Phoenix Dance

Chapter 291 Breaking into the Pope's Palace

Chapter 291 Breaking into the Pope's Palace (2)

When Ouyang Huang and Feng Range arrived at the Vatican, the palace where the Pope lives, and joined his subordinates in the United States, it was nearly an hour later.

Half of Ouyang Huang's subordinates in the United States are from the United States, and the other half are from the Yanhuang State.

As for the ordinary American people, why would they abandon the American country and choose to become Ouyang Huang's subordinates.Feng Range is very curious, but now is not the time to ask these questions.

After meeting up with Ouyang Huang's people, Ouyang Huang asked them about the situation of the three Kayina in the Holy See.

"They are currently being held in the Pope's Palace of the Holy See! Our people are unable to investigate the specific location. At the same time, the Holy See also released news that the three of us will be burned in the Vatican Square tomorrow morning." ritual. The reason is that they have offended the Lord, and they must be offered to the Lord for forgiveness!"

Feng Range frowned when he heard the Vatican commanders other than Ouyang Huang say such a situation.

She coldly sarcastically said, "Master? What master? A group of ignorant mortal scum, if they are gods, my aunt is a god! Those who want to burn me, it depends on whether my aunt agrees!"

Feng Range has always been calm and introverted, but now, when she heard her swearing.Ouyang Huang knew that the Holy See's actions had angered Xiao Ge'er.

Burning a man, a woman, and a child, especially in this era of society, is a cruel and immoral thing, and it is thanks to the Holy See, which has always called for redemption, to do it!

Ouyang Huang also smiled sarcastically, and then he comforted Feng Range.

"Little Ge'er, don't worry, I'll help you rescue him before that happens. After he's rescued, we'll root out this shitty Holy See! Take it easy, don't Worry too much, okay?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's comfort, Feng Range looked up into his eyes, meeting his eyes.

She saw deep friendship and sincerity in Ouyang Huang's eyes.

Such a heart-warming and gentle man, at this moment, she who was a little lonely in another world slowly warmed her heart.


"They'll be fine, don't worry!"

For Feng Range, who is so sentimental, Ouyang Huang not only comforted her softly, but also held her tightly in his arms and gave her support.

Feng Range leaned against Ouyang Huang's arms, her mood gradually stabilized.

After about ten minutes, she pushed her away from Ouyang Huang's arms with her usual expression.

However, although her face looked the same as usual, the discerning Ouyang Huang could see that there was a trace of coldness flowing in Xiao Ge'er's eyes!
It seems that the Holy See moved Ran Yu at this moment, which really angered Xiao Ge'er!

After Feng Range calmed down, Ouyang Huang decided, or the two of them would break into the Pope's palace alone, make some inquiries and save him before doing anything else.

Because the Holy See is now very tightly guarded, and no one under his command can get in, so only he and Xiao Ge'er have tried it in person.

Thinking like this, Ouyang Huang told Feng Range his thoughts.

As soon as Feng Range heard it, he immediately nodded and agreed, "Okay! Let's go now!"

Seeing Feng Range's eager look, Ouyang Huang knew that she was really worried about Kayina and the others.So he didn't stop her, just followed behind her and walked with her.

The two left their hiding places, and the cautious Pope's palace approached.

However, just a hundred meters away from the Pope's palace, Feng Range suddenly stopped.

"Huang, first let me check where they are inside? Let's break in!"

As he said that, Feng Range controlled his spiritual power and consciousness to cover the Pope's Palace [-] meters ahead.

But when Feng Range's consciousness and spiritual power were about to touch and penetrate the roof of the palace, her consciousness and spiritual power seemed to have touched a barrier and were blocked.

Feng Range was a little surprised by this sudden situation.

Since she arrived here, her consciousness and spiritual power are almost omnipotent to spy on.But now, what kind of protection is there outside the pope's palace that can block her powerful consciousness and spiritual power?
It seems that the Pope of the Holy See still has some strength!
Since the consciousness and spiritual power can't penetrate, then I don't know if they can penetrate that layer of power if they go in person?

If it couldn't penetrate, wouldn't it be impossible to save Kayina and the others?

If it doesn't work...

At this time, Feng Range's heart was burning with raging anger, and his hatred for the Holy See was slowly intensifying.

Ouyang Huang on the side quickly noticed her sudden mood change.

Then he put his hand on her shoulder and said to her, "Little Geer, calm down! When you calm down, we will directly break into the Pope's palace! We will surely rescue them!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden voice, Feng Range's body shook suddenly, and then gradually calmed down.Then, she turned her head, frowned slightly, and looked at Ouyang Huang.

"Huang, that Pope's strength doesn't seem to be weak! I just..."

Feng Range's restlessness and impetuosity just now were actually affected by the power that blocked her consciousness and spiritual power.

If it wasn't for Ouyang Huang being by her side, Feng Range might really fall for the Holy See this time.

Now, even if the investigation fails, the only way left is to break into the Pope's palace and search for it himself, as Ouyang Huang said.

In this case, they didn't plan to wait for anyone to join them, so they just went in together, so they might as well leave now.

So, Feng Range said what he meant.Ouyang Huang didn't object either, so he pulled her closer to the Pope's palace.

But at this time, Feng Range stopped him again.

"Huang, wait!"

Hearing Feng Range suddenly asked him to wait, Ouyang Huang paused, and then looked back at Feng Range.

"What's wrong? Little Geer?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Range took out two pills, swallowed one by himself, and handed the other to Ouyang Huang.

"This is the Invisibility Pill, which lasts for two hours. During these two hours, we must find Kayina and the others!"

Hearing what Feng Range said, Ouyang Huang took the pill and swallowed it without any hesitation.

Then, in less than 30 seconds, the figures of the two gradually disappeared.

After the figure disappeared, others could not see the two of them, but they could see each other.

So, the two quickly rushed to the Pope's palace side by side.

The two of them had delayed too much before saving lives.Now the two of them can say that every second counts...

 Recently, many people have said that my books are expensive, but do you know how much I earn when I subscribe to [-] words a day?One thousand words for five cents, two cents for four thousand words, fifty-five cents for the website, and I earn you a dime a day.It only costs three yuan a month, is it expensive?Some people think that I shouldn't put it on the shelves and ask you to pay to watch it.I want to say, would you work for nothing for the boss?I write to earn money, of course I did it for full attendance at first, and then I got a subscription, and I am very happy!I just want to earn some money to buy fruit and diapers for my son. I take my baby to change naked every day, all day long, and I am really tired!Then I saw some friends' complaints, and I was really tired!However, I am still very grateful to my friends who have always supported me, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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