Chapter 584 Rogue
Hearing what Shi Jingning said, Li Chunlan's eyes lit up immediately, "Can you go to the party? It's really great!"

Strange to say, during this period of time Li Chunlan kept hearing about the reception, but she rejected them one by one. Now that Shi Jingning also has a ticket, of course Li Chunlan is going.

Shi Jingning put away the coupons, and looked Li Chunlan up and down, "Your clothes are very beautiful, we don't need to go home, just go there directly, the Victory Hotel has a buffet, I heard the taste is very good!"

"Victory Hotel?" Li Chunlan vaguely felt that this restaurant was very familiar, but she didn't remember it after thinking about it.

The husband and wife pushed their bicycles and walked towards the school gate. When passing by the small shop in front of the school, Shi Jingning stopped the car,

"Chunlan, wait for me a moment, I'll go buy a pack of cigarettes!"

Li Chunlan nodded and parked her bicycle.

"Li Chunlan, I'm still looking for you everywhere, I didn't expect you to go out," a voice suddenly came from behind, it was none other than Duan Tianhu who has been harassing Li Chunlan all this time, standing behind Li Chunlan,

"I just said, there's no way you won't go. It looks like you've dressed up. The clothes are good! You're still riding a bicycle. Just give me the bicycle, and I'll take you away!"

As Duan Tianhu said this, he stretched out his hand to push the bicycle. It seemed that he was planning to use Li Chunlan's bicycle to take Li Chunlan to the reception.

Seeing Duan Tianhu's claw stretched out in front of her, Li Chunlan slapped him unceremoniously, "Stop, don't move my bicycle! Who said I'm going to the reception with you?"

"Don't go to the reception, why are you dressed so beautifully? Come on, don't be dubious, you waited at the school gate early, just to wait for me?" Duan Qianhu already regarded Li Chunlan as something in his pocket, feeling We'll have her after the reception tonight.

Seeing that Duan Tianhu was about to reach out again, Li Chunlan narrowed her eyes, and was going to give him a hard time, and beat this reckless guy hard.

Duan Tianhu was stopped, but not by Li Chunlan, but by Shi Jingning who came after him. As soon as Shi Jingning came out of the small shop, he saw a guy with a hippie smile pestering Li Chunlan, he immediately stretched out his hand and pushed Duan Tianhu away.

"Who are you?" Shi Jingning was tall, with cold and handsome features, a full head taller than Duan Tianhu, and immediately set off Duan Tianhu into a scumbag, "Why are you pestering Chunlan?"

Duan Tianhu is used to being arrogant and domineering, and his eyes are high above the top. He has always looked down on ordinary students. However, Shi Jingning is not an ordinary person at first sight. Not only is he handsome, but he also wears exquisite and fashionable clothes. All of them showed Shi Jingning's identity.

But a man has to show off in front of a woman, so Duan Tianhu poked his neck and asked Shi Jingning, "Who are you? Mind your own business!"

"I'm Chunlan's husband." Shi Jingning looked Duan Tianhu up and down, "Forcibly pushing a lesbian's bicycle against her will. Your behavior is enough to harass you. Come with me to the police station!"

Duan Tianhu was taken aback, looked at Li Chunlan again, and met the latter's half-smiling eyes, "You are already married?"

Li Chunlan snorted, "You rascal, what are you thinking?"

The words "rogue, stinky hooligan" are very attractive to spectators, and people passing by immediately ran over with their ears pricked up.

Duan Tianhu prides himself on being powerful and powerful, he is afraid of meeting acquaintances, seeing that the situation is not right, he simply turned his head and ran away, while running, he turned his head and bluffed,

"Li Chunlan, just wait for me!"

Shi Jingning got on his bicycle and was about to give chase, but was grabbed by Li Chunlan, "Forget it, Jingning, let him go! Let's hurry to the reception, I'm hungry!"

Shi Jingning turned around bitterly, "This kid is really rampant, but when did your school have such a hooligan?"

Li Chunlan told about Duan Tianhu's situation, "This guy is very annoying. He always brags that his father can speak in the health system, saying that we will have to ask him sooner or later!"

"The one with the surname Duan?" Shi Jingning thought for a while, "If it's a child from this family, then we don't need to do anything. He's also a grasshopper after autumn, and he won't be able to grow long!"

Shi Jingning didn't finish his sentence, and Li Chunlan didn't ask any more questions. It involved Shi Jingning's work and needed to be kept secret.

Since Duan Tianhu will be unlucky sooner or later, the husband and wife didn't take this matter to heart.

The husband and wife rode their bicycles and rushed towards the Victory Hotel.

Shengli Restaurant is the largest restaurant in the provincial capital. There are several authentic dishes in it. Shi Jingning had long said that he would take Li Chunlan to try something new, but he never expected the opportunity to come so soon.

When we arrived at the entrance of the Victory Hotel, there were already many bicycles parked here, as well as many cars.

Shi Jingning led Li Chunlan to store the bicycle.Bicycles are not like cars. They are easily stolen, so in the past, bicycles were guarded by special personnel.

When storing a bicycle, the person in charge will give the owner a ticket. When picking up the bicycle, you must rely on this ticket to unlock and take out your bicycle, and then settle the fee and push the bicycle away.

It is said that Yuanjia Road is narrow, and when Li Chunlan and Shi Jingning were saving their bicycles, someone pushed a few more cars over, including Duan Tianhu.

When Duan Tianhu saw Li Chunlan and Shi Jingning, his eyes almost turned red. He had just been scolded by Li Chunlan as a rascal, and was surrounded by people at the school gate. Duan Tianhu had never lost such an adult before.

Now that Duan Tianhu had a few companions around him, he became more courageous, so he walked over with his arms swaying, "Li Chunlan, didn't you say you won't go to the party with me? Why did you come here with a shy face? Let me tell you, If you don't get rid of this man beside you, I won't be able to take you into the Victory Hotel!"

Hearing what Duan Tianhu said, Li Chunlan remembered why he felt that the Victory Hotel was familiar. It turned out that Duan Tianhu said that he would take her to a reception a few days ago, and he mentioned the Victory Hotel.


Duan Tianhu was devastated, and the companions beside him burst into laughter, "Tianhu, it seems that you are thinking too much, this girl has a coupon!"

Invitation coupons are also in short supply now, except for guests who are invited seriously, other entertainment coupons may enter the black market.

Duan Tianhu's level is not qualified to participate in this kind of reception at all, so the reception coupon in his hand was bought at a high price of ten yuan.

During the lively reception, you can also see celebrities, and you can eat a big meal for free, which is the only magic weapon for chasing girls, so Duan Tianhu tempts Li Chunlan with the invitation coupons.

Being ridiculed by his companions, Duan Tianhu's face turned red immediately, "Impossible, how can I get the invitation ticket just by the two of them?"

(End of this chapter)

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