Phoenix Dance

Chapter 287 Take away a few more nests

Chapter 287 Take away a few more nests (2)

When the two jumped off the flying sword, they were already standing on the roof of the Yamaguchi Group's largest branch base in Yanhuang Kingdom.

At this time, I was stunned that the Yamaguchi-gumi's detection and patrol capabilities were not weak, but they still didn't notice the appearance of the two of them.

Ouyang Huang stood on the roof with a straight figure and a handsome face.At this time, if he was wearing a robe made of elegant brocade, he would definitely look like a stern young man who was exiled from an immortal.

Just when Feng Range looked at Ouyang Huang in a daze, Ouyang Huang suddenly turned his head to look at her.

He gently parted his sexy thin lips, and said softly, "Little Geer, let's go down and get back some interest!"

Because she was staring at Ouyang Huang in a daze at first, and then was startled by his turning his head, Feng Range didn't even hear what he said, so she nodded her head twice.

As for Ouyang Huang, he couldn't help but laugh when he saw Feng Range's dazed look.In order to bring her back to her senses and focus her attention in the next battle, Ouyang Huang flicked her head twice, not too lightly but not too hard.

After playing, she pursed her lips and smiled lightly, wrapped around Feng Range's waist, jumped lightly, and jumped from the roof to the ground.

The sudden appearance of the two people, after being discovered, immediately sounded the alarm within the scope of the Yamaguchi Group branch base.

Ouyang Huang and Feng Range ignored the sudden sound of the siren.

However, both of them brandished their own weapons, long swords, at the same time.

It has been decided since Feng Range took out the long sword to confront the enemy in the small villa.Before leaving Kayina and the others, she will use the long sword in her hand to kill the Quartet.

Ouyang Huang was the same, after jumping off the flying sword, he held his sword in his hand and didn't put it away.

Standing side by side with Feng Range at this moment, the two have an indescribable fit, and the whole body is full of immortality.

Not long after the alarm sounded, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang were surrounded by no less than 200 Yamaguchi members.

With two people on their own side and 200 people on the other side, with the hostile mode of one against one hundred, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range didn't even frown.

The enemy, a man in a samurai uniform, who could be identified as a man from Dongying at a glance, pushed aside the people in front of him and walked into the crowd.

He looked at Ouyang Huang and Feng Range with a rather arrogant attitude, with his eyes above his head.

In Japanese Mandarin, he asked Ouyang Huang and Feng Range very rudely, "Bastards! Who are you? You broke into this place! You don't know your life!"

Both Ouyang Huang and Feng Range understood what this Dongying warrior said.However, both of them ignored him and decided to take the initiative.

Ouyang Huang and Feng Range looked at each other, and then they separated.

Feng Range played "Missing Steps", but Ouyang Huang's speed was not inferior to her at all.

After the two quickly broke into the crowd of the Yamaguchi-gumi, they used up every sword technique they had learned, one sword at a time.In less than 10 minutes, almost everyone was lying in a pool of blood, except for the Dongying warrior who spoke at the beginning.

Seeing this situation, the remaining Dongying warrior became furious!At the same time, he couldn't stop backing away in horror!

"Bastards! You two devils! We Yakuza won't let you go! You bastards! You bastards!"

Ouyang Huang and Feng Range didn't pay much attention to the dying struggle of this Dongying warrior.

Just when Feng Range was about to make a move, Ouyang Huang stopped her.

"I'm coming!" Then, as soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards the Dongying warrior.

Facing Ouyang Huang's sudden attack, the Dongying warrior just wanted to swing his sword to confront Ouyang Huang, but his movement stopped in mid-air.

Ouyang Huang saw the astonished expression on his face, and there was a trace of cruelty in the corner of his mouth.

Then with one hand, he retracted his long sword.And the Dongying warrior in front of him exploded when Ouyang Huang retreated to Feng Range's side.

For the sudden situation, even Feng Range was a little stunned when she saw it, and she looked at Ouyang Huang in a daze.

Upon receiving her gaze, Ouyang Huang also smiled slightly.

Just said lightly, "Let's go! We have to go to another place!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to embrace Feng Range, jumped onto the flying sword, and then went to the branch base of the Holy See.

The branch base of the Holy See is not far from the branch base of the Yamaguchi-gumi, so the two of them arrived at their destination within only 2 minutes of Yujian.

When the two arrived, they were immediately discovered, and many people surrounded them.

Regarding this situation, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range felt that the defense ability of the Holy See was indeed higher than that of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

Just when the two saw more and more people surrounding them, a gust of hurricane suddenly blew towards Ouyang Huang and Feng Range's backs.Almost, they were fanned off the ground.

Fortunately, Feng Range's keen mental power detected this danger very early and avoided it in time.

After dodging a blow, the two turned their heads and looked behind them.

When he looked at it, he saw a four-winged birdman flapping his wings on his back and stopping in mid-air.Facing Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, he showed an arrogant and arrogant smile.

Seeing a birdman appear here suddenly, Ouyang Huang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Unexpectedly, in order to deal with him and Xiao Ge'er, the Holy See sent four birdmen to Yanhuang Kingdom at once, one-third of the total!
Now they already have a birdman in their hands, if they catch another one now... I don't know if the Pope who is far away in the Vatican will go crazy?
Ouyang Huang, who was always very serious, now thought of it maliciously.

So, he said softly to Feng Range, "Little Geer, he attacked us just now. Tell me, what if we catch him?"

Hearing what Ouyang Huang said suddenly, Feng Range was taken aback for a moment.

Then he said with a slight smile, "Okay! My ghost gate happens to have two gates, and one is missing!"

Hearing Feng Range's evil-hearted echo, the corner of Ouyang Huang's mouth widened into a bright evil smile.

Then, he patted Feng Range on the shoulder and said, "I'll leave it to you, I'll deal with him!"

After finishing speaking, he moved into mid-air, and stood in the air in front of the four-winged angel Elgana.

Feng Range was a little surprised to see Ouyang Huang standing in the air with the strength of the fifth level of Wu Zong!

How did he do that?He is not a spiritual cultivator, but only under Wu Zong's influence, how could he achieve this level?
Just when Feng Range was puzzled, Ouyang Huang had already started fighting with Elgana.

Seeing the battle situation in the sky above, the personnel of the Holy See below were also ready to move.

(End of this chapter)

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