Phoenix Dance

Chapter 202 Survey Base

Chapter 202 Survey Base (5)

It wasn't until eight o'clock the next day in the outside world that Feng Range quit his practice and left the Shihuang space.

After leaving the deserted space, Feng Range went to the living room and found that she was the only one here.

It turned out that when he was in Meijian, Ouyang Huang would always come to her from time to time.Also, that Kayina who followed her for several days at the beginning when she arrived in the United States, but did not help at all.

In those few days, maybe she gradually got used to having one or two people around her!Now suddenly there is no one around her, which makes her unaccustomed to it.

Looking at the empty living room, Feng Range felt a sense of loss that she had never felt before.

At this time, she hadn't realized that she had developed a sense of dependence on Ouyang Huang's existence.

Just then, she heard a 'beep beep...beep beep...beep...' vibration.

She took out a rectangular object from her pocket.

Feng Range looked at the thing she took out from her hand, it seemed that Ouyang Huang asked Kai Feng to give it to her.

At that time, Kaifeng also taught her how to use this thing.As for Feng Range, because of her excellent memory and calculation ability, she even learned all the usage methods of this thing by analogy.

This thing is called a mobile phone, and it is an electronic communication tool in this world.Now the phone is displaying an incoming call, with a string of six digits 888888 on it.This is the other party's number, and Fengrange's number is also six digits, 666666.

Because this mobile phone is personally made by Sarna, and the chip inside is only available at Sarna, so even the number is a little different from that of ordinary people.

Feng Range didn't know who was calling her at the moment, so she pressed the answer button on the phone, put the phone to her ear, and asked lightly.


The person on the other side of the phone, except for Ouyang Huang, no one will call Feng Range now.After hearing Feng Range's question, Ouyang Huang's voice came from the phone.

"Xiao Ge'er, are you up yet? Ah Chen and I are outside right now. If you wake up, eat something and then take a taxi to this place!"

Ouyang Huang talked to Feng Range, and then reported an address.

Hearing the address reported by Ouyang Huang, Feng Range was a little puzzled.

Doesn't this place seem to be in the urban area?Why did the two of them suddenly run to the suburbs early in the morning?

But doubts are doubts, Feng Range readily agreed.Since Ouyang Huang asked her to go, there must be something wrong!

So, she said lightly again, "Well, I got it! I'll come later!"

After speaking, he took the phone away from his ear and pressed the hang up button.

Ouyang Huang on the other end of the phone originally planned to gossip with Feng Range after finishing the business.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he finished his business, a busy tone of 'beep...beep...beep...' came out of his mobile phone.

Xiao Ge'er actually hung up his phone just like that?Ouyang Huang held the mobile phone in his hand and stared blankly at the mobile phone in his hand.

Enduring the pain, Wen Chen and Ouyang Huang came to this place he had chosen early this morning to inspect it.

But after seeing Ouyang Huang make a phone call, he was stunned.

I can't help but wonder who he called, who has such great ability to affect Tangtang Huangshao's emotions.

He was walking aside just now, so it happened that he didn't hear Ouyang Huang's voice.

It was only now that I saw his appearance, so I walked up to him in a few steps and asked, "Young Master Huang, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Wen Chen's voice suddenly, Ouyang Huang came back to his senses.

Looking up at Wen Chen, he shook his head at him, "It's okay. Let's take a look!"

So, the two of them walked around in this small valley to have a look.

After Feng Range hung up Ouyang Huang's phone, she didn't follow Ouyang Huang's advice and went to eat first before looking for them.

After she left the hotel, she took a taxi directly and reported the place Ouyang Huang said.

Along the way, Feng Range discovered that the traffic conditions in Nanyun City were similar to those in Jingbei City.There are many vehicles on the road, and the road is very congested. It takes no less than an hour to take a taxi from one place to another.

So, when Feng Range arrived at the place Ouyang Huang mentioned, two hours had passed.

Feng Range paid the fare and got out of the car.However, the driver of the car did not drive away immediately, but spoke to Feng Range.

"Little girl, this place has been deserted for three or four years. Although I don't know what you are here for, if you are looking for something, go to that cave tunnel! After entering that cave, go through a [-]-meter tunnel , to the hidden village inside."

When Feng Range heard what the driver said, she turned her head and looked in the direction the driver pointed.

After the driver said these words, the car turned around and drove away.

As for Feng Range, looking at the cave not far away, she was a little surprised!
According to what the driver said, after passing through the cave, there is a hidden small village inside.However, it has been deserted for a long time.

After getting this information, Feng Range seemed to understand what Ouyang Huang was doing when he asked her to come here.

So, with a calm expression, she walked towards the cave step by step, unhurriedly.

The mouth of this cave is not particularly large, and only one person can go straight through.The height is only two meters two, like Ouyang Huang's height, when he walked in here, his head was almost touching the top.

Feng Range continued to walk in, but the driver said that the tunnel was a hundred meters long.So, as we walked, the light in the cave became weaker.

Then, after another 50 meters, the light in the tunnel gradually became stronger again.

After walking [-] meters and walking out of the tunnel, what Feng Range saw was a small deserted village.

The houses in this village are all single-story bungalows. Because the area is not very large, there are only a dozen families here.

Now this place has been deserted for a long time, so Feng Range stood here, except for the house, he couldn't see anything else.

While she was staring at these houses in a daze, Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen walked out of a house.

When Ouyang Huang saw Feng Range's figure, he just hooked his lips into a smile, and then walked towards her.

"Little Ge'er is satisfied with this place?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang speak, Feng Range was drawn back to distracted attention, and then turned to look at Ouyang Huang.

However, after she only glanced at him, she turned her head again and observed the terrain here.

In this valley, the general situation is like this.The upper mouth of the valley here is circular, and the land under the feet is rectangular, close to square, with a deviation of no more than half a meter.

If Feng Range wanted to turn this place into a treasure land, he could also have someone chisel the deviated mountain wall into half a meter to form a round sky.

At that time, after she sets up a few formations here, this is definitely an excellent place to create a hidden force!

(End of this chapter)

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