Phoenix Dance

Chapter 128 The Black Hand

Chapter 128 The Black Hand (2)

who is he?Feng Range looked at Ouyang Huang with doubts and asked him.

"This is the person who attacked your formation." Ouyang Huang replied with raised eyebrows.

that's all?Feng Range also raised her eyebrows, continued to look at Ouyang Huang, and waited for him to continue to answer.She couldn't believe that this person was captured by Ouyang Huang just because he attacked her formation.There must be other reasons!

Sure enough, Ouyang Huang continued to speak.

"He was the one who poisoned Grandpa."

It's him?He was the one who poisoned Mr. Ouyang?Although Feng Range had some guesses in her heart, she was still a little surprised.

Although this person was dressed in black, it was not difficult to tell from his figure that he was a man.And this man is still very young, because his figure is very tall and straight.

Before, she and Ouyang Huang speculated that the person who might poison and attack her was Meng Xian'er. Could it be that this man in black has something to do with Meng Xian'er.

Feng Range was puzzled, so he immediately asked, "Does he have any special identity?"

Since he can attack her formation, it means he is a cultivator.He is a cultivator and related to Meng Xian'er, so he should be a member of Ouyang Huang's sect.

Just what would his identity be?If he dared to poison Ouyang's house, wouldn't he be afraid that Ouyang Huang would punish him if he found out?

Later, he also attacked Fengrange's formation, it seems that he has nothing to fear!
Feng Range squinted at the man in black on the ground, waiting for Ouyang Huang's answer.

Seeing that Feng Range was in a good mood, Ouyang Huang couldn't bear to spoil her interest, so he said, "I haven't asked yet, why don't you ask!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's answer, Feng Range looked at him and raised his eyebrows, "Haven't asked yet? I asked? Do you think I can ask?"

"Of course!" Ouyang Huang nodded noncommittally.

Although this little woman looks weak and weak, Ouyang Huang would never believe that she has no means!He hasn't seen this little woman do tricks yet!Why don't you take advantage of this time and take a good look at it!

Seeing Ouyang Huang looking at her with great interest, Feng Range curled her lips, turned her head, and continued to look at the man in black on the ground.

She just saw playfulness in Ouyang Huang's eyes, it seems that he wants to see her make a move.

Why not just do what he wants!Feng Range got up and walked to the man in black, took out a bottle of potion from the space bracelet, knelt down and poured it into his mouth without dripping.

After doing all this, she sat back in her seat and waited for the medicine to take effect.

Seeing what she did, Ouyang Huang narrowed his eyes, eagerly waiting to see what happened next.

Under the gaze of the two, within a minute, the man in black on the ground let out a murmur and woke up leisurely.

"Hmm... Pain... Pain..." As the man in black exhaled softly, his whole body curled up and trembled.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Huang glanced at Feng Range.This little woman has tricks!
Feng Range ignored Ouyang Huang's gaze, and said to the man in black, "Tell me who is behind the scenes, and I will give you the antidote, otherwise you will continue to suffer like this!"

Hearing Feng Range's voice, the man in black realized that there were other people here, and he looked up at Feng Range who was speaking.

Listening to this woman's words, could it be that she poisoned herself to cause such pain!It's like the pain of thousands of ants gnawing on it, it's unbearable!

"You poisoned me? Give me the antidote!" The man in black glared at Feng Range, his eyes were vicious, as if he wanted to cut Feng Range into pieces.

When Feng Range heard the man in black's words, he twitched the corners of his mouth, without frowning, and stared back.

"My insect-eating potion has only just started to take effect. I'm afraid it will make you feel more deeply later. You can enjoy it slowly!"

Feng Range didn't urge him to explain the people behind him, but leaned comfortably on the sofa, waiting to see the follow-up effect of the potion he made.

 Ask for benefits! !
(End of this chapter)

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