The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 654 Rong Che & Zhuzhu Extra Chapter

Chapter 654 Rong Che & Zhuzhu Extra Story

Rong Che glanced at the dark guard coldly, and took the girl out without saying anything.

The dark guard secretly wiped his sweat and followed behind for protection.

Jiangnan is a land of prosperity, and the streets are full of people, comparable to the prosperity of the capital.

When Rong Che went out wearing a mask, the girl jumped up and down in front of her, and would squeeze in whenever she saw something interesting and delicious, just like a child, and the people around looked at her strangely, a little surprised.

The young girl was well dressed and looked like a lady, but her behavior was really unflattering.

But the girl is very beautiful, and her face can be said to be amazing. Compared with the place where there are so many beauties in the south of the Yangtze River, her beauty is a little less worldly, and a little more unearthly. Not only is her appearance good, her figure is also excellent Impeccable, tall and slender, with a grippy waist, full breasts, white as snow, and watery peach blossom eyes, many princes from aristocratic families who passed by looked straight at him. There are many beauties in the south of the Yangtze River, but still It was the first time I saw such a delicate and bright little girl.

They have never seen such a beauty as the local dignitaries, so they must be outsiders.

There was a long distance between her and Rong Che, and there were hidden guards following to protect her.

In order to deceive others, they are very low-key, and the hidden guards are all dressed in servant uniforms.

Rong Che was also only wearing an ordinary white brocade suit and a mask, but it was hard to hide his heroic demeanor, his eyes were cold and sharp, and he was not someone to be provoked at first sight.

But I can't see what the little girl has to do with this young man.

The person who secretly stared at the little girl took a closer look and felt relieved.

In the evening, there were more and more people, Rong Che didn't like this crowded occasion, so he went to a teahouse to sit down and rest.

At this time, a secret guard ran over, and said in a panic, "Your...Young Master, it's not good, injured."

Just as he was talking, a dark guard rushed over with the girl on his back.

The girl was running around in the crowd, and when they didn't pay attention, they were abducted and taken away.

When I traced it to a small alley, I saw several princes from aristocratic families preparing to kidnap people into a carriage.

The girl resisted fiercely, and those dandies all laughed excitedly, not resolutely wanting to work in the alley.

The dark guard was so angry that his face was livid, his eyes showed murderous looks, and he stepped forward and beat the young masters of the aristocratic families to death.

Because of fierce resistance, Zhuzhu knocked her head against the carriage and passed out.

Rong Che saw that the girl's body was a little messy, with torn marks on her clothes, more than half of her shoulders were exposed, and her forehead was still bleeding, her eyes turned cold, and she said angrily, "Who did it? I chopped it up and fed it to my son!" !!"

Anwei said, "Master, those people say he is the magistrate."

Rong Che picked up the unconscious girl and walked away, glanced coldly, and said in a cold tone, "I will see them all disappear tomorrow."

The dark guards looked at each other, then went to Jiangnan Governor's Mansion.

The next day, the prefect of Qingzhou was ransacked and exiled to the northwest.


At this time, the imperial palace, the imperial study.

The empress saw that the Qingzhou prefect's bribery account was arrested and imprisoned. This account was handed over by the Jiangnan Governor's Mansion. The officials and officials protect each other. Why did their own people send their own people to prison?

Mu Wan felt very strange, so she sent someone to investigate.

In the end, it was found out that Rong Che had escaped from marriage and hid in the south of the Yangtze River.

Because the son of the prefect of Qingzhou molested and bullied the little girl beside him, Rong Shizi revealed his identity in a rage, and then the prefect's family suffered bad luck overnight.

"Does the emperor want to tell King Rong about this?"

"No, let him..."

Mu Wan sighed secretly, her slender eyebrows drooped lightly, and her heart was a little heavy. Rong Che couldn't let go of this relationship. Maybe he would rather die than live. At the beginning, I only wanted to resurrect him, but I just wanted to alleviate my guilt. She only thought about herself, never for Rong Che.

At this moment, Chu Bei stepped in and saw that she was preoccupied. He glanced at the folder on the table, walked over to hold her hand, and said, "Did you find Rong Che?"


Mu Wan held his hand and raised her eyes, "Is it because I'm too selfish?"

