Phoenix Dance

Chapter 35 Dean, Scumbag

Chapter 35 Dean, Scumbag (2)

"Dean." Feng Range walked in, and saw another person besides the dean.It's him!The dean's nephew, Pan Shaoqun!
"Feng Range?" Pan Shaoqun and her were already old acquaintances. Seeing Feng Range's sudden appearance, Pan Shaoqun was puzzled for a moment.However, he laughed afterwards, he knew exactly why Feng Range came this time.

"Uncle, Feng Range is here, why don't you just do what I say?" Pan Shaoqun said to the dean with a smile that he thought was charming.

In fact, he wanted to show off in front of Feng Range, but Feng Range didn't seem to pay attention to him at all, and didn't even glance at him.

"Shaoqun, this matter has been announced, and even uncle can't change it at will, you know that!" The dean is a little displeased with this nephew who finds work for him from time to time, but he still thinks that he is his only one. The younger sister's son indulged him again and again, doing things according to his wishes.

It's just that this time it's a little ridiculous.If he really did that, it wouldn't affect his reputation!Therefore, he firmly disagrees with this matter!
"Uncle! Just help me!" Seeing that the dean was still stubbornly refusing to agree to his request, Pan Shaoqun immediately had a sad look on his face.

The two of you talked to each other, Feng Range who was standing by the side didn't say a word, watching their uncle and nephew coming and going.

"This matter... If it can be offset, maybe it is not impossible..." Seeing his nephew's sad face and being so stubborn, the dean had no choice but to let go.

"Really? Uncle, tell me, what are you going to do?" Seeing that the dean finally changed his mind, Pan Shaoqun was so excited that he could only cheer.

Feng Range watched the behavior of the two, narrowed his eyes, and his thoughts kept running in his mind.

"Well! This thing is like this...Feng Range, please take a look at this." The dean took out a document from the drawer and handed it to Feng Range and Pan Shaoqun, and then said, "One month later, the school Five people will be selected to go to Dongying Country to participate in the medical exchange meeting. There will be some related medical competitions at that time. I heard that the prizes will be very rich. Fengrange, if you can participate in the competition and get No.1, you will be absent from class this time. Punishment, I may be able to cancel it for you. Do you want to consider it?"

The dean looked at Feng Range, and at the same time, Pan Shaoqun also looked at her expectantly.

Pan Shaoqun heard about this exchange meeting three days ago.

Participating in this kind of international exchange meeting can add three to five credits when they come back, which will be very helpful for their future graduation and even employment after graduation.His uncle is the dean of the medical school, so of course his family is the first consideration for such beneficial things, and Pan Shaoqun has become one of the default personnel.

As for Feng Range, some time ago Pan Shaoqun always harassed her, wanting her to be his girlfriend, but was repeatedly rejected by Feng Range.

Pan Shaoqun has always thought that he is a veteran in love and will never fail, but he repeatedly hit a wall with Feng Range.This time, it was also to please Feng Range, so that she could become his girlfriend for the sake of helping her revoke the punishment.

However, Feng Range has seen through these things now, but will she let Pan Shaoqun succeed so easily?

Obviously, it is impossible!

Pan Shaoqun was ambiguous with many girls, as long as they were pretty, they became his girlfriends, just like Xu Wenna.

Xu Wenna is the school belle of the college, and Pan Shaoqun's girlfriend told by Guangwai.Xu Wenna's existence is like the eldest wife of a family on the mainland of Jishen, while other secret girlfriends are all concubines.

(End of this chapter)

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