Phoenix Dance

Chapter 109 Kai Feng is Coming

Chapter 109 Kai Feng is Coming
Seeing Feng Range walk out of the formation alone, Ran Yu walked to her side and held her hand.

"Master, where's brother?" Ran Yu asked, choking again.

When she thought of being separated from her brother in the future, she couldn't help but want to cry.

"Master taught your brother the last eight strokes of "Nine-Jet Fist". He is memorizing them in the formation and will come out soon!" Feng Range said, pulling Ran Yu to Ouyang Huang.

"Ouyang Huang, Ran Yun is my apprentice. I will hand him over to you, and you must return it to me with a hair on it! If something happens by then, I, Fengrange, may not be able to beat you now." , but in the future, I will never forgive you!"

Hearing Feng Range's threat to him, Ouyang Huang raised his eyebrows.

"It's impossible to improve your strength quickly without getting hurt. However, I can guarantee that I will never send back those with missing arms or broken legs!"

Hearing Feng Range threatened him, Ouyang Huang was dissatisfied, especially for another man.Although this man is still a baby, he is also of the opposite sex!
For the sake of this opposite sex being her apprentice, and for the sake of his apprentice in the future, he should take care of him more, so that he at least has no missing arms or broken legs!
Hearing Ouyang Huang's answer, Feng Range vomited, feeling very uncomfortable.What he meant was to hurt Ran Yun, it seems that she needs to prepare more pills for Ran Yun!
Ran Yu on the side heard that Ouyang Huang would hurt his brother, so he pursed his lips again, wanting to cry.

"Big villain! You are not allowed to bully my brother!" As he spoke, he began to cry again.

Seeing Ran Yu cry, not to mention Ouyang Huang, even Feng Range's forehead twitched violently.She has been with Ran Yu for a long time, so she didn't know that this little apprentice loves to cry so much!

"Ran Yu, don't cry! He won't bully brother, but if you cry again, Master doesn't like you either!"

When Master said that she didn't like her anymore when she cried, Ran Yu pursed her lips. Although she still wanted to cry, she suppressed it.

He said pitifully, "Master, I won't cry, I won't cry anymore! Master, please don't dislike me!"

Seeing Ran Yu's pitiful appearance, Feng Range had never hugged her before, so this time he reached out and hugged her.She wanted to comfort the poor little girl, crying so sadly.

However, as soon as Ran Yu was picked up by Feng Range, Ouyang Huang snatched her over.

"What are you doing?" Feng Range asked while waiting for Ouyang Huang.

"I'll hug you." Ouyang Huang said.

"You...she doesn't like you!"

"I don't want her to like it! I'll hug it!" Ouyang Huang held Ran Yu stubbornly and didn't let go. He didn't like someone pestering Feng Range, no matter if it was a man or a woman.

Seeing that Ouyang Huang was so determined and she couldn't rob him, she simply gave up.

"Then you hold it!" After saying that, she turned around and was about to go to the study, but she heard a knock on the door.Feng Range turned around and opened the door again.

As soon as the door opened, I saw Kai Feng standing at the door with a large group of people carrying bags.

"Hi Miss Feng!"

"Hi Miss Feng!"

When Kaifeng saw Fengrange who opened the door, he subconsciously bowed at ninety degrees to say hello.Even the large group of people behind him followed his example and bowed ninety degrees to Feng Range to say hello.Seeing this spectacular picture, Feng Range was dumbfounded.

Seeing Feng Range standing blankly at the door, Ouyang Huang also walked to the door with Ran Yu in his arms.

Ouyang Huang listened to the sound of Kaifeng's group saying hello to Fengrange just now in the room.He is very satisfied with Kaifeng's approach!
But when Kaifeng saw the figure appearing from behind Fengrange, he was shocked! Why is the boss here?Then he just now... Did the BOSS also see...

Kaifeng saw Ouyang Huang's face gradually revealed behind Feng Range, with a tangled look on his face.Just when he thought that the boss was going to teach him a lesson, Ouyang Huang spoke kindly.

"Put down your things, and go back to me!" Gentle, too gentle! Why is the boss so gentle to them all of a sudden?He just let them go!
In the past, if the boss saw them treat others like this, the boss would definitely beat them up, but this time they just let them go.Sure enough, in the eyes of the boss, Miss Feng is different!

After receiving Ouyang Huang's words, Kai Feng and the group of people he brought put down their things and left quickly.

The efficiency was so fast that it made people speechless, and Feng Range who was standing at the door was even more dumbfounded!
 Ask for benefits! ! !Bring pudding home, oh oh oh~
(End of this chapter)

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