woman's lips curled up, her eyes were gloomy and cold, and she secretly knocked her down to the ground with a swipe of her inner strength sleeve.

"See where you're going."

Mu Wan received a blow from the back, spit out blood suddenly, and couldn't run anymore, but she was wearing a gold silk soft armor, her eyes panicked for a moment and then she quickly regained her composure. She closed her eyes and decided to take a gamble.

At this moment, panic flashed across Chu Bei's eyes, and he hurriedly flew over and hugged her. The Holy Master Beiming's inner strength was so strong that he could pierce through the golden silk soft hedgehog armor with his sword at full strength.

Mu Wan opened her eyes and saw him, pushed him anxiously, and said, "Hurry up..."

At least she has a protective soft armor, maybe she can survive by luck, but he doesn't have it! !
There was still a trace of blood at the corner of Chu Bei's mouth, and he said with a smile, "I can't walk anymore, if there is an afterlife, would you still marry me?"

Mu Wan hugged him tightly, "In the next life, in the next life, I will always carry a big sedan chair to marry you..."

Just when they all thought they were going to die, suddenly a figure ran over quickly, and the sword directly pierced his chest, and the sword penetrated his body.

Mu Wan and Chu Bei Qiqi's expressions changed, and they were stunned.

"Rong Che—!"

This cry resounded throughout Tianyinya.

(End of this chapter)

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