No matter what, she broke Rong Che's heart and insisted on abolishing the harem. She only cared about her own happiness and didn't care about Rong Che's feelings.

She did not fail Chu Bei, but many teenagers were unhappy because of her.

In order to fulfill her and Chu Bei, Rong Che had to wrong himself and suppress his feelings, which eventually became unbearable. He left the capital and did not even return to the northwest. He hid alone and silently licked his wounds.

And it was only at this time that she realized that the young man had actually been living a very unhappy life, like a walking dead, maybe at the moment when he fell from the sword, he didn't want to live in this world, and she pulled him away from the beautiful world again back.

"The emperor is not a saint. How can there be such a perfect thing in the world?"

"You don't often say that life is unsatisfactory in all likelihood, the moon waxes and wanes, human nature is selfish, the emperor does not need to blame himself, if you choose again, I believe you will still choose to resurrect Rong Che, give him some With time, he will find his own happiness, don't worry."

When he mentioned it when he was confused, Mu Wan felt his mood suddenly brightened, so she nodded and said with a smile, "Who is the little girl next to him, have you found it?"

Chu Bei smiled and said, "Shangguan Mingzhu, the eldest girl of the Shangguan family."

Mu Wan: "..."

Shangguan Haoyun was so anxious that he searched all over the world for his sister, so it turned out that he was kidnapped by Rong Che?

If they run away from marriage and bring a girl with them, then they are really destined.

Chu Beidao, "So you don't have to worry about him, maybe in two years, he will go home with his wife and children."

Mu Wan supported her forehead silently, and ordered, "Tell Shangguan Haoyun in advance, so that he can feel at ease and don't need to alarm others."

If so, don't bother them.

The dark guard nodded, and then went to the barracks.

Shangguan Haoyun was annoyed when he learned that his sister had been kidnapped by Prince Rong, but the empress ordered him to keep quiet. Could it be that he intended to marry him?
Thinking of my sister's insanity, if Rong Che is willing to marry her, that's fine. With the family background of the Rong family, my sister can live comfortably.

But will the Rong family agree?
That is the son of King Rong, who will be King Rong in the future, the king of Zhenxi who will rule the northwest.

Not to mention the status of my younger sister, she is still a girl with great flaws. Is she worthy of the status of Princess Zhenxi?
My brother was anxious for a while.

On the other side, Jiangnan Xiaokuayuan.

The girl hit a bump on the head, the doctor looked at it and said it was nothing serious, but she was still unconscious.

The trip lasted for half a month, Rong Che felt a little flustered, he seemed to be asleep, the wound had healed but he just didn't wake up, his heart ached for Aunt Zhang and she burst into tears, feeling that the little girl was so pitiful, if this life didn't happen What should I do if I wake up?
Hearing what Aunt Zhang said, Rong Che became even more flustered, motioned them to go out, and sat on the edge of the bed looking at the girl a little upset.

A well-behaved person suddenly couldn't cry, laugh, or dance, and suddenly there was silence around him, and without her voice, he realized that he was suddenly very uncomfortable.

She made noise around her to make herself feel less lonely and sad.

Now that she was unconscious, he seemed even more lonely and miserable.

The young man sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand, his eyes dimmed, "Zhuzhu, open your eyes and see if your brother is okay... I don't want to be alone anymore, as long as you open your eyes and look at me, I promise you, We will never be separated again..."


Shangguan Mingzhu has been sleeping deeply and had a long, long dream. She dreamed of herself in her previous life. She is not a fool. A general who worships the rank of the third rank, she also has a young and promising general brother, but all the good life is there, the empress died in battle, the new emperor began to be broken after ascending the throne, and the Shangguan family failed to win the heir because of their support for King Qi. He was implicated in ransacking his home and exiled in the northwest.

She changed from the envied daughter of a general to the daughter of criminals, and was taken to the cold northwest along with many prisoners.

From then on, she had to work non-stop every day. She didn't have enough to eat, didn't wear warm clothes, and was beaten.

And be humiliated.

That day, she was dragged into the woods by several officers and soldiers. She didn't know where the strength came from, and injured the officers and soldiers with stones. She struggled and ran away desperately...

(End of this chapter)

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