Phoenix Dance

Chapter 189 Full of Chapters

Chapter 189 Returning home with a full load (1)

After the two returned to the hotel again, after Ouyang Huang sent Feng Range back to the room, he went to work on his own affairs.

However, before he left, he informed Feng Range that he would go back to Yanhuang Kingdom tomorrow morning, so that she could have a good rest.

After Ouyang Huang left, Feng Range returned to her room.

Maybe it was because she slept for more than ten hours at once last night, or because she fell into an unconscious state when she fell asleep last night, which made her afraid.In short, after Feng Range returned to the room, she didn't feel sleepy at all.

Since you can't sleep, it's better to do something else.

Feng Range suddenly remembered the medicinal materials picked a few days ago, because there was something urgent that had not been dealt with.It's better to refine the potion while there is nothing to do now.

One night is enough for her to refine those medicinal materials into potions.

According to what Ouyang Huang said, they will return to Yanhuang Kingdom early tomorrow morning.After returning, she will form her own faction, practice medicine as a ghost doctor, and practice. I'm afraid she will be very busy.At that time, I'm afraid there won't even be much time to refine pharmaceutical pills.

So, Feng Range flashed into Shihuang space with a thought.

Recently, she has been thinking about the four beast eggs in the Sifang Shending, and she also wants to hatch them as soon as possible.

Because she is still in the United States and does not have her own independent and safe alchemy room, Feng Range feels that it is not safe to refine medicines outside, so it is better to enter the alchemy room in Shihuang courtyard and refine medicines.

After entering the primordial space, one day outside and one month inside the space.There are still about eight hours before dawn, and there are still ten days in the Shihuang space.

These ten days are enough for her to refine a lot of pills and potions.

For this reason, Feng Range felt that the medicinal materials picked before were not enough.So, before entering the alchemy room, she went to the medicine field and medicine garden to pick a lot of medicinal materials.

After bringing it into the alchemy room, she sorted and arranged the medicinal materials according to the types of pills and potions to be refined.

After the preliminary preparations last night, she sacrificed the Sifang Divine Cauldron, penetrated the inner strength, cleared the cauldron, and condensed the pure spirit fire to warm up.

After the temperature of the cauldron reached a certain level, Feng Range controlled the mental power to put medicinal materials into the cauldron and control the flames, and then carefully observed the medicinal materials gradually refined into liquid medicine with spiritual consciousness.

The medicinal materials were refined little by little and turned into various medicinal liquids.Because Fengrange also picked some attribute spirit fruits before.Therefore, when refining at this moment, she also intentionally added a few spirit fruits to these refined pills and potions to increase the properties of the pills and potions.

These pills and potions that were first refined were Yuanling Pills and Advanced Pills refined by Feng Range for future disciples to practice.

Feng Range didn't refine too many yuanling liquid and advanced medicinal liquid, but most of them were pills.Because compared to liquid medicine, pills are easier to preserve.

After refining and playing with these pills and potions, half of the time in the Shihuang space has passed.

During these five days, Feng Range kept refining pills and potions, and there were thousands of small pill bottles beside her.Among them are about [-] bottles of pills and [-] bottles of potions. Each pill bottle contains ten pills. There are nearly a thousand Yuanling pills and advanced pills.

Feng Range put most of the medicine bottles containing the pills into the space bracelet on her wrist, and a small part of the pills and medicines were put together into a space ring.

She is extra cautious in everything she does now, she doesn't want to let people from Yanhuang Kingdom's hidden sect stare at her before she has established her own power.

Although she has some means now, she is weak after all.She still can't do it for him to provoke a sect force like Ouyang Huang did.

After putting away the elixir and potion that had already been refined, Feng Range took out the medicinal materials for refining another elixir and potion.

What she is going to refine now is a marrow-washing pill and a marrow-washing potion.This is a kind of elixir and potion that can improve the physique of a practitioner.

The marrow washing potion is similar to the medicinal bath that Feng Range used for Ran Yun and Ranyu brothers and sisters before, but it is a little worse than the medicinal bath used by Ran Yun and Ranyu brothers and sisters at that time.

Ran Yun and Ran Yu are her apprentices no matter what, and they also have special physiques, so what she gives to her is always the best!

After preparing the medicinal materials, Fengrange quickly devoted herself to alchemy and medicine refining.

In this way, everything in the Danding was controlled smoothly, until the time passed by every minute...

Put away one furnace, and then another...

After another four and a half days of refining, Feng Range refined all the medicinal materials that had been picked into pills and potions.

However, when refining the Marrow Washing Pill and the Marrow Washing Potion this time, she added a few drops of water of life for safety reasons, so as to prevent her future disciples from taking it. Sometimes, any problems arise because of a lack of willpower.

After Feng Range put away these marrow washing pills and potions, when she was about to leave the alchemy room, she suddenly heard a cry from Sifang Shending.

That's... that's the sound of Xiaohuo!After she was reborn here, she finally heard Xiaohuo's voice again!Feng Range was very excited at this moment.

The four divine beasts in the four eggs in the Sifang Divine Cauldron are actually the ancient Sifang Divine Beasts, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu.

Feng Range named them Xiaoqing, Xiaobai, Xiaohuo and Xiaoxuan respectively.Just like she called Shihuang Xiaoshi before, some names are incompetent.

After she got these four ancient beasts in her previous life, she signed a soul contract with them, so after she died later, the four beasts just returned to the state of eggs, instead of dying with her.

After hearing Xiao Huo's voice suddenly, Feng Range tried to contact Xiao Huo because the contract was still there.

"Xiao Huo... Are you awake? How are you doing now?" Feng Range's voice was trembling, and she seemed a little excited.

However, after she finished her questioning, for a long time, there was no more sound from Sifang Shending.

Feng Range waited for a while, and when she didn't hear another sound, her face was stained with a trace of loneliness.

But just as she lifted her foot and was about to leave again, another voice came from Sifang Shending.

"Master! Master, is that you? Master!" Xiao Huo's voice came eagerly from the Sifang Shending.

When Feng Range heard Xiaohuo's voice again, she immediately stopped in her tracks.Turning around and walking to the side of the Sifang Divine Cauldron, with a single thought, he took out the Suzaku Egg from the Sifang Divine Cauldron.

"Xiaohuo?" Feng Range knelt down and stroked the eggshell of the Suzaku egg with her hands. She was a little excited and her hands trembled.

"'s me! I woke up. Master, are you okay now? What happened before we returned to the original state?" Suzaku, who was still in the egg state, felt Fengrange's touch.He jumped happily on the spot, but asked Feng Range with a worried voice.

When Feng Range heard Xiaohuo's question, he paused for a while, but didn't speak.

"Xiao Huo, let's not talk about those things, I will tell you next time I come in! I have something to go out now, I will call Xiao Shi to accompany you!"

After saying that, Feng Range walked out of the alchemy room and went to the kung fu room.

(End of this chapter)

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