The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 638 Is this called Karma Chakra?

Chapter 638 Is This Called Karmic Reincarnation?
Zhou Yunting frowned slightly, he didn't want to at first, but this incident alarmed the emperor, Wuhen's big mouth couldn't help telling his grandfather and the others, knowing that Rong Qin had his flesh and blood in his arms, his mother and the others were so happy that they couldn't close I can't sit still and want to come to Rong Wangfu, I can't wait to marry him back immediately and make a confession as an ancestor.

He understands the feelings of grandfather and the others, his life is approaching, and now the harem has been abolished, he is no longer the empress concubine Yun, mother has already started looking for a lady from all over the world for him, let him marry a wife and have children.

But he never thought of marrying another wife and having children, let alone marrying the little princess of Rongwang's mansion.

Today's Prince Rong's Mansion and the Zhou family can't afford it.

Looking at the surprised and rare shy woman, Zhou Yunting lowered his eyes, and said calmly, "The princess has really thought about it and is willing to marry me? I am weak and can't live for six years. You have to think about it carefully."

It doesn't matter to him alone, the rest of the day is waiting for death.

Although he doesn't like this woman, after all, having his child is already his, and he doesn't want her to regret it in the future, and the child...

Thinking of the child, Zhou Yunting thought of his and Jiu'er's child in the previous life. In the previous life, he did not protect the child. If he lived a new life, he will die soon. Who will protect the child in the future? !
That's why he deliberately forced her to take the anti-child medicine that day, but who knew that the woman secretly vomited it out.


Hearing that Zhou Yunting could not live for six years, Prince Rong and Concubine Rong were conflicted for a while. They wanted their daughter to marry the husband they liked, but they didn't want their daughter to be a widow in the future!

If you don't marry, this child can be born as a child of the Rong family. Raising the child in the Rong Wang Mansion is no worse than raising the child in the Zhou Mansion, and it can even have a better future. Then, with the power of the Rong family, who can Rong Qin marry in the future?
But once he marries Zhou Yunting, he will only have six years to live. What should Rong Qin do after that, take the child and remarry?
Thinking of this question, Concubine Rong was full of worries, and she was reluctant to let her daughter get married.

But Rong Qin raised his eyes firmly and said, "As long as you are willing to marry, I am willing to marry."

She has never disliked his death, let alone his identity, even if he only has one day, even if he is a murderous monster, she is still willing to marry him.

Zhou Yunting glanced at her, lowered his slender eyebrows, smiled, and said calmly, without any disturbance, "Well, this is a token, I will come to marry you in two days..."

As he spoke, he handed her a piece of purple jade.

Rong Qin took the jade pendant, nodded with reddened cheeks, "Okay."

Rong Wang and the others didn't say a word during the whole process, they just watched the two young people decide their marriage.

Zhou Yunting looked coldly, bowed his hands slightly to them, then left Prince Rong's mansion, and talked to his family after returning.

The rest of Mrs. Zhou will naturally take care of it properly, and immediately bring the dowry gift that she had prepared to come to the door to formally propose marriage, going through all the procedures.

For the wedding dress, the empress directly asked the embroidered lady in the palace to prepare it and send it to Prince Rong's mansion.

Such caring and loving kindness made Prince Rong's Mansion and Zhou Mansion overwhelmed for a while.

A few days later, the Zhou Mansion and Prince Rong's Mansion held a grand feast. The young princess of the Prince Rong's Mansion got married, married to the eldest son of Zhou, with ten miles of red makeup, it was another grand wedding banquet.

Hearing the news almost shocked the entire capital.

What is the identity of the little princess of Rongwang Mansion?
What is the identity of the eldest son of the Zhou family?
A princess with a noble status, and a former Empress Yun Concubine, so it can be said that she was married twice?Leaving aside those who are not second-married, Mr. Situ and Prince Xiao can marry another noble daughter. It is not a new and strange thing. It is just that the status of the two sons is noble, and their family backgrounds are among the top of the kingdom. The powerful, and the marriage between the four major families, can be said to be in the past.

