Madam, hold your little vest

Chapter 20 Xuan Chen's Explosion

Chapter 20 Xuan Chen's Explosion

The breath around her became disordered, and tears gradually flowed from her eyes.

"The most ridiculous thing was that I actually ate a dead body to give it a sense of art."

"Can you imagine that feeling? In front of you is a corpse that just died, but you treat him like a delicacy, numbly digging at his body with your long nails."

"Dug out the edible...and non-rotten meat on his body, and eat it expressionlessly."

At this time, the eyes of the people around Qiao Su were no longer fear, but demons. They looked at Qiao Su as if they were seeing a demon.

Even Mo Qiliang and Nan Liunian had goose bumps all over their bodies.

"I was only seven years old that year."

When Qiao Su said this, he paused for a moment, and everyone gasped. If the bar had lights now, they couldn't imagine what their expressions would look like.

You're only seven years old, and you've been in that kind of place, can't you really be crazy?

"Later, I learned how to kill, how to kill with one blow. The first person I killed when I was seven years old seemed to be an 80-year-old grandfather. I killed him because he robbed me of food."

"I still remember that he died in front of me covered in blood. Not only did I have no mercy, but I even felt the pleasure of killing people."

"I stayed there for half a year, and finally escaped. I learned to endure. Even if my dignity was trampled on the ground, I would not say a word, because I knew that when I became stronger, I would let her survive. I can't ask for death."

"I learned to pretend to be pitiful. At that time, tears were my most important weapon."

"I learned how to kill. I will kill the person who bullied me on a dark and stormy night, dissect his autopsy, and try to turn him into a human pig."

"Later, I became stronger, I created my own power, and I killed all those who bullied me, including that... who pushed me into the abyss."

"Tell me, am I cruel?"

There was a sudden silence in the air, and no one spoke.

How to say?Could it be that I just think you are cruel, but I admire you very much because you are very powerful.

To be honest, most of the people in the bar are the sons and daughters of the family. Excellent heirs will not come to places like bars without entertainment.

But these dandies themselves are not up to date, and they still fantasize about being able to stand out one day, so, strictly speaking, they admire Qiao Su very much.

In the bar, apart from some playboys, there are also a few people in power from first-rate and second-rate families, and some inconspicuous little families, but they are already scared out of their wits.

Shi Ye, who had been quiet all this time, said: "How can Susu be cruel? Susu is not cruel, Susu is the best person in the world."

Everyone present couldn't help but twitch their mouths. Isn't this cruel?

Nan Liunian and Mo Qiliang didn't expect that the third sister-in-law still had such a miserable past.

Also, behind every success, there is continuous dedication and hard work.

the Rainbow comes after the storm!
"Master, why do you drink like this?" It was Xuan Chen's voice.

After Qiao Su left, Xuan Chen was worried and waited patiently at home for an hour. Seeing that Qiao Su hadn't come back, he couldn't sit still.

Xuan Xing was also walking with him. Although they knew that the master was very sad now, they couldn't let her not take her body seriously.

Xuan Xing, who was standing aside, also looked at Qiao Su worriedly.

Xuan Chen walked up to Qiao Su's side, stretched out his hand to feel the pulse, his expression of worry changed, replaced by anger and distress.


he yelled.At the same time, there is a murderous spirit that can't help but leak out.

Everyone around couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

"Xuan Chen, what are you calling? Surprise me."

Xuan Chen ignored Xuan Xing, but looked at Qiao Su sternly.

"Stomach bleeding from drinking, Qiao Su, you will never get out of this shadow in your life, will you? Are you so useless? Ah?"

"Qiaosu, stand up for me." He pushed Shiye away, but Shiye didn't notice for a moment, and was pushed back a few steps. When he heard that Qiaosu had stomach bleeding from drinking, he couldn't help worrying.

Xuan Chen put his hand on her shoulder, "Qiao Su, brothers are waiting for you, don't let us down, if you continue to be so decadent, you are not worthy to be my Xuan Chen's master, do you understand?"

He almost snarled the last sentence.

"Xuan Chen, what are you talking about? Master has his own considerations." Xuan Xing was dissatisfied with Xuan Chen's tone.

After Xuan Chen finished speaking, he lowered his head, took a deep breath, ignored Xuan Xing, realized that what he just said was a bit extreme, so he lowered his tone.

"Master, you brought us back from the darkness to the light, you can't leave us alone, you understand, you are our faith, our God, the person we will swear to protect in this life. Do you understand? Josu, do you understand?"

He put down the shoulder supporting Qiao Su, "Think about it yourself."

After he finished speaking, he put down a bottle of medicine for stomach problems and turned to leave.

Xuan Xing ran to Qiao Su and squatted down, "Master, you don't care what he said, Xuan Chen is just a little irritable."

Qiao Su laughed blankly, and at the end of the laugh, even tears came out, she choked up and said, "I let you down, didn't I?"

Xuan Xing was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "No, we will never be disappointed with the master at any time, and Xuan Chen is just talking in a moment of anger."

"Look, when he left, didn't he leave medicine for you?"

"That's good." The stone hanging in Qiao Su's heart finally fell to the ground.

She lowered her head slightly, with wet tears still on her eyelashes. After pondering for a moment, she finally said that sentence, "From now more. I won't make fun of my body anymore."

Xuan Xing finally broke down and cried out, "Master, I knew you were the best... Woohoo."

Although Xuan Xing was nervous, he also knew how to take care of others. He held the medicine on the table in his hand and looked at Qiao Su with tears in his eyes.

Qiao Su smiled helplessly, took the medicine and took it.

After eating, look around.

I found that everyone was looking at her, some in horror, some in curiosity, and some in admiration.

Strange, she didn't do anything?
The medicine given by Xuan Chen contained sobering ingredients, mainly because Qiao Su would cause stomach problems every time he got drunk, so he simply mixed the sobering medicine and stomach medicine together.

Xuan Xing has always been careless, and he doesn't understand so many twists and turns, so he just took out a pistol.

If you want to gag other people's mouths, you have to be simple and rude.

She fired a symbolic shot and said:

"What happened in the bar today, I hope you all rot in your stomach. If it leaks, not only you will die, but your family will go bankrupt, and all your relatives will die too!"

A pretty little face is full of evil, and the murderous aura that has been deliberately restrained is released, and the aura is strong.

Anyone else have anything to say?Hastily waved his hands, for fear that Xuan Xing would make a mistake and kill them.

"Understood, we will never leak anything about Miss Qiao."

"We will definitely not talk nonsense to the outside world."

"Don't kill us, we will be obedient."

A satisfied smile appeared on Xuan Xing's face, and then he continued: "You should know what happened to the three members of the Lin family, right?"

Of course they knew, fortunately they still foolishly believed that the head of the Qiao family was responsible for the downfall of the Lin family.

Xuan Xing saw that he was threatening them, and continued to coax: "The Lin family is just venting our anger on the master, the three members of the Lin family were killed by my subordinates."

Xuan Xing's fighting skills are the best, so she is usually the instructor of the dead soldiers, so she can be regarded as half master!

The people around were even more depressed. She looks like a pretty girl, why is she so cruel?Study hard and make progress every day, isn't it good?Must kill.

Xuan Xing continued: "As for the Qiao family, it is a new toy that my master found. If it is fun, it will exist. If it is not fun, it will be destroyed."

(End of this chapter)

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