Phoenix Dance

Chapter 320 Fighting the Eight-Different Orochi

Chapter 320 Fighting Yamata no Orochi (13)

After seeing Ouyang Huang's behavior, Mo Xuan and Yi Shaojun immediately chased after him.

Seeing that they were also in the air, Yamato no Orochi glanced at them contemptuously, and then continued to talk to Feng Range.

"Have you been here before?"

Hearing Yamato no Orochi's question, Feng Range was a little uncertain about what he meant.So, I kept my mouth shut.

After Yamato no Orochi finished asking, he waited for a while.However, this time, after waiting for a full 5 minutes, Feng Range still didn't speak.Annoyed, he squeezed Feng Range's neck tightly.

"Cough, cough, cough..." With a sudden strain on her neck, Feng Range coughed immediately.

Although Ouyang Huang couldn't see Feng Range, when he heard her dry cough, he became nervous and worried.

"Yachita no Orochi, stop! I want a hostage to catch me! Don't touch Xiao Geer! If you hurt her any more, I will drag you with me even if I blow myself up!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden threat, Yamato no Orochi still seemed not to be threatened.

He looked up at Ouyang Huang contemptuously, then lightly raised his hand, flicked his fingertips, something popped out, and shot through one of Ouyang Huang's shoulders.


"Huang... um... Huang..."

Being attacked by Yamato no Orochi, Ouyang Huang immediately fell backwards.It almost fell from mid-air, but luckily Mo Xuan and Yi Shaojun caught it immediately with their sharp eyes and hands.

And Feng Range was in the hands of Yamato no Orochi, and after seeing Ouyang Huang being injured by Yamato no Orochi, he endured the discomfort in his neck and called Ouyang Huang worriedly.

Seeing this scene, Yamato no Orochi, who was pinching Feng Range's neck, said coldly.

"You seem to care about that man! Do you want to answer my question obediently? Maybe, if I am happy, I will let you all go, but if I am not happy, I may kill three of them!"

I understand, Yamato no Orochi made such a sudden threat, Feng Range immediately became nervous and worried.

From Yamato no Orochi's attack on Ouyang Huang just now, Feng Range could see that he didn't know a merciful master.

Now he hurt Ouyang Huang, but it was not fatal.But wait a while, maybe he will really kill Ouyang Huang and the three of them.

So, Feng Range bit her lip reluctantly, and answered Yamato no Orochi's previous question.

"Yes! I have indeed been here before!"

Understood! Although Feng Range was very reluctant, he still answered his question, and Yamato nods his head in satisfaction.

Then, he continued to ask, "Are you not from this world? Oh, it should be said that your soul is not from this world, right? Isn't it?"

Feng Range was shocked when he heard that the question Yachi no Orochi asked was the mystery of her identity!
Yamato no Orochi is just a mythical beast, how did he see this?

However, doubts are doubts, in order to ensure the safety of Ouyang Huang and the three of them, Feng Range answered obediently.

"Yes! I come from the highest plane, the Continent of Gods!"

After hearing Feng Range suddenly tell his background, apart from Ouyang Huang, Mo Xuan, Yi Shaojun, and Yamato no Orochi were all stunned!

"Are you also from the God Continent?"

Yamato no Orochi then questioned in shock, but taking advantage of his momentary slack, Fengrange's Kamitozui answered him.

Feng Range secretly took out a bottle of Kamijinzui from the space bracelet, taking advantage of Yagi no Orochi's momentary loss of consciousness because of her answer.

He uncorked the bottle, sprinkled it with his backhand, and sprinkled all of it directly on the facade of Yamato no Orochi.

As it should be, Yamato no Orochi sucked some into the body more or less.Then, the straight body fell backwards, and the hand holding Feng Range was released.

Seeing that he was about to fall, Feng Range reached out and pulled him, and sent him into Shihuang space with a thought.

Because Yamato no Orochi is a divine beast, and Fengrange intends to contract him.So, after sending him in, she didn't feel anything...

(End of this chapter)

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