Phoenix Dance

Chapter 163 Salyl Who Wrapped the Door

Chapter 163 Salyl Who Wrapped the Door

When Ouyang Huang returned to the room, there was no one at the door.

Originally, Cole was waiting at the door of the room, but because he had been busy for the past few days, he couldn't take it anymore after midnight.

In addition, Salier suddenly came here.In order not to let this stupid sister cause any bad situation in front of Mr. Ouyang, he had no choice but to drag Salier and leave the hotel with him.

However, when Ouyang Huang opened the door, he suddenly discovered that there was a scent wafting from the crack of the door.

what does it smell likeOuyang Huang is neither an alchemist nor a doctor, so he is not very sensitive to medicines, and he didn't smell anything wrong with this fragrance.

He didn't know who broke into his room, so he endured the smell and walked into the room, wanting to see what happened.

There was no one in the living room, only red candles and flower petals all over the floor.Seeing this, Ouyang Huang frowned lightly, which bastard did it!

Ouyang Huang found that the fragrance seemed to come from the burning of these red candles, and at this moment, he suddenly noticed something strange in his body.This is……

"Hmm..." Ouyang Huang murmured uncontrollably from his tightly closed thin lips.

He found that the special part of himself as a man swelled uncontrollably.It made him feel uncomfortable and hot all over, and his skin was flushed.

Aware of this situation, Ouyang Huang endured the pain, and when he was about to leave the room, he found that the door of the bedroom was opened.

Walking out of it, one was wearing only a tulle pajamas, and the exquisite and bumpy figure inside could be seen at a glance, which was very tempting.

Hearing the voice, Ouyang Huang looked towards the door, and with just one glance, he recognized the woman!is her!

"Sariel? How dare you design it on me!" Ouyang Huang's body was unbearably hot, but his voice was still icy cold.

Seeing Salier's figure, as a normal man, Ouyang Huang couldn't help panting heavily.However, he endured this discomfort. He only likes Xiao Ge'er, so he won't touch them because of some scumbag tricks!
After Ouyang Huang threatened Salier, he was afraid that he could not bear it any longer.So, he immediately turned around, braced his uncomfortable body, rushed out the door, and went straight to Feng Range's room.

Xiao Ge'er's medical skills are very high, and now only Xiao Ge'er can help him!

Seeing Ouyang Huang rushing out the door and seeing the cooked duck fly away, Salier bit her sexy full lips and immediately chased him out.

However, as soon as she chased her out of the door, she was knocked unconscious by two men in black who suddenly appeared from nowhere outside the door, and then put her in a bag and took her away.

If Feng Range saw this scene at this moment, he would definitely recognize that these two people were Kai Feng and Cage, and the kung fu he used was martial arts.

Abducting Salier was what Ouyang Huang ordered the two of them to do when they walked out of the room.

This woman actually designed him and used this method.She actually likes sleeping with men so much, so let her sleep enough!

Ouyang Huang has never been a good stubble!If you dare to design him, you must be prepared to pay the price!
From the two aspects of retribution and protection, it has to be admitted that Ouyang Huang and Feng Range are definitely the same kind of people.

After Salier is taken away, what awaits her will be the most desperate experience she has had since birth!

At the same time, what she didn't know was that her family would also be implicated by her stupid behavior.Since then, it has disappeared from the business circle of the United States without a trace...

(End of this chapter)

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