Phoenix Dance

Chapter 107 He wants to take Ran Yun away

Chapter 107 He wants to take Ran Yun away (1)

Seeing his sister crying pitifully, Ran Yun was at a loss for what to do.After all, he was only a seven-year-old boy, and he didn't know how to comfort and make his sister happy, so he looked to Feng Range for help.

Feng Range felt a little helpless when she received Ran Yun's request for help.Ever since the brothers and sisters followed her, this kind of situation has never happened at all, and it has never been encountered before, and she really can't comfort others!
Seeing Ran Yu who was crying and choking, Feng Range looked at Ouyang Huang with an ugly expression.

"You made my apprentice cry, tell me what to do!" Feng Range said in a bad tone, pointing.

Hearing Feng Range's words, Ouyang Huang restrained his previous stunned, curled his lips disapprovingly.

"As a cultivator, crying at every turn is simply too weak! It seems necessary to let their brothers and sisters go with me!"

As soon as Ouyang Huang opened his mouth, he wanted to take away not only Ran Yun, but also Ran Yu, not to mention Ran Yun and Ran Yu's brothers and sisters, even Feng Range's face was even uglier!

"Ouyang Huang! What do you mean!" Feng Range was very angry at Ouyang Huang's idea of ​​beating his two little apprentices!

"It's boring! I just feel that the two of them are so weak that they don't deserve to be by your side!" Ouyang Huang replied with a relaxed tone.

lame?Not worthy to be by my side?How long have they been practicing!How old are they!

Regarding Ouyang Huang's answer, Feng Range was even more displeased with this wicked man.

"My apprentice, you don't need to worry about it!"

"Your apprentice? The two of them were adopted in my name, and they are still mine!"

Although Ouyang Huang would not be outraged by Feng Range's resistance and disobedience, he also disliked how this little woman resisted him and refuted his decisions every time.

Facing Ouyang Huang's rebuttal, Feng Range choked and was speechless.

She lowered her head, a little lost and a little helpless.In all her past and present lives, she had never been angered like this. She was so angry that she couldn't stop trembling, but she bit her lip and remained silent.

"Master?" Ran Yun held his younger sister who was still crying, and was a little worried when he saw that his master was so angry at Ouyang Huang.

Hearing Ran Yun calling her, Feng Range glanced at him, shook his head to indicate that he was fine, but did not speak.

Ouyang Huang saw that Feng Range was so angry that he couldn't bear it, and he couldn't bear it, so he said lightly, "Give me my brother, and I will train him! I will send it back to you in three years. The two of you meet occasionally. You can take it with you, little sister! Don’t talk to me about other conditions, weak people are not qualified to be by your side!"

"What does it mean that a weak person is not qualified to be by my side? Are you in charge of my affairs? My apprentice, I will teach myself well!" Hearing Ouyang Huang say over and over again that Ran Yunranyu and Xiong Ermi are weak , as their master, Feng Range felt that Ouyang Huang was mocking her!Originally, he was so angry that he didn't say a word, but now he couldn't help but open his mouth to refute.

This man really has the ability to piss people off!

Ouyang Huang saw that Feng Range's fur had exploded, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Give me my brother, and I'll leave my sister to you. Otherwise, I'll take them both away!"

Take one away and keep one, this is Ouyang Huang's final compromise
Seeing that Ouyang Huang insisted on taking Ran Yun away, Feng Range knew that even if he wanted to force Ran Yun to stay with his own strength, he would not be able to keep him.Once she fights with Ouyang Huang, she will not only have to guard Ran Yun, but also Ran Yu, which she can't do at all, not to mention that she is not as strong as Ouyang Huang.

Unless you bring the brothers and sisters into the Shihuang space, you will also hide in it yourself.But in that way, the Shihuang space will be exposed in front of Ouyang Huang, which is absolutely unworkable.

 Ask for benefits! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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