Phoenix Dance

Chapter 161 Night Visit, Ghost Doctor

Chapter 161 Night Visit, Ghost Doctor (3)

Before, he had been guessing that it was Ouyang Huang, who was the tallest among them.Hearing Feng Range speak now, I really didn't expect that the other party turned out to be a slender woman.

Although the three of Feng Range wore masks, they only covered their appearance, not their figure, so Mr. Xia could easily see the gender of the three.

After a daze, Mr. Xia returned to normal.Seeing that he lost his mind for such a moment every time, Feng Range could see the good qualities of this Mr. Xia, and he was very calm.

When Mr. Xia heard Feng Range's question, he replied, "The salary is ready, but I don't know how much you want, Miss Ghost Doctor? The patient I want to ask you to treat is my wife, and she is upstairs."

When Feng Range heard his answer, she stood up, "Go and see the patient's condition first, and then discuss the remuneration!"

Seeing Feng Range stand up, Ouyang Huang and Ran Yu followed suit.

So Mr. Xia also stood up.

"Then go upstairs!" Mr. Xia said.He took the lead to lead Feng Range upstairs to the room he specially arranged.

It wasn't until the three of them walked into such a specially furnished room and saw a thin woman lying on the hospital bed that Ouyang Huang understood Feng Range's intention.

It turns out that Xiao Ge'er is here to earn medical expenses!By the way, is Xiao Ge'er so short of money recently?
After learning about Feng Range's arrival, Ouyang Huang took Ran Yu and stood aside, not intending to interfere with what she was going to do.

Ran Yu also knew what his master was going to do because he had done things with his master before and on the forum.Although she hated the big villain Ouyang Huang very much, in order not to cause trouble for Master, she obediently followed the big villain and stood aside.

When Feng Range saw the woman on the bed, her complexion was so pale that no trace of blood could be seen, her figure was thin and her breath was weak.Although he hung the nutrient solution to maintain his life, he knew that even if he did so, it would not last long.

Within ten days, the woman on the bed will surely disappear.

Probably knowing this situation, this Mr. Xia rashly saw the post on the Internet and asked Feng Range to come and treat him!
From this point of view, Mr. Xia is a sentimental and transparent person.This person is very nice!

If this kind of thing is generally put on others, what if I am afraid that on my own terms, after the sick wife passes away, I will marry a younger and more beautiful woman as my wife?In today's society, no one will say anything.

However, Mr. Xia is now willing to pay a high price in exchange for his sick wife's lifeline. He is really a responsible and responsible man!
Feng Range couldn't help admiring this point, even Ouyang Huang who was at the side was a little impressed.

Seeing that Mr. Xia has a good conscience, Feng Range gave Mr. Xia a reasonable discounted price.

"It's not difficult to heal Mrs. Xia! I'll estimate the reward to be 1000 or [-] million!" Feng Range said, "Get out now! I'm going to heal the patient!"

After hearing Fengrange give a price, he started to chase people away.Ouyang Huang and Ran Yu knew Feng Ran's temper well, so they went out when they heard her chasing someone away, and went to wait for her outside.

However, Mr. Xia just stayed where he was.

"Mr. Xia, I'm going to be healed, please go out!" Feng Range looked at Mr. Xia who was in a daze, and urged again, his face turned cold.

When Mr. Xia heard Feng Range's urging again, he slowly recovered and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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