Phoenix Dance

Chapter 181 Tragic revenge

Chapter 181 Tragic revenge (1)

After returning to the city center, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range went back to the hotel directly without going anywhere else.

However, after entering the hotel, Ouyang Huang did not go back to his room, but followed Feng Range back to her room like last time.

The two walked into the room, Ouyang Huang carried the fainted Kayina into Feng Range's room, while the two of them were resting in the living room.

The two of them need to have a good talk about what happened today.However, before the two talked, Feng Range installed a soundproof array in the living room to prevent people from eavesdropping.

The hotel they are staying in is owned by the Smith family. Even though Ouyang Huang's subordinates have done some things, the staff has not dealt with them properly, so it is better to be careful.

The people who attacked them before, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range already knew that the other party was instructed by the head of the Smith family, Hammad.Even the appearance of the birdman Galarei might be because of that old man Hammad.

Those under Ouyang Huang's subordinates have already taken action against the assets under the name of the Smith family.However, the manor of the Smith family still can't use the people under the guise to touch them!
Now that they have bullied them, how can they extinguish the arrogance of the Smith family by themselves, otherwise how can they extinguish it?

In the previous battle, both of them consumed a lot of aura.Ouyang Huang and Feng Range recovered after swallowing some pills.However, the two still meditated.

While meditating, the two analyzed the situation of the Smith family.

"The people under me have already attacked the Smith family's property, and the next thing we need to do is the big shots in the Smith family manor!" Ouyang Huang said calmly, with two minds.

"Oh? When did you do it? Are those big shots powerful?" Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range also said with two minds.

"It was still at the auction. You should have noticed the murderous intent shown by that old guy Hammad towards us when he was on the stage, right? The important figures of the Smith family... there are only two or three who are capable. !" Ouyang Huang smiled contemptuously, and said what he had done before.

Hearing Ouyang Huang's answer, Feng Range was a little speechless.

Since he was speechless, he stopped talking.

Feng Range noticed the murderous intent flowing from the head of the Smith family on the stage.But Feng Range didn't expect that Ouyang Huang would do it so early.This man is really not easy to provoke!
After Feng Range sighed in his heart, he concentrated on meditating and practicing.

In this way, as soon as they meditated and practiced for an hour, both of them quit the practice.

Since both of them have excellent talents, after practicing for a while, all the spiritual power in their bodies will be restored.

Once their strength had recovered, they didn't intend to waste any more time. They left the room directly and headed to the Smith family's manor.

However, before leaving, Feng Range set up a simple hiding array in the bedroom.At the same time, an injection was given in Kayina's skin, causing her to fall into a coma for ten hours.

They all want to leave here, so they are not very relieved to leave Kayina here who has fainted easily.

After making this final arrangement, the two drove to the Smith family's estate.

When they arrived at the Smith family's manor, what awaited the big men of the Smith family would be their cruelest revenge since they were born!
However, the source of this revenge is only because of some thoughts that Sariel and Hammad shouldn't have...

 Ask for benefits! ! !Meme da~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ~
(End of this chapter)

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