Chapter 640 Finale (—)

In the sweltering summer of June, when Mu Wan had nothing to do, she made iced milk tea, iced ice cream, iced fruit, etc., but unfortunately she couldn't eat more of these, and Xiao Moli and Chu Bei ate them all.

This time, Chu Bei was sitting at the imperial desk reviewing the notebooks, writing vigorously.

Mu Wan and Xiao Moli sat on the bamboo couch in front of the bed, drinking milk tea and pastries.

Xiao Moli always eats a lot by herself, but she is not allowed to take another sip of iced milk tea. She stares at her with her bright black eyes. Mu Wan is a little irritable and looks at him coldly. She thinks he is more annoying than Chu Bei, and she can't wait to throw him out.

Mu Wan bit the glass straw and stared at him coldly, "Tell me, are you planning something again?"

Staring at the two cute bags on his head, I found that he seems to be growing slowly. It has been almost half a year, but he has not grown taller, and his appearance has not changed at all. He is still a little bit to her waist.

Sitting next to her, Xiao Moli did the same thing, biting the glass straw, raised her eyes to her stomach, smiled and said, "Didn't you let me grow up slowly like a child? Usually a big brother Everyone is looking forward to having a cute little sister, right? I also want a younger sister, so I want to keep an eye on you. You always eat indiscriminately. What should I do if I spoil my little sister? I won’t be bothered until she is born safely. Take care of you."

Mu Wan couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and said with a smile, "It means you will help take care of the children in the future?"


"What if it's a royal brother?"

Xiao Moli lowered her eyes and said with some disgust, "That's your son, you bring it yourself, don't expect me to bring you a son."


The corners of Mu Wan's brows twitched fiercely, and she stroked Weilong's belly, thinking that she must have a daughter.

It seems that Chu Bei has asked someone to build the little princess's living palace. After the harem was abolished, several palaces were demolished and a brand new one was built. Staring at it personally, he said that he should pay special attention to making it for his daughter, and he also asked people to make a bunch of clothes for the little princess. Not Nanny Tan, none of these three sets...

In case a little prince is really born, Mu Wan can't even imagine what it will be like to be disgusted.

Thinking about it, Mu Wan slightly hooked her lips and asked Xiao Moli, "Can you tell if it's a boy or a girl by feeling the pulse?"

Xiao Moli smiled, "No, but you are pregnant with twins, so one of them must be the princess."


Mu Wan's eyes widened in surprise when she heard the words. She looked at her stomach in disbelief. It looks so small, can you fit two?

Chu Bei knew that she was pregnant with twins, and Fu Si felt the pulse and said it might be, but he was not sure. As the month got older, it was definitely twins.

He and Xiao Moli have the same idea, no matter how they are, one of them will be a princess.

The two were sure that there would be a princess, so they immediately prepared to build a palace.

Mu Wan's head was full of black lines, she looked at Chu Bei coldly, twitched the corners of her mouth, and said, "Since you know they are twins, why did you ask people to prepare only three sets of clothes for the little prince? What if both of them are little princes?" ?”

Chu Bei frowned slightly, he was very resistant that both of them were sons, after thinking for a while, he said, "Then ask someone to prepare a few more sets."

Mu Wan silently supported her forehead, "You're so eccentric, be careful when your son is born, and we'll work together to piss you off."

He shook his head helplessly, then ignored them and went down to ask someone to prepare again.

Chu Bei: "..."

The three of them were chatting in the imperial study room when a little eunuch handed in a few notebooks.

Mu Wan got up and took it over to look at it, her eyes lit up, and she said happily, "Beiming, Nanliang, and Xiqi all agreed to do business, and they want to send the princess to marry."

"Who does the Queen think is more appropriate to choose to marry Princess Nanliang?"

Beiming got married and had already selected a candidate. Su Ran's marriage to Beiming Princess Anyu was a matter that had been agreed a long time ago.

As for Xiqi, Princess Ruining of Xiqi was pregnant with Ning Jue's child. Although she resisted at first, Ning Jue went to Xiqi Palace in person and impressed Princess Ruining with her actions, as well as Emperor Xiqi, Xiqi The queen, and Prince Xiqi, got their unanimous consent, and finally they can embrace the beauty.

