Chapter 996

Hua Qing's body is affected by the medicine, and she needs to take medicine every year to relieve it. The old lady only prescribed the medicine but did not give her the medicine to relieve it. What does this mean?

Li Chunlan solved everyone's doubts with just one sentence, "This means that the antidote is near Huaqing, which she can touch every day. It should be something that is not noticeable, so the old lady does not need to give it to her. Antidote!"

Xie Zixiu and Yu Qilin thought about it, isn't that the reason?
Yu Qilin hurriedly asked Hua Qing, "What do you use every day? Tell me quickly, and we will analyze it for you!"

Hua Qing never thought that she would encounter this kind of situation again, so she quickly recalled it, but her words were incoherent. After talking for a long time, it was only about the things she came into contact with every day, such as well water, sweet potatoes, beans, home chickens, ducks, native dogs and so on.

Li Chunlan simply stood up, let Hua Qing lead the way, and read all the things she said.

But no, these things have no restraint effect on the drugs in Huaqing's body.

Yu Qilin became anxious, if he couldn't find the antidote, he wouldn't dare to leave with Hua Qing.

Li Chunlan stopped talking, and wandered around Huaqing's room with her hands behind her back. She believed that this thing must be around Huaqing, something she could touch every day inadvertently.

After turning around and finding nothing, even Hua Qing herself became anxious, it was almost time for dinner, so she could only cook for the big guys with patience.

Xie Zixiu frowned and said to Li Chunlan, "You don't think the antidote is the air in the forest?"

Li Chunlan smiled and quickly waved her hands, "It can't be air, but what you said reminds me!"

Li Chunlan pulled Xie Zixiu out of the yard, took him around the front and back of the house, and finally stopped under a flower tree that was as tall as a person, "I can be sure that Hua Qing's antidote is this tree." Flowers on the tree!"

Xie Zixiu hurriedly looked at the tree, it was a small magnolia tree, and it was blooming this season, "You mean that Huaqing can release the medicine on her body by smelling the fragrance from the flowers on this tree?"

Li Chunlan nodded, and called out both Yu Qilin and Hua Qing, "I have found something that can restrain Hua Qing's antidote, it is this type of tree, pay attention when you pull the medicine these two days, see this kind of tree If it is a tree, just choose a few small ones, dig them out together with the root, wrap the root well, and we will transport the tree back!"

Seeing that Li Chunlan had chosen this tree, Hua Qing suddenly realized, "It turned out to be this thing, no wonder I feel dizzy sometimes, just stand under this tree for a while and it will be fine!"

Knowing the secret of Songyuan Township, Yu Qilin finally breathed a sigh of relief.He walks outside all the year round, and has his own set of rules when doing things. He immediately digs out a few small trees calmly, properly protects the roots, and secretly mixes them with medicinal materials and transports them out.

Originally, Li Chunlan was able to open up the space, and bringing these trees back to the capital was like a piece of cake, but now that Jiuzhen encountered an ancient medicine, and stayed in Songyuan Township unscrupulously, if he wanted to transport these trees, he had to be right. Trees are processed.

Fortunately, Li Chunlan still has a lot of coral peach leaves on her body. This leaf has a miraculous effect on plants. Li Chunlan secretly took out some leaves, soaked them in water, and poured them on the roots of the trees.

She believed that after this treatment, these trees would be safely transported to the capital.

The old lady, the village head, has been adhering to the rules of Songyuan Township all these years.

She felt that Hua Qing could think clearly about the stakes of the matter and would not easily leave with a foreign man, but she was wrong. Within a few days after completing the drug deal, Hua Qing took her son and left without saying goodbye.

The old lady, the village chief, turned pale with fright, and led her people to Huaqing's house for a walk, only then did she realize that several trees were missing around Huaqing's house.

You must know that this is a forest. If there are one more tree and one less tree, no one will notice it at all. If the old lady hadn't mastered this secret and kept watching carefully, she would not have discovered this.

The old lady couldn't help but sat down, "It's over, it's over, I met an expert, now Hua Qing is completely gone, and will never come back!"

After all, it is a legal society now, and they can only control the fate of people through this method. Who would dare to act rashly to control others like in the past?
A month later, Li Chunlan and his party finally finished their trip to Jing Hong and returned to the capital.

As soon as he returned to the capital, Li Chunlan planted the tree in Yu Qilin's new residence. Yu Qilin, as the veteran of the company these years, has contributed a lot to Shi Jingning's enterprise.

Shi Jingning bought a house near his home and gave it to Jade Qilin as a wedding gift. Those trees were planted in the yard, nourished by coral peach leaves, these trees not only survived the long journey, but also grew Lush.

After receiving this gift, Yu Qilin was overjoyed, and immediately went to Shi Jingning for a drink with the food and drinks, and the friendship between the men was further established.

Next, the wedding will be held for Yu Qilin and Hua Qing, the mother of the third child.

The household registration issues and so on involved in this were all handled by Shi Jingning himself, and the care was taken care of extremely well.

Now Yu Qilin is not young, and he is about to be a four-year-old. If he doesn't get married, he probably won't be able to have children of his own.

And San'er's mother, with the help of Li Chunlan, cleaned up beautifully, like a girl in her early twenties. Everyone was very moved, and the water and soil in the mountains are good for raising people.

San'er also carried her schoolbag and went to primary school.

One of Yu Qilin's great strengths is that he is open-minded. Regarding this stepson, Yu Qilin has long stated that he will treat him like his own son and do his best to send his third son to be educated.

After finishing the preparatory activities, Shi Jingning personally presided over a grand wedding ceremony for Yu Qilin and Hua Qing, the mother of the third child.

The host of the wedding banquet is Li Dongbao.Now his hotel is well-decorated, and it won't lose face if it is used to host weddings. The key is that there are still a few special dishes in the store, which are often missed by some regular customers.

Everything is ready, only Dongfeng is owed. Just a few days before the wedding, Yu Qilin and Hua Qing began to determine the candidates for the wedding.

At Yu Qilin's invitation, Hua Qing notified her natal family to attend the wedding. These people were all villagers from the south. Yu Qilin generously took care of the travel expenses and accommodation for the mother-in-law and her family.

The day before the wedding, Hua Qing's natal family finally arrived, including his parents, her natal brother and sister-in-law.

Yu Qilin dresses sleekly, ready to impress the old mother-in-law and her family, but what Yu Qilin does not expect is that the arrival of this family will not bring him blessings, but endless troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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