But Zhou Yunting, the Zhou family has already fallen. After the old Mrs. Zhou passed away, the Zhou family is no longer as prosperous as before, and there are no talents in the court. The status of the Zhou family is gradually replaced by the Luo family. I'm sick, I heard that she can't live for six years, is the Rong Palace willing to let her daughter become a widow within a few years of marriage?
For the sake of Rong Qin's reputation, she kept her pregnancy a secret, so everyone couldn't figure it out. In the end, Zhou Yunting only stepped on shit luck, and the Zhou family's ancestral grave smoked in his previous life. Such a good thing had happened to him.

A group of sons from aristocratic families who secretly admired the little princess were very angry, but they could only hold it in their hearts.

If the happy events of Prince Rong's Mansion and Zhou Mansion were swept away at this time, no one would be able to eat and walk around.

At the wedding banquet, a group of princes from aristocratic families got drunk.

Zhou Yunting's former classmates wanted to take him to drink, but he refused on the grounds of being weak.


In the evening, after the guests leave, the bridegroom has to enter the wedding room, choose a hipa, drink a cup of wine, and hold candles in the bridal chamber.

He doesn't like to make noise, so he doesn't allow those classmates and friends to make trouble in the bridal chamber.

Came to Shui Mo Yunju by himself.

As soon as they entered the door, there were girl Xi Po smiling all over their faces and congratulating them happily.

Zhou Yunting was dressed in a red wedding gown, with a golden crown and hair, a tall and straight figure, imposing manner, elegant temperament, so handsome, with cold eyebrows and eyes, he looked like a cold and arrogant jade-faced son, except for his abnormally sickly pale face, he couldn't really tell Where is he weak.

He glanced at the girl Xipo, with a blank expression on his face, and said lightly, "Reward!"

Then a pair of black official boots stepped over the threshold and entered the wedding room.

Shuimoyunju is the courtyard where he used to live. The decoration is quiet and elegant. Now it is full of festivities. He looks a little dazzling. He really wants to have the red silk happy characters removed, but he catches a glimpse of the woman sitting on the happy bed. His black eyes drooped, and he suddenly resisted the urge again, for fear that the woman would cry.

Let alone Princess Qin in his eyes, carefree and masculine, he thought she would not cry easily, but she did not know how many times she cried in front of him. He remembered that all the way to Xiqi Road, he had made people cry a lot. The woman in the phoenix crown and Xiapei narrowed her eyes slightly, she couldn't help but curl her lips and stepped forward, following what Xi Po said, she went through all the rules and procedures.

Pick a Xipa, drink a cup of wine...

Then Xipo and Yatou and the others retreated wisely.

Zhou Yunting sat on the edge of Xi's bed, looked at the woman, never thought that he would marry her so peacefully.

It can be seen that the woman is very nervous. She once commanded thousands of troops, and her aura is not inferior to that of a man. She is confident and flamboyant in every situation, calm and calm, and she is not a little nervous or afraid.

It's just that every time I meet him, I seem to be very timid.

He still has a deep impression of Rong Qin from the previous generation. She and Jiu'er have very similar personalities, and she is also a good friend of Jiu'er. She is the same as the previous generation, and has not changed much.

From the previous life until his death, she was never married, and she stayed in the northwest all her life, galloping on the battlefield.

After learning that Jiu'er died in battle, he rushed to the battlefield. Only Rong Qin led someone to find Jiu'er's body. He didn't remember what she said to him at that time, but he only remembered that she was in military uniform, very embarrassed, covered in blood , her face was full of tears, and she called Jiu'er's name over and over again in the crowd of dead people like him. At that time, he couldn't bear the blow and vomited blood and fainted. She was the one who carried him back from the pile of dead people...

In the previous life, this was the only intersection between him and her.

In this life, he married her.

Is this called karmic reincarnation?
In her previous life, she was so obedient, so in this life, he has to repay her kindness?

Rong Qin raised her eyes and looked at the man, only to see that he didn't say a word, his expression was indifferent, which made her very nervous, and she couldn't help shouting, "Sister..."

It's just that the man glanced indifferently, and she immediately changed her words, "My lord... I was wrong."

Zhou Yunting came back to his senses, narrowed his glistening eyes, and smiled, "You know you were wrong now? Tell me where you were wrong?"

On the way to Xiqi, it can be said that Rong Qin was turned into a little white rabbit by this man. When he glanced at her, she felt a little scared and couldn't be fierce.

But Rong Qin has also figured out his temper, he won't take hard and soft, as long as she cries, he will have nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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