Phoenix Dance

Chapter 141 Technocracy, Sarna

Chapter 141 Technocracy, Sarna
Ouyang Huang walked into Sarna's research room familiarly, and walked all the way, looking at the things displayed on both sides that could be studied.

These robots, motor vehicles and other things are all researched by Sarna, a technological geek.

Seeing those motor vehicles, Ouyang Huang thought, why not equip the little girl with a bright car.He saw that the little woman took a taxi to go in and out, and it was somewhat inconvenient at certain times.

Although the little woman seems to be only 16 years old and not yet qualified for the driver's license test, but these are not problems for him.He can do it for her, even if it is to help her get a pilot's license for an airplane, he can do it for her.

Thinking of the little woman's means of transportation, he began to think about how to ask Sarna to help transform a car.

He can buy the car first, but the car modified by Sarna is much better than ordinary high-end cars, and he wants to give the little woman the best!

When he walked to the Nei that Sarna was researching, he saw a two-meter-tall robot with an extremely cool appearance.

When I arrived at Sarna's research room and saw the robots on display, even Ouyang Huang, who was usually not rigorous, looked like a big boy at the moment, full of interest in those things!

"Hi! Sarna!" Ouyang Huang walked in and greeted Sarna who was busy.

"Hi! Ouyang, why are you here? It seems that you haven't been here for a while, and you haven't talked to me!" Hearing Ouyang Huang's voice, Sarna also raised his head from the busy assembly research, and looked at him greet.

Sarna put down the tools in his hand, walked up to Ouyang Huang, and patted him on the shoulder, "Hi, Ouyang! Let's go have a drink!"

After saying that, without waiting for Ouyang Huang's consent, he dragged him outside.

Sarna is a tech geek, but also someone who likes a life of leisure.He has set up an open-air bar in his outdoor garden. Every time after a busy day of research, he likes to come here to sit quietly and have a drink.

Ouyang Huang already knew about this interest in Sarna, so he didn't object and followed him.

Originally, he came to talk to Sarna, and planned to take some things from him, so it would be better to sit down and chat!
When the two came to the bar, a maid came up to pour them two glasses of whiskey respectively.

The two raised their glasses and took a sip, and Salna spoke first.

"Hey, Ouyang, you always go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, tell me why you are here today?"

Sarna and Ouyang Huang have been friends for many years, and they still understand Ouyang Huang's character better than ordinary people.If he had seen Fengrange before.Then he would definitely know Ouyang Huang's purpose at this moment, he wanted to take something from him to borrow flowers to present to the Buddha, to please the beauties.

However, the last time he received a call from Ouyang Huang, he was just eating, not seeing him for anything, and he didn't go because of something important, so he didn't see Feng Range.

Hearing Sarna's direct question, Ouyang Huang didn't go around making jokes, and directly explained his reason for coming.

"Sarna, I want you to get a mobile phone and a computer here, and I want you to modify a 918 Spyder for me. I want the mobile phone and computer right away. You should have stock here. I will pick up the car in a month. The transaction price is 8000 Wan, how?"

Ouyang Huang reported his needs to Sarna, and at the same time gave a price, waiting for Sarna's response.

Hearing that Ouyang Huang took things from him generously and entrusted him with errands, Sarna was a little speechless.

"Ouyang, don't you have a mobile phone and a computer? Didn't I modify one or two black 918 Spyders for you? Why do you want another one?"

It's hard to understand the thinking of a rich man like Ouyang Huang, can he be so willful if he has money?

Ouyang Huang didn't answer Sarna's doubts, but added later, "Sarna, I want a bright red color like flames for 918 this time, you know? Go and get your mobile phone and computer! I still have something to do, I have to go first!"

Ouyang Huang urged Sarna, and Sarna was still a little confused, but when he heard Ouyang Huang said that he still had something to do, in order not to delay his work, he immediately put down his wine glass and went to get what his old friend asked for.

This old friend of his is a person who earns tens of millions every second, and he still needs his help, so naturally he can't delay his work.

After getting what Sarna handed him, Ouyang Huang stood up and left.

Only Sarna was left standing by the bar, confused and confused...

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(End of this chapter)

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