Ning Yue married the daughter of General Xiqi, but at first she refused in various ways, and the road to marrying a wife was very difficult.

From the beginning, Ning Jue and Ning Yue stayed in Xiqi and never came back. One tried his best to climb over the palace wall, and the other tried his best to climb over the wall of the general's mansion.

He was often made things difficult by Prince Xiqi and others, but Xiqi didn't dare to do anything to them. Who would dare to hurt them by the cousin of the Queen of the Kingdom?No one dared to do this except Master Guoshi.

It was just that he was so angry that he deliberately prevented them from seeing his sister.

The most difficult thing is that other dignitaries in Xiqi also want to marry their daughters to the cousin of the Empress Junguo, and embrace the thick legs of Junguo, so ten ladies from all over the world compete to marry the two young masters of the Ning family.

But the monarchy is only monogamous, and Ning Jue liked Princess Ruining from the very beginning. He stayed in Xiqi only to marry her. He could only be sorry for other girls, or give compensation in other ways, so as to make everyone happy. There is really no way to marry him. If you do, it will be impossible for Princess Ruining to marry herself.

And Ning Yue also meant the same thing, what he liked was Miss Zhong, the daughter of General Xiqi.

They all remembered these girls, but the only one that impressed them was the girl they liked. Now that the two girls have their own children, they must try their best to marry them back.

It is also impossible for the two of them to stay in Xiqi, so this matter has been negotiated for a long time, and there is no result until today.

Back then there were so many ladies from all over the world, and there were only four girls who were pregnant. Miss Pei Qi was married to Prince Jin's son. Princess Lingyun and Pei Han were married before the border war. It is difficult for Mr. Ning to say anything about this. The original intention of the Ning family was to bring the child back, but Jin Wangfu and Pei Xiangfu disagreed.

It can be said that it is a second marriage with Xiqi. At first, they fought the hardest, but now the relationship has become the closest, which makes people sigh for a while.

Everything else has been decided. For the remaining princesses of Nanliang, Nanliang wants the ninth princess of Nanliang to choose her son-in-law by herself.

When Chu Bei heard this, he stopped worrying about having a son and said, "There's no need to choose, let Xia Houjin marry the Ninth Princess of Nanliang."

Mu Wan looked at him in surprise, "Does Xia Houjin like Princess Nine of Nanliang?"

Chu Bei smiled, "He didn't say whether he likes it or not, it's just that this king thinks he's the most suitable."

Now all the sons of the family of the same age are married, and he is the only one who is still single. He left the palace and returned to the Dingbei Marquis Mansion, where he began the chic daily life of his elder son.

Mrs. Dingbei Hou saw that the sons of other families were getting married one by one, but he was not in a hurry, and the elders of Xiahou's family almost broke their hearts.

The eldest son was annoyed by the nagging, so he moved out of the Dingbeihou's mansion, and moved directly to his own general's mansion.

He is now the Great General of the Northern Expedition, with a rank of second rank. He is a small general. His military skills are solid and stable. He is on an equal footing with his father, and his martial arts have improved a lot, so he is no longer afraid of Ding Beihou. Now there is no one in the whole Houfu. Can suppress him, except Chu Bei.

For this reason, Ding Beihou often asked him for help.

Chu Bei's ears were almost callused, so he decided to let him marry the Ninth Princess of Nanliang.

The excerpts chosen by relatives were all sent to Nanliang first.

Knowing that Xia Houjin, the eldest son of the Marquis of Dingbei, was chosen as her family member, the Ninth Princess of Nanliang nodded immediately without hesitation.


At this moment, Nanliang Palace.

After hearing the palace man's report, the Ninth Princess of Nanliang could not restrain her ecstasy.

At this time, her confidant Caiwei found out that their princess had fallen in love with Prince Dingbei for a long time, and all the maids were full of black lines. They always thought that the reason why the princess refused to marry Little General Nangong was because I still miss the Queen of the Kingdom.

They were all wrong in their feelings. After the princess came back from the kingdom, she began to empathize with others, and fell in love with the son of Xiahou.

(End of this chapter)

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