Phoenix Dance

Chapter 314 Fighting the Eight-Different Orochi

Chapter 314 Fighting Yamata no Orochi (7)

Mo Xuan opened his mouth happily, but made Feng Range slightly stunned.However, after reacting, Feng Range nodded.

"Okay, then wait a moment!"

With that said, Feng Range took out another glove from the space bracelet, and at the same time took out two bottles of Shenrenzui refined before and handed them to Mo Xuan.

She said to Mo Xuan, "This pair of gloves is a high-level spiritual weapon, you wear it as a spare. There are also these two bottles of god-man drunk, whoever inhales this god-man drunk, no matter he is a mortal or a cultivator , or divine beasts, will instantly enter the mirage state. You also have spares for these two bottles!"

After taking out these two things, Feng Range gave Mo Xuan a few bottles of Yuanling Pill and Shengji Pill for preparation.

Now that Ouyang Huang is injured, Feng Range has sent him and Yi Shaojun into the space bracelet.

The next task to deal with the Yamaguchi-gumi and Yamato no Orochi fell on her and Mo Xuan.

Although it is difficult to win this battle, Feng Range has the heart of a strong man, but he is unwilling to do nothing, so he takes Ouyang Huang and the others back to Yanhuang Kingdom!

No matter whether Ouyang Huang and Yi Shaojun can fight at this moment, he and Mo Xuan will always try to fight.

She believes that with her means, let alone in the Yamaguchi-gumi, even in front of Yamato no Orochi, there should still be room for self-protection.

Not to mention, she also wanted to overthrow the Yamaguchi-gumi and clean up Yamaguchi no Orochi!

Although the Yamaguchi-gumi didn't do it intentionally, it really hurt Ouyang Huang.The person who hurt her, no matter what, she has to make him pay for it!
Thinking this way, after making some preparations, Feng Range asked Mo Xuan to lead him the way.

It is night now, although there are many people coming and going in and out of the hotel.But after leaving the hotel, there were a lot fewer people outside.

Because there was no one, Feng Range and Mo Xuan used their abilities as practitioners and quickly plundered towards Mount Fuji.

And when he reached the foot of the mountain, Mo Xuan said, "Next, we will go to the top of the mountain with the sword!"

Hearing what Mo Xuan said, Feng Range understood!It turns out that the entrance to the Yamaguchi-gumi is on the top of the mountain!

Then, she nodded slightly towards Mo Xuan, one with the sword and the other with Ye Zhou, and flew towards the top of the mountain.

In just one or two minutes, the two of them flew into the sky above the top of the mountain.

They didn't go down hastily. After all, when Ouyang Huang was investigating, he said that he was seriously injured at the entrance.

Judging from the wounds on Ouyang Huang's body, there should be something other than hidden weapons underneath.

Otherwise, with only a few organs and hidden weapons, how could Ouyang Huang be hurt so badly?
Feng Range guessed this in her heart, so she tried to exude her spiritual power and consciousness, wanting to go deep into this entrance to find out.

However, at this moment, when her consciousness and spiritual power were about to enter the entrance, she was blocked by a powerful barrier.

This is... Feng Range's expression suddenly changed!At the same time, she also quickly put away her divine sense and spiritual power.

Seeing Feng Range's face suddenly changed, Mo Xuan, who was standing beside Feng Range, also kept looking down.

Before the two of them could react, a powerful coercion rushed towards them head-on.

This coercion came fiercely and quickly, Feng Range and Mo Xuan couldn't dodge for a while, and were hit firmly in the middle.

The two spurted out mouthfuls of blood one after another, and fell down from mid-air with serious injuries.

Just when the two were about to fall to the ground, Feng Range suddenly turned around and came to Mo Xuan's side.

Reaching out to grab his shoulder, a thought sent him into the space bracelet.

And after sending Mo Xuan away, she directly entered the Shihuang space the moment she landed.

However, before going in, she left a touch of consciousness outside...

(End of this chapter)

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