Chapter 811

Want a courtyard house as a dowry?
Li Chunlan and Shi Jingning looked at each other and laughed at the same time. Shi Jingning turned to Shi Zhiling, "Zhiling, did you make a mistake? It should be Dad's job to prepare your dowry, right?"

Shi Zhiling said confidently, "As the saying goes, the eldest brother is the father. Now that the family has encountered such a big event, and my father is too busy to take care of himself, how can I prepare a dowry for me, so I came to you, the eldest brother!"

Shi Jingning nodded, "This dowry is a little bit of consideration from the natal family when the girl gets married. Generally speaking, the natal family will take whatever the girl prepares. It's not like in a restaurant, it will give you whatever you order!"

Shi Zhiling's face suddenly changed, "You can't say that in brother's words..."

Shi Jingning didn't wait for Shi Zhiling to finish, "What's more, I'm just your half-brother and have no obligation to you! You want me to prepare a dowry for you, you're overthinking it!"

Boss Zhou hurriedly smiled and said, "Mr. Shi, no matter what, you are all related by blood. Now that you are so rich, it's not that you can't afford it. Why do you let others laugh at you?"

Li Chunlan looked at Boss Zhou and said with a sneer, "Boss Zhou, seeing that you are in such a hurry to ask for a dowry, I also want to remind you of something!"

Boss Zhou was in a hurry to extort money from Shi Jingning and his wife, and his attitude was very good, "Please tell me!"

"Boss Zhou, if I'm not mistaken, you have a wife at home, right? Your wife is still working in a good place. She's a bank teller, right?" Li Chunlan said amusedly.

Boss Zhou is also too confident this time, his family situation is obvious, how can he be sure that others will not find out?
Li Chunlan thought that telling Boss Zhou's actual marital status would dissuade him from blackmailing him.

Who would have thought that Boss Zhou was much thicker than Li Chunlan imagined, "You are right, from a legal point of view, I am indeed in a state of marriage at present, but the relationship between my wife and I has broken down. The difference is nothing more than a divorce certificate!"

Li Chunlan shook her head helplessly, "Okay, since you haven't divorced yet, let alone marrying Shi Jingling, you two should hurry home!"

Li Chunlan had already spoken to such an extent that Shi Zhiling and Boss Zhou could only look at each other, and turned back angrily.

After the pair of live treasures went back, they obviously hadn't given up their plan to get the dowry from Shi Jingning.

Every now and then, Shi Zhiling would bring Boss Zhou and bring some snacks and fruits to the door, calling it a visit to visit her brother and sister-in-law to enhance their relationship.

Shi Jingning and Li Chunlan already knew their sinister intentions, so of course they would not be fooled and were moved by them, but Li Chunlan and Shi Jingning also felt that it was inappropriate to have such a greedy couple staring at them.

Finally, after Shi Zhiling and Boss Zhou visited again, Li Chunlan put a little medicine powder on them.

This medicinal powder was carefully prepared with nine needles, and he had long wanted to try the effect on Shi Zhiling and Boss Zhou.

Boss Zhou's store also deals in antiques and jade wares. He is a quick-witted and eloquent person. Although people in the circle know that his character is not very good, some old customers are still willing to come to him to pick up leaks.

So Boss Zhou personally sits in the store every day, but when he got up this morning, he was surprised to find that he had a red rash on his face. You must know that when a man is 50 or [-] years old, pimples have long since disappeared.

"It's strange, Zhiling, why do I have so many rashes on my old face?" Boss Zhou asked Shi Zhiling wonderingly, touching his face.

Shi Zhiling poked her head out from under the quilt, laughed at Boss Zhou and said, "It's great to have a rash, isn't this old and pretty?"

Almost 50 years old, still pretty?Boss Zhou laughed at himself, feeling a little worried. He felt that with such a face, he might not be able to see clients. He suddenly turned around and was surprised to find that Shi Zhiling's face had no fewer red rashes than his own, and it was more serious than his own. Red is more vivid.

"Oh, Zhiling, get up and take a look, you also have rashes on your face!" Boss Zhou quickly grabbed a small mirror and handed it to Shi Zhiling for her to look at.

Shi Zhiling glanced sleepily into the mirror, and after seeing it, she yelled, "Oh hell!"

It's not that Shi Zhiling is hypocritical, but that she in the mirror is too scary, her face is covered with red rashes the size of copper coins, the key is that her skin is fair, these rashes look red and purple on the snow-white skin, Terrible.

Boss Zhou didn't visit the store that day, and after instructing the waiter, he hurriedly took Shi Zhiling to the hospital.

After going to the hospital, the two came back with large and small medicine bags and began to treat the rash on their faces, which made them feel angry. The medicines bought back after spending a lot of money were like water in the stomach, and they had no effect at all. .

Now Boss Zhou can't do business any more, his face looks like he has a willow disease, and he doesn't dare to show himself in front of clients.

The couple didn't go to Shi Jingning's house anymore, they concentrated on treating illnesses. During this period of time, they traveled all over the city, big and small hospitals, and even went to see the old Chinese medicine doctors posted on the telephone poles. , However, there is only one result of taking medicine, which is useless.

A lot of money was spent, and he was not optimistic about it. Boss Zhou also began to think about why.

People who do business are somewhat superstitious, so he went to find a familiar person to come to see Feng Shui, the person told Boss Zhou that this place was not good for his health, and he had to move out quickly.

"You and I were going to rent a house here at the beginning of the year, and you said that the Feng Shui of this place is very good!" Boss Zhou was very puzzled.

"At this time, at that time, at the beginning of the year, this place was indeed a place of geomantic omen for you, but now this place is not suitable for you to stay any longer. If you insist on staying here to look after the store, not only will your face not get better, You will add some other problems!"

Boss Zhou's friend told him honestly.

Boss Zhou could only find a new store after thinking about it, and moved out in a short time.

Boss Zhou left, and Shi Zhiling was also taken away by him.

Li Chunlan and Shi Jingning finally did not have to worry about anyone coming to ask for a dowry, and they were really relieved.

Time passed slowly like this, and it was autumn in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Xie Zixiu had already named the special anti-cancer drug developed by Li Chunlan Qiushuang No. [-].

Just when the autumn wind blows and blows down the first fallen leaves, Autumn Shuang No. [-] is about to start clinical testing.

For Li Chunlan, a new test has come again. She puts all her body and mind into her work and research.

(End of this chapter)

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