Phoenix Dance

Chapter 170 All kinds of extortion

Chapter 170 All kinds of extortion (4)

After Ouyang Huang walked out of Feng Range and Ran Yu's room, he didn't go back to his original room, but opened a new room to live in.

After Ouyang Huang left, Ka Yina also left the room at Feng Range's request.

After only two masters and apprentices were left, Feng Range called the room service and ordered two dinners.

After dinner, because Feng Range's mood was not particularly stable, she thought that since Ran Yu's breakthrough last time, she hadn't been asked to practice "Nine Profound Sword".

Without further ado, he brought Ran Yu into the Shihuang space again, and handed her over to Shihuang for special training.

After re-entering the Shihuang space, Ran Yu's memory of the last time he entered the Shihuang space was unlocked.

When one person and one beast meet again, they are extremely intimate.

Feng Range saw that Shihuang transformed into a little girl of the same age as Ran Yu again, and went to the practice room of Shihuang's courtyard hand in hand, pursing her lips and smiling.

It should be time for the auction to start soon!During the following days of staying in the United States, she still left Ran Yu in the Shihuang space for retreat.

Watching the figures of the two disappear at the door of the Shihuang courtyard, Feng Range picked some medicinal materials from the medicine field, and after picking a few attribute spirit fruits, she also walked into the Shihuang courtyard.

After returning to China, he planned to ask Ouyang Huang to find a place for her to rebuild Feng's house, which would definitely cost a lot of money.

However, her current economic conditions are not very affluent.Before going back, although the auction items she had prepared could give her a considerable fortune, it was not enough for her to build a Feng family comparable to that in her previous life.

Therefore, she has to refine some things now, and let Huang's Auction House hold an auction after returning to China.And for this auction, she wanted to target some special groups of people.

She had already learned about the existence of the hidden door from Ouyang Huang's mouth. If there are practitioners, there must be things they need but can't get.

And she wanted to hold an auction just for them.

Although Feng Range doesn't want to get in touch with too many practitioners in this world at the moment, she knows better that in a parallel world, if there are practitioners, the richest person is the practitioner.

Since Feng Range wanted to earn money from practitioners, of course he needed some capital.

She is now going to refine some medicines related to the five attributes, as well as some medicines for cutting the scriptures and washing the marrow, which will be used in the auction after returning to China.

After entering the alchemy room, Feng Range took out the Sifang Divine Cauldron, preheated the Qingding Cauldron, and prepared to refine the potion.

Before that, she wanted to wake up the four little beasts as soon as possible. Now, although she has learned the fourth level of qi refining star medicine in "Yao Xing Jue", she can make medicine with bare hands, but she still uses the Sifang Shending to refine it.

She has repeated the techniques of refining pills and potions countless times, and now she can refine them with her eyes closed.

She concentrated and devoted herself to refining the potion...

Until, the next morning, after Ouyang Huang recovered his energy, he knocked on the door of Feng Range's room.

When Feng Range left the deserted space, she didn't take Ran Yu with her.Instead, after seeing her and Shihuang practicing together, she left the space.

Opening the door, Feng Range saw Ouyang Huang standing at the door.

"What's the matter?" Feng Range said lightly.

"Follow me!" After Ouyang Huang said something casually, he pulled Feng Range away.

Feng Range was suddenly pulled away by Ouyang Huang, and he left the room without preparation.

"Where are you going?" Feng Range was a little displeased with Ouyang Huang's behavior, and asked, breaking free from Ouyang Huang's restraint.

"The Smith family." Ouyang Huang said, ignoring Feng Range's struggle, went downstairs and stuffed her into the car.

"Go for what?"

"Settling the account! Collecting the account!" Ouyang Huang sat in the cab and said bitterly.

Then he started the car and drove to the Smith family's manor at an unprecedented speed...

(End of this chapter)

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