Phoenix Dance

Chapter 116 The Shi Huang and Ran Yu who do not listen to the chapter

Chapter 116 The Disobedient Shi Huang and Ran Yu (2)

But Feng Range didn't take it seriously at all, and threw Shihuang into Ran Yu's arms.

These few days, Ran Yu and Shihuang got along very well, so when he saw Master throwing Shihuang down from a high altitude, he subconsciously reached out his hand to catch Shihuang.

Fortunately, when Shihuang landed on the ground, he also controlled himself, and then gently fell into Ran Yu's arms, without hurting Ran Yu.

"Now both of you go to retreat for me! Xiaoyu, your "Nine Profound Sword" can only be released after reaching the second peak. Don't wait until the next time you see your brother, you and his strength will become It's a world of difference. At that time, I won't want an apprentice who can only be lazy and play!" Feng Range said extremely sternly.

It was also the first time for Ran Yu to hear Feng Range lecture her so harshly, and tears filled her eyes, feeling extremely wronged.

She pursed her lips, pitifully, but did not dare to shed tears, "Yes, Master! I will work hard..."

With a choked voice, Ran Yu replied with his head down.

Seeing Ran Yu's pitiful look, although Feng Range wanted to comfort her softly, she held back.

Then she shifted her gaze to Shihuang who was held in Ran Yu's arms, "Xiao Shi, I will leave Xiaoyu's cultivation to you. If your next improvement in Xiaoyu's strength does not achieve the effect I expected, I will go to Debts after debts will be settled with you!"

Seeing Feng Range say seriously, even if Shihuang is the weapon spirit of Shihuang Shenzhu, he curled up at this time, showing watery eyes, blinking to please his master.

"Yes, master! Xiao Shi must let Xiao Yuyu improve her cultivation as soon as possible."

Shihuang is usually not big or small in front of Feng Range, he can be playful and cute, but once his master is really angry, he is still very scared.

Although the owner will not punish it in any substantial way, it is afraid that the owner will ignore it, and the owner will hate it!

Although Feng Range never ignored Shihuang, the four beasts were once severely abandoned by their masters, and the incident that caused this situation was also related to it, so Shihuang's memory is still fresh.

At that time, not long after the four beasts hatched, they liked to compete with Shihuang for their master.

And because Shihuang is the weapon spirit of Shihuang Shenzhu, and it was also the first to appear beside Fengrange, so Fengrange naturally loves Shihuang a lot.However, unexpectedly, with this favor, the four beasts regarded Shihuang as an enemy, and secretly bullied it desperately.

As a result of this bullying, Shi Huang, who was seriously injured, appeared in front of Feng Range and was noticed.After Fengrange's various inquiries, she finally found out what the four beasts were doing.

For this reason, Feng Range, who was still close to the four beasts, put them in the cold palace and resolutely ignored them.

This phenomenon has been maintained for several years, and it was only alleviated by the continuous meritorious service of the four beasts.

Just this matter, let all the people or beasts who follow Fengrange remember deeply, don't provoke her, or the biggest punishment for the master is to ignore it!Ignore it! Ignore it!
That feeling of being ignored by the master... Shi Huang felt sad just thinking about it...

Seeing Shihuang's dazed look, Feng Range just waved his hands, swept a man and a beast into the practice room, and then left the Shihuang space by himself.

Shi Huang was in charge of Ran Yu's training, Feng Range wasn't worried at all, so she was going to get busy with her own affairs!

 Ask for a reward!ok~
(End of this chapter)

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