Phoenix Dance

Chapter 183 Tragic revenge

Chapter 183 Tragic revenge (3)

Chief Hammad walked out of the meeting room with his assistant.However, before going to meet the man, he and his assistant went to the secret underground base of the Smith family, brought out thirty special guards, and then went to the gate of the manor.

Ouyang Huang and Feng Range once again saw the head of the Hammad clan who had met once again, and their expressions changed a little.

Ouyang Huang and Feng Range felt a power that they had seen on the birdman before seeing the head of Hammad this time, a strong power of light.

Ouyang Huang looked at Patriarch Hammad's group walking towards him and Feng Range, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then looked at Feng Range.

"Xiao Ge'er, my people won't be here until a while later, if you make a move later, leave that old thing to me!" Ouyang Huang looked at Feng Range and said.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Chief Hammad and his party.

"Mr. Ouyang! It's so late, I don't know what's the purpose of coming here?" The patriarch Hammed walked in front of Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, and asked first.

Ouyang Huang looked at the patriarch Hammad, who was relying on his elders, raised his eyebrows, and said, "I don't know Mr. Hammad, but do you know this birdman friend?"

Ouyang Huang glanced at Feng Range, and Feng Range released the bird man Galarei from the life training ring.

Galarei has recovered from the situation now, but he was stabbed at the acupoint by Feng Range's unique needle, so without Feng Range's hand to untie it, he would never be able to move.

Galarei prostrated himself on the ground, looking indescribably embarrassed.

When Chief Hammad saw Galarei who suddenly appeared, his face became serious.

Galarei and Chief Hammad have also been in contact with each other before, and they still know each other's strength very well.Seeing Galarei's miserable appearance lying on the ground now, Patriarch Hammad suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

Galarei was brutally tortured, but the appearance of Ouyang Huang and Feng Range obviously couldn't be better.He can't estimate the strength of Ouyang Huang and Feng Range at all right now. If they fight each other later... Patriarch Hammad suddenly feels a little nervous.

If it loses later, the Smith family will be devastated...

Chief Hammad looked at Galare on the ground, and then at Ouyang Huang and Feng Range. There were turbulent waves deep in his eyes, but the expression on his face was calm.

"Did the two hurt Lord Galarei? I don't know why the two of you hurt him?" The status of the chief Hammad in the Holy See is a bit special, but the identity of the birdman Galarei is even more special.

Although the angel family is said to be the guardians of the Holy See, their status is definitely higher than that of any clergy in the Holy See, including the Pope.

Therefore, although Hammad didn't want to take care of Galarei's affairs at this time, he couldn't really take care of it.

Galarei was obviously seriously injured, and now he is still lying in front of him. If he doesn't care at this time, if this matter is exposed, let alone the other eleven lord angels, even the Pope will not forgive him. over him.

Hearing that Hammad still has the energy to care about Galarei, Ouyang Huang raised his eyebrows again, then nodded at the chief of Hammed, and said frivolously, "Isn't this obvious? ?”

When Chief Hammad heard his answer, he choked up.

However, Chief Hammad is also a person who has been in a high position for a long time, so he easily concealed that little bit of embarrassment.

He looked at Ouyang Huang with a cold and stern look, "Mr. Ouyang, do you know the special identity of Mr. Galarei? And do you know the consequences of offending him?"

Ouyang Huang saw that the face of Chief Hammad suddenly changed, and his tone was no longer as friendly as before, so he knew that this old guy was going to be unbearable.

But yes, he was also a little impatient with the current way of talking.If you want to do something, just do it directly!

Therefore, this time Ouyang Huang didn't intend to continue to talk about things with this false chief Hammad.

When he clenched his fists, the trap Feng Range gave him surfaced on the surface of his fists.With a dodge, Ouyang Huang appeared in front of Chief Hammad, raised his fist, and slammed his fist at Chief Hammad's face.

Regarding Ouyang Huang's sudden attack, not to mention the patriarch Hammad, even Feng Range, who had been standing beside him all the time, felt a little surprised.

Obviously the two of them talked well, why did they suddenly make a move!
Feng Range reacted immediately when Ouyang Huang made a sudden move.She put Galarei into the training space ring again, and at the same time condensed dozens of Qi needles, ready to fight the enemy!

Chief Hammad held a scepter in his hand, so no matter what he said, his strength was higher than that of the birdman Galarei.Therefore, when facing Ouyang Huang's sudden attack, he immediately used the scepter to condense a light curtain of light energy to resist Ouyang Huang's fist.

Ouyang Huang's fist smashed heavily on the bright energy light curtain with a heavy force.The light curtain was smashed by Ouyang Huang, and the clan leader Hammad and the people behind him were shocked.

This man is not an easy character!His strength is terrifying!

Feng Range saw that Ouyang Huang's attack was blocked by the light curtain of bright energy condensed by the patriarch Nehammad, and immediately controlled more than a dozen air needles, and fired them at the light curtain instantly.

The air needle hit the light curtain and was instantly swallowed by the light curtain.

Seeing this scene, Hammad shifted his gaze to Fengrange again.

He also felt the air needle shot by Feng Range just now.Although the Qi needle was swallowed by the light curtain, Hammad saw that this woman was not a simple person!

The strength of this woman and Ouyang Huang is almost equal.It's no wonder that Lord Galarei was defeated by these two people.

Seeing that although two people came from the other side, but the strength of these two people is not weak, Hammad did not dare to take it lightly.

He continuously input light energy into the light curtain to strengthen the light curtain's defense capability.

Facing the actions of Chief Hammad, Ouyang Huang twitched his lips, retracted his fists, and retreated to Feng Range's side.

Seeing this situation, Feng Range took advantage of the situation to put away the rest of her Qi needles, and stood side by side with Ouyang Huang, not moving.

"Chief Hammad, do you think you can keep blocking it with the light curtain?" Ouyang Huang said with a smirk.

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question, for some reason, Patriarch Hammad had a bad feeling in his heart.

He felt that Ouyang Huang and Feng Range were planning some bad idea!

Not long after he had this feeling, the patriarch Hammad felt that his bright energy light curtain was a bit blurred.

Like a shattered mirror, cracks appeared one after another.After a while, it collapsed with a 'boom'.

Seeing this sudden scene, Chief Hammad and the group of people behind him were stunned!

How is this going?Why did the light curtain collapse suddenly?
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(End of this chapter)

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