Douluo: Sign in in Qian Renxue's arms

Chapter 208 Bibi Dong's Changed Appearance

Chapter 208 Bibi Dong's Changed Appearance
If Lin Luo was present, using the Immortal Eyes to look, Bibi Dong's spring after slender and beautiful legs could be clearly seen.

"come in."

Bibi Dong's voice sounded.

At the same time, Lin Luo, Ning Rongrong, and Ning Fengzhi walked in slowly.

Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes just swept over Lin Luo's body, and her calm beautiful eyes fluctuated slightly.

Even she didn't know about this fluctuation.

"I've heard about the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School."

Bibi Dong looked at Lin Luo with beautiful eyes, and then said casually: "There is only one condition for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to be established in Wuhun City."


Ning Fengzhi asked cautiously.

"Put our Spirit Hall as the master."

Although Bibi Dong's voice was soft, but listening to his voice, there was still some order.

Ning Fengzhi nodded without any hesitation.

He is not the kind of person who doesn't know what is good or bad. If there is no Shengzi Lin Luo, their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will be wiped out.

And by that time, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda had completely disappeared on the mainland.

It is actually a good thing to regard the Wuhun Palace as the master.

When a power has just started to be established, it is inevitable that there will be those messy things, but with the Wuhun Temple as the main force, once the news spreads, no one power will dare to touch the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!
Not to mention the other ordinary forces, even if all the forces of the Haotian School join forces, they probably wouldn't dare to move the Spirit Hall!

Now is the time is not ripe, otherwise, Wuhundian will attack all forces.

Among other things, half of the forces on the mainland will be completely destroyed!
Who let their Wuhun Hall have three 99-level peerless Douluo?

There is also a cloud rhyme that doesn't count.

Yun Yun, even if Lin Luo got her, she would not easily help Wuhundian.

Yun Yun's character is indifferent.

And as the first force to take refuge in the Spirit Hall, the benefits that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will gain in the future will definitely give Ning Fengzhi a big surprise.

This investment is worth it!
It's even profitable!
After everything was discussed, Bibi Dong ordered Ning Rongrong and Ning Fengzhi to go on.

But Lin Luo was left behind without any accident.

"Cough cough."

Lin Luo coughed heavily, and asked cautiously, "Well, Your Majesty, what are you asking me to stay for?"

Although Lin Luo is not afraid of Bibi Dong, but Bibi Dong is Qian Renxue's mother...

Parents meet kids...

This feeling……

"Take me for a swim."

What Bibi Dong said next made Lin Luo completely stunned.

That indifferent Pope would actually make such a request?

Is it too much?

Lin Luo hesitated.

Bibi Dong stood up from the throne, her beautiful eyes swept over Lin Luo, and after a while, she suddenly laughed and said, "Don't you just like me?"

The sudden laughter directly made De Lin Luo at a loss.

Bibi Dong walked over slowly on her slender legs, and then she patted Lin Luo on the shoulder lightly, "I heard from Xueer and the others that the swimming pool is in your room."

"Take me there."

Seeing the smile on Bibi Dongqiao's face, the cold sweat on Lin Luo's forehead immediately overflowed uncontrollably.

Why does Bibi Dong's smile feel a little malicious?

Today's Pope is a bit different...

Was she stimulated by someone?

"Let's go."

Bibi Dong urged.

So, Lin Luo was held by Bibi Dong's hand and forcibly came to his room.

Bibi Dong locked the door with her backhand.

Lin Luo looked at Bibi Dong's anxious appearance, and couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Luo is curious, who would be so impatient for a person with the personality of the Pope? ?
"I just want to swim, don't think too much about it."

Bibi Dong gave Lin Luo a blank look, this guy definitely had that kind of thing in his mind.

"Your Majesty the Pope." Lin Luo pointed to Bibi Dong's delicate body, and said softly, "But you are not wearing a swimsuit."

The answer to Lin Luo's words was the voice of undressing.

Soon, Bibi Dong's clothes were untied by herself.

Suddenly, a perfect delicate body appeared in Lin Luo's sight.

First look at Bibi Dong's pretty face.

Although Bibi Dong's age is a bit too old, but that can't hinder Bibi Dong's beauty.

Bibi Dong has a beautiful face, from the side view, she looks somewhat similar to Qian Renxue.

No wonder they are mother and daughter.

Both mother and daughter have beautiful faces.

And when the eyes moved down, they saw Bibi Dong's little deer.

Her deer model is a bit bigger than Qian Renxue's.

Of course, Lin Luo also has a w in one hand, but the o can't come.

Her skin is like snow.

The line of sight continued to move down, and it was Bibi Dong's small waist that was tightly grasped.

For some reason, Bibi Dong has a special sense of beauty in her belly.

She also has slender legs.

That naked jade foot.

Those toes are like tiny spears, very slender.

Lin Luo watched for a while, and the nosebleed couldn't help rushing up.

This is too tempting...

It is simply a stunner.

"Does it look good?"

Bibi Dong didn't shy away from it either, instead, she walked up to Lin Luo slowly on her slender legs, and even deliberately rubbed against Lin Luo.

It felt so wonderful.

"You like black silk?"

Bibi Dongmei blinked and asked.

Lin Luo didn't know how to answer.

The girl you have a crush on said that to you... and she still looks like a chiluo, if Lin Luo doesn't respond, then she's not a man.

Therefore, his cheeks were flushed, and he didn't know what to say.


Bibi Dong smiled lightly, and immediately she didn't care about her current appearance, and just stretched her waist, Lin Luo saw that ray of spring.

"Teach me to swim."

Bibi Dong urged.

"But I...

Before Lin Luo could say anything, Bibi Dong slipped into her arms, and her red lips kissed Lin Luo's lips.

Ah this...

Bibi Dong definitely used a karma talisman today!

Lin Luo shouted in his heart.

However, the system smiled and said: "The host can enjoy it, there are not many opportunities like this."

It really is the system's fault...

Bibi Dong is more...

Lin Luo couldn't bear it anymore, he hugged Bibi Dong with his backhand too much to meet Bibi Dong's attack.

The two kissed for more than ten minutes, until the two felt out of breath, the two gradually separated.

Lin Luo looked down and saw that the clothes on his body had been untied by Bibi Dong just now.

No wonder, the feeling from the skin is so wonderful.

"His Holiness, can you come down first?"

Lin Luo couldn't bear the ambiguous appearance with Bibi Dong, and now is not the time to be with Bibi Dong.


(End of this chapter)

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