Phoenix Dance

Chapter 322 The Yamaguchi Group’s Destruction

Chapter 322 The Yamaguchi Group’s Destruction (2)

While Mo Xuan and Yi Shaojun were fighting with dust and heat, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang still didn't meet a single enemy.

So, when there was no other way, Feng Range tried to use his spiritual consciousness to search for them.

Before, it was impossible to use divine consciousness here because of the existence of Yamato no Orochi.And now, Yamato no Orochi has been accepted by Feng Range, so there shouldn't be any problems anymore!
Sure enough, when there was no Yamato no Orochi, Feng Range's consciousness spread out, and he quickly found the target.

However, after discovering the target, Feng Range frowned slightly.

Seeing Feng Range's expression suddenly changed, Ouyang Huang asked suspiciously, "What's wrong? What did you find?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question, Feng Range turned to look at him, and then told him what he had discovered.

"The people here are all in another way now, and Mo Xuan and Ah Jun have already fought with them!"

Hearing what Feng Range said, Ouyang Huang was stunned.Then the corner of his mouth hooked slightly, showing a wicked smile.

He suddenly reached out and grabbed Feng Range's waist, and said wickedly, "Then let's rest here for a while! Leave the matter over there to Mo Xuan and Ah Jun!"

Hearing Ouyang's sudden opening, and seeing his different bad expression, Feng Range rolled his eyes.

However, she did not object to Ouyang Huang's opinion.So, the two found a small room that was fairly clean and tidy and walked in.

After walking in, Ouyang Huang originally wanted to make a move on Feng Range, but Feng Range gave him a glance and waited him back.

She said, "I don't know how Xiaoyu is doing now? After I fed her the water of life, I never checked her condition."

Having said that, Feng Range didn't care whether Ouyang Huang would be unhappy or not, so he directly used his thoughts to release Ran Yu, Ka Yina and Gao Ying from the space bracelet.

She wanted Kayina and Gao Ying to go outside to get some air, and Ran Yu, she wanted to check on her condition.

Ran Yu had woken up long ago, and the trauma was almost healed.

When she was in the space bracelet, Kayina and Gao Ying were always taking care of her.At this moment, after being released suddenly, the three of them were all stunned.

Then, after seeing Feng Range and Ouyang Huang standing aside, they put away their dazed expressions.

"Miss Feng!"

"Sister Range!"


The three of them were very excited when they saw Feng Range, especially Ran Yu, who rushed to Feng Range's side and hugged her waist.

Seeing that the three of them looked fine when they came out of the space bracelet, Feng Range pursed his lips and smiled.

She stretched out her arms to embrace Ran Yu, and said softly, "Xiao Yu, can Master check it out for you?"

When Ran Yu heard Feng Range's words, he immediately stretched out a hand obediently, and stretched it out in front of Feng Range.

When Feng Range saw her hand stretched out towards him, she pursed her lips and smiled.Then he reached out and felt her pulse.

As soon as he took a pulse, Feng Range showed a surprised expression.She found that Ran Yu's current condition was not only particularly good, but also his strength seemed to be a little better than before.

After realizing this, Feng Range felt that Ran Yu was a blessing in disguise.

However, regardless of what happened before and the current situation, which is a disaster and which is a blessing, Feng Range doesn't want such things to happen to her own people.

After all, Ran Yu is her apprentice, she has plenty of ways to improve her strength, and there is absolutely no need to use this method to improve.

After confirming that everything was fine with Ran Yu, the smile on Feng Range's face became even stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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