Phoenix Dance

Chapter 265 A New Shelter

Chapter 265 A New Shelter (1)

Along the way, after seeing Kayina's driving skills, Fengrange discovered that Kayina is also a good driver!
Although her driving skills are a bit inferior to Ouyang Huang's and Feng Range's, compared to ordinary people, her driving skills are still relatively high, and she is very stable.

After Kayinna drove for an hour and a half, the three of them came to a two-story villa outside the suburbs.

Before parking the car, the three of them saw a middle-aged woman standing outside the small villa.

Although she is a middle-aged woman, she looks like she is only in her twenties, almost 30 years old.

If Kayinna hadn't told her about the situation of this villa and the identity of the original owner when she was on the road, Feng Range would have thought it was a young woman!
I am still a little surprised by the appearance of this young woman, because this woman is just an ordinary person, and she can achieve reverse growth like a cultivator!
After seeing the existence of this woman, the three of them got out of the car one after another.

Feng Range handed over the task of contacting this woman to Kayina, and after getting off the car, Kayina walked directly towards that woman.

When the woman saw Kayina walking towards her, she looked at the three of them.

After looking at it for a while, with a charming smile, he also walked towards Kayina.

"Is it Miss Kayinna?"

When the two came to stand facing each other, the woman spoke first.

Hearing the woman's question, Kayina nodded, then took out her laptop, opened it, and opened a page for the woman to read.

After seeing it, the woman deepened the smile on the corner of her mouth, and then readily took out a bunch of keys and handed them to Kayina.

After Kayina took the key, she nodded slightly at her again.Then she turned to look at Feng Range and Gao Ying who were two meters away from her behind her.

After seeing her gesture, Feng Range and Gao Ying walked to her side.

Then, after nodding hello to the woman who was the original owner, he stepped up and prepared to enter the villa.

After seeing the three of Feng Range open the door and walk in, the woman who was the original owner also suppressed the expression on her face and left.

After the three of Feng Range entered the room, they went upstairs and downstairs first.Only then began to allocate their respective living rooms.

The rooms chosen by the three of them are all on the second floor. The difference is that Feng Range chose the master bedroom, while Gao Ying and Ka Yina each chose two guest rooms near the master bedroom.

After allocating the room, Feng Range said to Gao Ying and Ka Yina, "I will be in retreat for three months. In these three months, apart from the things you are responsible for, I also hope that you can also Practice meditation. How to arrange it is up to you. After three months, I will check your progress. If the progress does not meet my ideal requirements, you can go back to your original place! Now you will all go to your room have a rest!"

After Gao Ying and Ka Yina heard what Feng Range said, their expressions changed a little, and they became serious.

"Miss Feng..."

Ka Yina wanted to say something, but was stopped by Feng Range raising her hand.

"Go and rest!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and entered her room, and closed the door.

After Feng Range entered the room, Gao Ying and Ka Yina didn't stay outside for long, and turned back to their respective rooms.

After hearing the movement outside, Feng Range opened the door again and went out.However, everything was done quietly, so that Gao Ying and Kayina in the room did not hear any movement.

Feng Range decided to enter the retreat immediately, but before practicing, she still decided to arrange a few formations in this small villa just in case.

Now whenever she lives in a place, Feng Range is almost used to setting up a few formations in this place to make her feel relatively safe.

So, Feng Range took out more than [-] spirit stones from the space bracelet, and she was going to set up a defensive array, a sound-proof array and a spirit-gathering array.

Because Feng Range had been around here with Gao Ying and Ka Yina before, it was easy to find a suitable spot.

After finding the array, Feng Range arranged three arrays at the same time, reducing the time by two-thirds.

Therefore, after she finished setting up the three formations, only two hours had passed.

After finishing these, Feng Range activated the formation without hesitation, and then returned to her room.

After arriving in the room, Feng Ran could feel the aura here gradually getting stronger.

Then, with a single thought, she entered the primordial space.

Before retreating, Feng Range decided to go to see Nini first, and ran to them.

When I saw Nini, what caught my eye was its leisurely look.

Seeing Fengrange's appearance, Nini swayed the little red flower on its head again in a cute way.

"Master! Master! Beautiful and lovely master! You are coming in again!"

Hearing Nini's cuteness and coquetry, Feng Range just hid beside Nini, then stretched out her hand to flick the little red flower on its head, and said.

"Little guy, I'm going to retreat for a while. If you have any problems, just call Xiaoshi! It's the tool spirit here. If I can help you solve it, it can also help you."

After hearing Fengrange's words, Nini shook the little red flower above her head again and said.

"Master works hard to cultivate, and his strength will rise to a higher level!"

Hearing Nini's flattering words, Feng Range patted the little red flower on its head again, then got up and left.

After leaving Nini's place, Feng Range went to see Xiao Huo first, then Xiao Shi and Ran Yu, and finally Mo Xuan.

After telling them that she was going to retreat, everyone wished her continuous breakthroughs.After leaving the customs, the strength has been improved to a greater extent!
After hearing their encouragement, Feng Range nodded calmly.

This time, after being separated for a while, Feng Range saw Mo Xuan again, and Feng Range found that his strength had grown rapidly.Therefore, Feng Range felt that he could not fall behind.

Because Ouyang Huang was told before that if anything happened, Kayina would be informed.

Therefore, before the official retreat, Fengrange told Shihuang that if something big happened, she must be woken up.

After getting Shi Huang's response, Feng Range was finally able to concentrate on retreating.

After she went to the alchemy room to get some needed pills, she entered the practice room where she often practiced.

Started a formal long-term retreat...

(End of this chapter)

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