Chapter 625 Fight Dad!
They slowly accepted the humans and life here.

It should have been a perfect ending.

But he fell in love with this human girl, but this girl already had her own heart, because she wanted to save her beloved, but she chose to cheat and hurt him.

He was angry, unwilling, and finally killed her lover, relatives, friends, everything she cherished, and took her back to the National Teacher's Mansion, imprisoned her, and even forced her to be with him.

He was very kind to her and was willing to forgive her for hurting herself, but she couldn't forgive what he had done, and finally chose to die in front of him with deep resentment towards him.


"Tell me, how could I be sorry for her, why did she treat me like this?"

In the end, the man's faintly angry voice echoed in the ice room.

After listening to his story, Mu Wan was silent for a long time, and she suddenly realized that she was not qualified to criticize his actions.

Because everything he did was to protect his wounded heart.

Human beings are inherently selfish.

When someone stabs him in the heart with a knife, shouldn't he resist, fight back, and take revenge?

If it were her, maybe she would be more extreme.

Mu Wan lowered her eyes and did not judge.

Mo Li looked at her and sneered, "You also think I did something wrong, don't you?"

Hearing this, Mu Wan raised her clear eyes and looked at him for a moment, "I don't know, maybe you're right, what's wrong is that you shouldn't have come to this world, what's wrong is that the majestic devil should be ruthless, You are emotional."

Perhaps his encounter with Hua Xiaofeng was a tragedy in itself.

Mo Li was slightly taken aback, lowered his eyes, his dark eyes were deep and unpredictable, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He stared at the hands of the two with their fingers clasped together, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, "As expected of God Liu Guang, If you are gods, you like to be good people."

Her hands were very warm, and her eyes were very sincere, which unknowingly touched his heartstrings.

Mu Wan smiled and said, "I'm not a Liuguang god, I lied to you, and I'm not a nice person, I just think you are very pitiful."

Mo Li's head was full of black lines, and he looked like he knew you were a little liar. He said in a low and cold tone, "You are not timid. If you dare to lie to me, and even pity me, you will not be afraid of me being killed." you?"

Mu Wan blinked, and asked without answering, "Do you really want to be with my child?"


Suddenly saying this, Mo Li's face turned dark, "You girl is really not ashamed to speak, don't you think I will be lucky for you now?"

Mu Wan chuckled, "You won't, because the national teacher has his own heart, and you won't touch a woman you don't like."

Her tone of voice was so firm, and her expression was so confident.

The smile is as warm as the sun, and the black eyes are extremely bright like pearls.

Vibrant and confident.

No wonder she was able to attract a lot of men. Apart from her status, she also had an even more attractive charm.

Mo Li looked at her, his eyes moved, the corners of his lips curled up unconsciously, he raised his hand to pinch her cheek suddenly, and taught her a little, and said, "I don't like to touch other women, but I don't There is no way to consummate the room with you, isn't there a kind of medicine that can make people lose their minds and can't help it?"

As long as he wants to do that, he has many ways to make her compromise.

But it would be boring to do that, she is different from Hua Xiaofeng, she is much more cunning than Hua Xiaofeng, she is simply a cunning little fox.

Mu Wan's face turned gloomy for an instant, "Hmph, then I misread you and thought that the national teacher was an affectionate man, so it turns out that your feelings for Hua Xiaofeng are nothing more than that."

"Haha, you are ashamed to say that I am not better than I am. You keep saying that you love your queen deeply, but don't you still have three thousand beauties in the harem, one by one? Now it is for the imperial concubine, You don’t hesitate to risk your own life to resurrect him, you are more philandering than this lord, who has only had one woman, Hua Xiaofeng, for 300 years, how about you? Count how many you have?"

Not to mention those teenagers in the harem, there are also Nanliang Regent and Beiming Prince who are closely related to her, and they will not hesitate to overthrow a country for her.
Mo Li looked at the girl coldly, annoyed and funny, pinched her cheek and couldn't help shaking, "Say, aren't you very good at talking?"

Mu Wan's face was livid with anger, she slapped his hand off angrily, and said, "What do you know, do you know me well? Let me tell you, I have only the Queen from the beginning to the end. I am different from you, I am not I would hurt others casually, and I don't have such a ruthless heart like you. I didn't save Rong Che because he was my imperial concubine. If you and I were friends, and you died because of me, the person lying in it was you, Mo Li, and I Will do the same."

As she said that, she gave him a disgusted look, "Hmph, you don't understand after I tell you, let's go!"

He is a demon king, he has been a human being for more than 300 years, and he still doesn't understand the complex emotions of human beings. It is a waste of saliva to tell him these things.

Mu Wan angrily dragged him out of the ice room.

Mo Li looked at her and let her lead her away, she couldn't help laughing, this bratty girl is really shameless, since she hates him, why is she still holding his hand?Is it because I am afraid of death!snort! !

After leaving the ice room, Mu Wan threw away his hand.

Mo Li's face was a bit ugly, he had never seen such a shameless woman like her.

Seeing the girl running out, he followed her closely, out of the viewing tower and into the garden.

Mu Wan saw a huge black snake entangled in the open space in front of her. It was as tall as a mountain, with red eyes, and its body was pitch black.

She was so frightened that she didn't dare to move, this snake hasn't been blasted to death by the cannon yet! !

Mo Li walked over from behind, and smiled in a good mood, "Haha, are you scared?"

Mu Wan ignored him with a cold face.


After returning to Fengluan Palace, Mo Li followed in, Mu looked at him, and said displeasedly, "Master, why don't you leave, it's late at night now, why, do you want to advance wedding ceremony?"

Mo Li ignored her angry words, ordered someone to set up the chessboard, sat down and said, "Come here, play chess with me."

Mu Wan frowned slightly, and couldn't help but smile, "Okay..."


After a few games of chess, the man almost ran away, and said angrily, "I can't think of a majestic king who plays chess so badly!!"

As the king of a country, she was still a princess before, didn't Jun Yuanyi teach her piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?
At first, I thought she was trying to annoy him on purpose, but who knew that she really couldn't play chess, and her chess skills were really bad.

The man said unhappily, "I don't know how you became the emperor!"

Mu Wan frowned, and said in an exasperated tone, "Fuck you!"


Mo Li's face turned ugly for a while, his veins twitched faintly, and finally he dropped the chess piece and left.


The next day, Prince Xiqi came to see him at the National Teacher's Mansion.

Mo Li is having dinner with the Empress in Fengluan Palace.

These days, he has been staring at the Empress himself almost every step of the way, for fear that someone will come to rescue her.

Hearing the prince's arrival, he said calmly, "Let him in."

After the words fell, Prince Xiqi came in with two hidden guards.

He cupped his hands and said, "I have seen the national teacher, I have seen the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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