Phoenix Dance

Chapter 298 Joining forces to take down the Holy See

Chapter 298 Joining forces to take down the Holy See (2)

But when Sarkis and Sarano's eyes were full of fighting spirit, Ouyang Huang spoke lightly.

"Sarano, don't beat me to death, I want to live!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's calm and indifferent voice, except for Feng Range and Yi Shaojun, the expressions of the rest of the people changed.

Especially the trio of birdmen, they grinned at Ouyang Huang as if they had been greatly insulted.

"Stinky boy, don't go too far!"

"Stinky boy, watch me tear you apart!"

Sarkis and Saranno were still looking at each other, but Betula and Hedeli got angry at Ouyang Huang.

However, Ouyang Huang was not even interested in taking a look at their anger.

He looked at Saranno and Sarkis indifferently, waiting for Saranno's response.

After Ouyang Huang waited quietly for about a minute, Saranuo nodded slightly.


He agreed, and immediately he shot at Sakis without even saying hello.

Faced with Saranno's sudden shot, Sarkis, who was almost injured, narrowly avoided him.

Sarkis is used to Saranno's shameless and unreasonable behavior, so he is not angry at all.

However, in the subsequent battle, he used all his means to attack every vital point of Saranno's body.

And when they were fighting for twenty or thirty rounds, Betula and Hedeli, who stood aside and watched for a while, continued to attack.

Betula's chosen opponent was Ouyang Huang, and Hedeli's chosen opponent was Feng Range, who was also a woman.

The battle over there was in full swing, and over here, it also started immediately.

There is only one Yi Shaojun left, and no one is his opponent.So, he stood aside and looked at the three friends in the battle with relish.

When seeing Saranuo and Ouyang Huang reaching out their hands, Yi Shaojun showed no surprise at all.

And when he saw the battle between Fengrange and Hedeli, Yi Shaojun's eyes widened!I was so surprised that my eyeballs almost fell off!

"It's so tough!"

When Feng Range fought against Hedeli, he used a long sword at first.But later, in order to practice the "Vajra Body", she put away her long sword and faced Hedeli's legs and feet.

And Yi Shaojun was stunned by the kung fu in his hands and feet.

Angels are like cultivators of the light attribute, but now whether it is Sachs, Betula, or Hedeli, they are all forced by Saranuo, Ouyang Huang, and Fengrange to not use light energy balls and other Bright martial arts.

Since I can't use what I am best at, in terms of physique, although I don't know what the physique of the blood race is, it is obvious that Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, who have practiced physical skills, have a lot of strength in this close-to-body combat. Less head start and cheaper.

Because Feng Range had taught Ran Yu and Ouyang Huang "Nine-Jet Fist" earlier, she used this set of boxing skills flexibly and vigorously during close combat.

And seeing that although Feng Range's strength was not as fierce and resolute as a man's, with the help of her "Vajra Body", Hedali was easily beaten to pieces.

Seeing Hedali fell to the ground by Feng Range in less than a hundred rounds and couldn't get up.

Sakis and Betula looked at Feng Range very unkindly!

However, Feng Range didn't care about it at all.In front of everyone, she took out a life cultivation ring and put Hedeli in it.

After that, she glanced at Ouyang Huang and Sa Lannuo, and then returned to Yi Shaojun's side...

(End of this chapter)

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