Phoenix Dance

Chapter 350 Prisoner, Ghost Disciple

Chapter 350 Prisoner, Ghost Disciple

Just when she was about to go to the kitchen, Feng Range saw Ye Yu coming out of it.

Walking to the door, when she looked up and saw Feng Range, she stopped in her tracks.

He said, "Master, are you back? I'm planning to go out to find you for dinner!"

Hearing Ye Yu's words, Feng Range nodded to her.Then, walked towards her.

Just when Feng Range walked in front of her, Ye Yu turned around and walked towards the restaurant with Feng Range.

The restaurant that Ye Yu took Feng Range to was next to the kitchen.

The kitchen and dining room are separate small houses, the kitchen is on the ground floor, and the dining room has three floors.

However, due to the lack of people, everyone who eats is gathered in the restaurant on the ground floor.

When Ye Yu arrived at the restaurant with Feng Range, many people were already sitting at the dining table.A meal was placed in front of each of them, but none of them moved.

Seeing Feng Range's appearance, everyone shouted in unison, "Master!"

Hearing their cries, Feng Range's gaze turned to Ye Xing and them.For those people who will obediently call her the door master, this is probably what Ye Xing ordered!

After all, here, the people who have been in charge of them are night walkers.They are more obedient to Ye Xing's words.

For this situation, Feng Range knew it well.Then, he looked away from Ye Xing and the others, and looked at those people.

She said softly to those people, "You people were originally captives of me and Huang! Now, for the sake of helping Ye Xing and them build the gate of hell together, I will give you a serious A chance to be free. Let me ask you, do you want to join my ghost gate? If you join, I will let Ye Xing teach you how to practice. At the same time, I will also give you pills to improve your physique. When the time comes, your practice The speed will be much faster than the ordinary disciples of the hidden sect!"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden words, not to mention those 'captives' who were caught up here as coolies who were against Feng Range and Ouyang Huang before, were stunned.Even Night Breeze and the others were stunned after hearing her sudden words.

However, after a while, Ye Xing got up and walked to Feng Range's side, ready to persuade her.

"Sect Master, is this okay for you? They are... and you, and the BOSS were enemies before..."

Hearing Ye Xing's opening, Feng Range glanced at him, then didn't answer, and continued to wait for those people's answers.

And this time, after waiting for a full 10 minutes, a person finally had the courage to speak.

"That... sect master... I... I am willing to join..."

Hearing his voice, after a while, several people agreed.

"I would like to join!"

"I would also like to join!"



"And I!"


More and more people agreed, and after a while, almost all of them agreed to join the ghost gate and become disciples of the ghost gate.

Seeing this scene, Feng Range slightly hooked the corners of her lips, and then revealed a faint smile.

For the current situation, Feng Range had already expected it.

After all, when she first arrived here and saw these people getting along well with Ye Xing and the others, she had already expected the current situation.

At the same time, she is very clear about the reason why these people are willing to join the ghost gate. They feel the strong aura here, let them feel the changes in themselves!
certainly!There is another very important reason, that is, they are very strong when they see Night Walk!
And they also aspire to become as strong as Yexing them!

With this kind of desire, when Fengrange offered an olive branch, smart people would naturally choose to accept her opinion.

Otherwise, those who still disobey her will definitely end up in a bad mood.

For this point, Feng Range and Ye Xing are well aware of it.And those who have offended Feng Range in the past know it well.

For this reason, now they all choose to be a smart person, and at the same time make the next right decision.

After they all agreed, Feng Range was silent for a moment.

Then she said softly, "Then everyone, let's start eating! After the meal, the night walk, you guys will train them well according to your previous training methods. You will divide into groups and wait halfway through the meal." After a month, I will conduct an assessment on them, and for the winning group, I will reward all your team members and team leader with a marrow washing pill and a spirit pill!"

Hearing that Fengrange made another arrangement request and the reward she proposed.Those new ghost disciples have not yet entered the threshold of the cultivation world, and they are still a little ignorant of what she said.

However, for the Yexing people who could understand Fengran's songs, they all showed excited expressions.

Seeing their expressions like this, those new ghost disciples, although ignorant, knew that what Feng Range sold must be good things.

So, one by one also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Seeing that all the people showed different expressions because of her words, Feng Range pursed her lips.

Then I didn't say anything more, I found an empty seat and sat down.

And just after she sat down for a while, Ye Yu, the only woman among them, was keenly aware of her situation.

He immediately got out of the excited state of several people, then went to fetch a breakfast for Feng Range, and put it in front of her.

Seeing Ye Yu's sudden behavior, Feng Range couldn't help frowning.Seeing Ye Yu who prepared everything for her like this, she seemed to see the epitome of someone in her.

In the past, there was a girl who was smaller than Ye Yu in the Continent of God, and he thought she was the most important.While she was refining alchemy, she took care of all her life.

Every time he stood in front of her serving tea and handing things, it was the same as Ye Yu just now.

Feng Range's complexion changed a little after he suddenly wanted to do things on the Jishen Continent.Then, the whole person suddenly fell silent.

Seeing Feng Range like this, Ye Yu didn't know what happened to her.

He called her, "Master? Master?"

Hearing Ye Yu's shout, Feng Range raised his eyes and glanced at her.

Then he stood up abruptly, then flashed his figure, and quickly left the restaurant.

Ye Xing and the others were stunned when they saw this!

They don't know what's going on at this time?I don't even know, what's wrong with Fengrange?

After leaving the restaurant, Feng Range came to the top floor of the building where she had lined up before.

When this building was established, Feng Range named it the Cultivation Tower.After that, she decided to call it the cultivation tower.

At the top level of cultivation, Feng Range entered the alchemy room, and then entered the Shihuang space.

For such a long time, she didn't think much about things in Jishen Continent, especially about Feng's family.

At this moment, Ye Yu suddenly thought of Zao'er, and Feng Range thought of her grandfather, Patriarch Feng.Because of this, my emotions are a little out of control...

(End of this chapter)

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