Phoenix Dance

Chapter 200 Survey Base

Chapter 200 Survey Base (3)

After entering the Shihuang space, Feng Range did not go to Ran Yu and Shihuang.

Instead, he used his ability as the owner of the original wasteland space to search for traces of 'ginseng' Nini in the entire original wasteland space.

After returning from the hills in the suburbs, Feng Range has been thinking about this 'ginseng' that calls herself Nini.

She threw it into the Shihuang space because she was in a hurry before, and she didn't see its body at that time, but now she is very curious.

Because 'ginseng' Nini is the treasure of heaven and earth found in "Yao Xing Jue", it must not be a common vulgar thing.

Holding it in her hand and looking at it before, she seemed to have seen the introduction of such a thing before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Since she couldn't remember it, she didn't have the idea of ​​looking through the files and books she had read before.

As for the body of 'Ginseng' Nini, she couldn't remember it right now, so why not ask it directly.

So, under Feng Range's search, she soon found the location of 'Ginseng' Nini.

With one thought, she appeared in the medicine garden next to Shihuang courtyard.

In the center of the medicine garden, she saw the figure of 'Ginseng' Nini at a glance.

This 'ginseng' is now like an ordinary medicinal plant, half buried in the soil, and then swaying in the wind.

Seeing this scene, Feng Range was speechless.

When she was on the hill, she clearly saw that this 'ginseng' could run, jump, and talk. What kind of plant is it now!

Feng Range couldn't see it, so he stepped on the ground in the void, stepped on the top of the medicinal materials in the medicine garden, walked to the center of the medicine garden step by step, and pulled out the 'ginseng' Nini from the soil with one hand.

"Who? Who? Who pulled me out of the soil? Do you know that the young master is practicing!"

'Ginseng' Nini was suddenly pulled out from the soil, and twisted her ginseng-shaped body violently, clamoring to break free from Feng Range's grasp.

However, will Feng Range be freed by it so easily?

Obviously impossible!You must know that 'Ginseng' Nini is in Shihuang space now, but here is Fengrange's world!

Feng Range tightly grasped the 'ginseng' Nini, raised it in front of her eyes, and said lightly, "Who allowed you to enter this medicine garden? Who else allowed you to pull out the medicinal materials in the center? Um?"

'Ginseng' Nini was still struggling violently, but when she suddenly heard Fengrange's voice, she unexpectedly stopped struggling, calmed down, and raised the little red flower on the top to face Fengrange.

"Master? Have you come in?" The little red flower on the top of 'Ginseng' Nini waved twice in front of Feng Range, as if to say hello.

Hearing the questioning voice of 'Ginseng' Nini appeared in her mind, and seeing it greet her in a very humane way, Feng Range carried it and left the medicine garden.

After returning to the edge of the medicine garden, Feng Range gave it away, and put the 'ginseng' Nini on the ground in front of her.

She only squinted at it, and asked lightly, "Nini, what kind of elixir are you?"

'Ginseng' Nini heard Feng Range's question, and was still swaying comfortably, but at this moment, she suddenly stopped.

"Master, I'm just an ordinary elixir! Here, it's the same as the elixir in your medicine garden!" 'Ginseng' Nini was suddenly silent for a while, then hesitated to speak.

When it said this, its little red flower drooped down consciously, clearly showing that it was not telling the truth.

When Feng Range heard what 'ginseng' Nini said, and saw her holding the little red flower, the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

It shouldn't be the attitude of the little ginseng to lie!This attitude does not tell others clearly, is it not telling the truth!

For 'Ginseng' Nini's uncooperative attitude, Fengrange didn't seem to be obviously dissatisfied on the surface, but she was still a little unhappy in her heart.

This little ginseng dared to deceive her on her territory, but you must know that the consequences would be very serious!

Immediately, Feng Range said coldly, "Little Ginseng, do you know that you are now on my territory. Do you know what the consequences will be if you don't tell me the truth on my territory? "

Feng Range squinted her eyes, her gaze was full of danger.

'Ginseng' Nini couldn't help shivering when she heard Fengrange's icy voice.

The little red flower barely supported on the top looked at Feng Range, and when she met Feng Range's dangerous eyes, she couldn't help shrinking the flower stem, and avoided Feng Range's direct gaze with some fear.

At this time, 'Ginseng' Nini asked Fengrange again with anxiety, "Master, if...if you know my true identity...would you...would you hurt me or It's... eat me..."

Because her real body is very special, 'ginseng' Nini dare not tell Fengrange the truth.

However, now that Feng Range is so pressing, and in this special space, it can't escape at all.

If it doesn't tell its master what its real body is, it really doesn't know what the master will do to it next time?

'Ginseng' Nini is still young after all. Although it has existed in this world for tens of thousands of years, its mind is still equivalent to that of a toddler.

It knows how to protect itself, but it doesn't know how to protect itself.Because of this, when meeting Feng Range, he fell into her arms so easily because he was attracted by the secret treasure on her body.

But now, does it have indescribable regrets, or no regrets for recognizing Fengrange as its master.

The owner's space is really good for its growth, but now the owner keeps asking about its true identity.It really doesn't know, once the owner knows its real body, will it be like some people who discovered it before, want to eat it to increase its strength.

After hearing 'Ginseng' Nini's intermittent and hesitant questions, and seeing its nervous and frightened appearance, Fengrange fell silent for a while.

However, she did not remain silent for too long before speaking.

"Nini, I am God Dan. If you follow me in the future, I will definitely ask you for some of your essence if I need it, but it depends on whether you give it to me willingly or not! Becoming my person or me Your beast pet, I will protect you from now on, no one can bully you, only I can bully you! Can you tell me your real body now?"

Hearing what Feng Range said suddenly, the whole plant of 'ginseng' Nini stiffened.

She felt that the master who said these words was really domineering!
According to what the master said, when the master needs it in the future, as long as it voluntarily gives the master some essence, the master will not hurt it.Moreover, when others hurt it, the owner will protect it.What a wonderful host!
After 'Ginseng' Nini figured out the meaning of Fengran's song, she was no longer afraid of Fengran's song.Instead, he rubbed against her intimately, swaying the little red flower on the top, and readily exposed his real body to Feng Range.

"Master, master! In fact, I am the eye of the earth!"

'Ginseng' Nini, no, it should be Nini, the Eye of the Earth!It flattered Feng Range with its unique soft and cute voice.

(End of this chapter)

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