Phoenix Dance

Chapter 275 Returning to Ouyang's House

Chapter 275 Returning to Ouyang's House (1)

During this nap, Feng Range no longer saw Zheng Kaiguo in the middle of the nap.

In the middle of the journey, Ran Yu was too excited, a little tired, and fell asleep relying on Feng Range.

And when the two opened their eyes again, Kayina had already driven the car to the door of Ouyang's house.

Feng Range opened her eyes and saw that she had already arrived, so she asked Kayina to get off the car and notify Ouyang Huang.And she and Ran Yu were waiting in the car.

Feng Range still remembered that the last time she went to Ouyang's house, Ouyang Huang's father, Ouyang Chi, and his grandfather were very polite to her.However, Ouyang Huang's mother, Han Qin, disliked her very much.In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she had better ask Kayina to notify Ouyang Huang first.

And less than 5 minutes after Ka Yina entered, Feng Range was sitting in the car, and saw Ouyang Huang walking out with Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun.

When Ran Yu saw Ouyang Huang who came out, he wondered if it was the reason why Ouyang Huang took Ran Yun away when they met him for the first time. Ran Yu always felt more timid than usual when seeing him.

Seeing her like this, Feng Range reached out to hold her hand, and then gave her a relieved look.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoyu! After a while, Xiaoyun will be back."

Hearing Feng Range's comfort, Ran Yu nodded hard, although he was still a little timid.However, holding Feng Range's hand was still tighter than before.

After Feng Range noticed her action, she opened the car door without saying anything, and got out of the car with Ran Yu.

Seeing Feng Range getting out of the car, and having not seen her for a while, Ouyang Huang walked up to her excitedly, and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Little song!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's excited words, Feng Range just smiled slightly, and looked at him with flickering eyes.

Seeing Ouyang Huang again, Feng Range felt a little inexplicably excited in his heart.

She thought that she didn't pay much attention to Ouyang Huang, but her current emotions betrayed her truest emotions.It turned out that she cared more about Ouyang Huang than she imagined!
Suddenly, Feng Range twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled brightly.

"Huang, I'm out!"

Hearing Feng Range's soft voice, Ouyang Huang felt that his exhausted mind, which had been washed away by the busy time during this period, instantly revived.

If it weren't for the gratitude of so many people watching him at this moment, he really wanted to hold Xiao Ge'er tightly in his arms and be tender.

However, it's not suitable right now.Whether it was the large number of people present or the affairs he was facing now, it made him unable to immerse himself in the love of his children.

After looking at each other for a while, Ouyang Huang took Feng Range's other hand and said softly to her.

"Go, little Ge'er! Let's go inside."

As he said that, he took Feng Range inside.Feng Range didn't refuse, and followed him into Ouyang's house.

Because Feng Range lived in Ouyang's house for a while when he came last time, so he is quite familiar with this place.

They walked in front, and Kayina, Wen Chen, and Yi Shaojun followed behind.

And just when they were about to reach Ouyang Huang's study, three people walked up to them.

Feng Range recognized the three people walking towards them, they were Ouyang Huang's grandfather and parents.

When the three of them walked in front of Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, apart from Ouyang Huang's mother Han Qin's face was a bit ugly, Ouyang Huang's grandfather and father had a good attitude.

Especially Ouyang Huang's grandfather, for the sake of whether Feng Range had saved him, looked at Feng Range with a very kind smile.

And his smile, although it makes people look very kind.However, for some reason, Feng Range always felt obedient.

After waiting for a while with wide-eyed and small-eyed eyes, Mr. Ouyang spoke first.

"Miss Feng! It's been a long time. Why didn't you come to our house to play more? Is it because our brat Huang made you unhappy, and you don't want to come?"

Seeing that Ouyang's body has recovered to a good state, he is quite energetic.Especially when the tone of scolding Ouyang Huang was faintly domineering, Feng Range smiled slightly.

She broke free from Ouyang Huang's lead, and took Ran Yu to the front of old Mr. Ouyang, then reached out and grabbed his hand to give him a pulse.

When they saw Feng Range's sudden movement, Ouyang Chi and Han Qin were still a little nervous.When he was about to speak to stop him, he was stopped by a look from Mr. Ouyang.

"Stand aside, don't let Feng girl and the old man get close to me!"

Hearing Mr. Ouyang's protection, especially the defensive tone, Feng Range was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his eyelids, and his pupils were covered with a thin layer of mist.

Such an old man Ouyang, she couldn't help but think of her own old man Feng.

Some time ago, she was busy improving her strength, and there were many things to do, and she didn't want to think about everything on the God Continent anymore.

But now... the old man of the Ouyang family is really a bad old man!

Because Feng Range lowered her eyelids, everyone nearby didn't notice her disappointed expression.

After hanging down for less than ten seconds, Feng Range calmed down her emotions, and then raised her head again.

She looked at Mr. Ouyang, and said lightly, "Mr., I've been a little angry recently. You should calm down. This is for you, take it back to your own place and drink it! It's good for your recovery!"

As she said that, she took out a bottle of water of life and stuffed it into the hands of old man Ouyang, and then took two steps back to Ouyang Huang's side.

Seeing Feng Range's actions, old man Ouyang was also taken aback for a moment, and then he burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... What a good and interesting girl! Brat Huang, you have to treat Feng girl well. If you make Feng girl unhappy, see how I will fight you hard, old man! Hahaha..."

Old man Ouyang, after threatening Ouyang Huang with his beard and stare, laughed a few more times, then turned around and left with Ouyang Chi and Han Qin.

Before they left, Feng Range saw the satisfaction in Ouyang Chi's eyes.However, when Han Qin looked at her, there was a bit of hostility and jealousy.

Seeing the expression in Han Qin's eyes, Feng Range narrowed his eyes, a little puzzled.

She has never been in contact with Han Qin before. Where does this woman have any hostility towards her?Still jealous, what's going on?Feng Range was a little puzzled by this.

However, at present, Han Qin is only Ouyang Huang's mother, and she is not someone who needs special attention at all, so after a while, Feng Range forgets about her.

No one stopped him, so Ouyang Huang continued to bring Feng Range and the others into his study.

After everyone walked in, the doors in Ouyang Huang's study were closed.Then, the entire study room was closed, and it was absolutely impossible for people outside to find out what was going on at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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