Phoenix Dance

Chapter 175 Auction Conference

Chapter 175 Auction Conference (2)

After waiting for ten minutes, the host finally got on stage.

Feng Range's consciousness left behind, after seeing the host come on stage, the scene fell into silence, Feng Range slowly opened his eyes and sat up straight.

Although she wasn't very interested in the auction, it didn't hurt to take a look.

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, welcome to this great triennial auction. This auction is held in the United States, and the patron family is sponsored by the Smith family! Let us now invite the Smith family The patriarch of the clan came to the stage to say a few words for everyone!" The host was enthusiastic on the stage, and following his call, the whole venue thought of thunderous applause.

However, the three of Ouyang Huang still sat still, their expressions did not change.

As the thunderous applause faded away, Feng Range saw a middle-aged man with a beard and a beard walking onto the stage in a neat black suit.

He scanned all the people in the audience for a week, and when he saw Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

His eyes were deep, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes that no one noticed!
Ouyang Huang was a decisive man. He had stayed in the base for several years, and he was always on the front line of life and death. He was extremely sensitive to killing intent and intent.Although Feng Range has never killed a single person in her previous life, she has died once, so she has a very keen sense of killing intent and intent.

The two looked at each other, and they both noticed the faint killing intent on the head of the Smith family just now.

Because the killing intent was revealed when looking at the two of them, both of them knew very well that the killing intent was directed at them.

However, both of them are very good-natured people, they just glanced at each other, and there was no other movement.

If the patriarch of the Smith family wants to do something, then come!He, Ouyang Huang, has never seen anyone be afraid!

For 13 billion, it's like killing people by hand. What kind of climate can such a family achieve!It would be better to destroy it in his hands!
Ouyang Huang and Feng Range remained calm, but Feng Range didn't know that Ouyang Huang had planned to destroy the Smith family.

Once Ouyang Huang was aroused with the desire to destroy, the family would not last long.

While Feng Range was listening to the speech of the head of the Smith family on the stage, Ouyang Huang took out his mobile phone.An order was issued to the head of his underground forces in the United States, and during the two-hour auction, the entire Smith family was destroyed.

After issuing this order, Ouyang Huang continued to speak nonchalantly to the head of the Smith family on the stage.

"We, the Smith family, have hosted this auction, and we will definitely satisfy all the guests! Let's continue our auction now!"

After the patriarch of the Smith family handed the microphone back to the host, he stepped off the stage.Walking in the direction of Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, he walked in front of Ouyang Huang.

"Mr. Ouyang, hello! Because I was busy with the auction, I didn't entertain you in person. Later, because of the rude behavior my little girl Sariel did to you, I am here to apologize to you, hope Mr. Ouyang don't care! If Mr. Ouyang has something in mind, please let me know. As compensation, I will definitely take a picture and give it to you!" The patriarch of the Smith family said politely.

His every sound, every expression, is extremely sincere.However, since he is willing to act with him, Ouyang Huang doesn't mind fighting with him.

Feng Range heard Ouyang Huang say with a faint smile, "Patriarch Smith, you are polite. If there is anything I like next, I will definitely tell the patriarch! The patriarch is busy today, so I will not delay you." It's time."

Seeing the smile on Ouyang Huang's face, Feng Range would have thought that this man was easy to talk to if he hadn't known how evil this man was!

Hearing Ouyang Huang's polite response, the head of the Smith family nodded and turned to leave satisfied.

Seeing the patriarch of the Smith family leaving quickly, Feng Range narrowed his eyes while looking at his back.

She felt that there was a mysterious power in the head of the Smith family, which was huge and clean.But it was so clean, but she didn't like it very much!
Noticing the expression of Feng Range looking at the patriarch of the Smith family, Ouyang Huang pouted, but did not speak.

He already has a thorough understanding of the background of the Smith family.He clearly knew the other identity of the patriarch of the Smith family, as well as the forces behind their family.It is precisely because of the power behind this, and relying on another identity of his own, that the bearded Smith family patriarch dared to show that veiled killing intent to Ouyang Huang and Feng Range on stage just now.

Ouyang Huang is very clear about this!But since his men had already attacked the Smith family, there was no need for him to say anything more to Feng Range.

After the figure of the head of the Smith family disappeared, the two turned their heads to look at the stage.

Just now, because I was focused on other things, I didn't know that the auction has reached the third lot.

The third lot is a fist-sized red gemstone called Scarlet Flame.

The moment this red gemstone appeared on the stage, it confused the eyes of many ladies present.They showed obsessed looks at this gem, and they all wanted to take this gem into their pockets
However, the value of a lot that can appear in this auction must be ridiculously high.

The reserve prices of the first two items are both 2000 million. I really don't know how high the low price of this rare scarlet flame ruby ​​will be?
Just as everyone present was wondering, the host on the stage began to quote the reserve price.

"This piece of scarlet flame comes from the Yitley family of Myanmar. The base price given by the Yitley family is 5000 million!"

As soon as the host's voice fell, the audience became silent, and the silence was abnormal.

With a reserve price of 5000 million, how high will the auction price be?Everyone present is the world's leading rich man, and some people are even so poor that they only have money left.

Therefore, even if the reserve price was high, after a short while of silence, the audience rioted!

"[-] million!" A middle-aged rich woman was the first to call out a high price, which doubled directly.

"5000 million!" As soon as the voice of the rich woman in front fell, another young rich second generation shouted the price.

Feng Range glanced at the rich second generation who was calling the price second, and found that after he finished calling the price, he leaned into the ear of his female companion sitting beside him and whispered.

When the female companion heard his whisper, she showed a clever smile and was very coquettish.

When Feng Range looked back at the stage again, the price had soared to 2000 million.

Although Feng Range's movements just now were very subtle, Ouyang Huang, who was sitting next to her, noticed it.After he also glanced at the couple, he signaled to Kayina, who was on the other side of him, to bid.

"8000 million!" Kayina raised her price by [-] million yuan, not to mention Feng Range, even the others couldn't help but look at Kayina.

Is there such a bid?After Feng Range only glanced at Kai, she turned her gaze to Ouyang Huang.

(End of this chapter)

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